My view is that we should deport all illegal aliens (or as many as we can), build a border fence, punish employers of illegals, and put the national guard on the border. Of course in the deportation process we should take care not to break up families and perhaps certain arrangements could be worked out, but overall the vast, vast majority of illegals would be required to return to their homeland.
Next we would make english the official language of the US. That much is long overdue. We would also put a temporary (around 5-10 years) reduction on legal immigration. Why? Because so many immigrants have yet to assimilate. A “multicultural society” is going to be the end of this nation. We are supposed to be a melting pot, taking people of all backgrounds and creating a new people, the Americans. Though I am of Irish/Italian heritage, I do not label myself as such. I consider myself American, plain and simple. Right now we have ethnic enclaves where immigrants are not willing to become part of our country, and we also have certain natives who are not willing to accept them as American ever. Both of these kinds of people must change.
We need to stop having “African American”, “Mexican American”, “Chinese American”, “Russian American”, “French American”, etc. Just American, plain and simple. A “multicultural society” is a house divided, and it will eventually collapse.
If you live in this country, be an American. If you want to be a foreigner, then go back to Europe, Asia, Africa, Arabia, Latin America, or wherever you come from.
Does the Church have a stance on multiculturalism?
Next we would make english the official language of the US. That much is long overdue. We would also put a temporary (around 5-10 years) reduction on legal immigration. Why? Because so many immigrants have yet to assimilate. A “multicultural society” is going to be the end of this nation. We are supposed to be a melting pot, taking people of all backgrounds and creating a new people, the Americans. Though I am of Irish/Italian heritage, I do not label myself as such. I consider myself American, plain and simple. Right now we have ethnic enclaves where immigrants are not willing to become part of our country, and we also have certain natives who are not willing to accept them as American ever. Both of these kinds of people must change.
We need to stop having “African American”, “Mexican American”, “Chinese American”, “Russian American”, “French American”, etc. Just American, plain and simple. A “multicultural society” is a house divided, and it will eventually collapse.
If you live in this country, be an American. If you want to be a foreigner, then go back to Europe, Asia, Africa, Arabia, Latin America, or wherever you come from.
Does the Church have a stance on multiculturalism?