The Border, Immigration, Multiculturalism, and Assimilation

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My view is that we should deport all illegal aliens (or as many as we can), build a border fence, punish employers of illegals, and put the national guard on the border. Of course in the deportation process we should take care not to break up families and perhaps certain arrangements could be worked out, but overall the vast, vast majority of illegals would be required to return to their homeland.

Next we would make english the official language of the US. That much is long overdue. We would also put a temporary (around 5-10 years) reduction on legal immigration. Why? Because so many immigrants have yet to assimilate. A “multicultural society” is going to be the end of this nation. We are supposed to be a melting pot, taking people of all backgrounds and creating a new people, the Americans. Though I am of Irish/Italian heritage, I do not label myself as such. I consider myself American, plain and simple. Right now we have ethnic enclaves where immigrants are not willing to become part of our country, and we also have certain natives who are not willing to accept them as American ever. Both of these kinds of people must change.

We need to stop having “African American”, “Mexican American”, “Chinese American”, “Russian American”, “French American”, etc. Just American, plain and simple. A “multicultural society” is a house divided, and it will eventually collapse.

If you live in this country, be an American. If you want to be a foreigner, then go back to Europe, Asia, Africa, Arabia, Latin America, or wherever you come from.

Does the Church have a stance on multiculturalism?
Er… I have bad news for you. Unless you are a descendant of one of the indigenous peoples of North America, then you are not an American. You are, by your own reporting, Irish/Italnian. Just the fact that you were born here doesn’t magically change your ethnicity. You are still Irish/Italian. So I hope that you plan to build that fence with you on the outside, because you don’t have any more right to be here than any other immigrant.


The Proud Anglo-Celt living in America
Er… I have bad news for you. Unless you are a descendant of one of the indigenous peoples of North America, then you are not an American. You are, by your own reporting, Irish/Italnian. Just the fact that you were born here doesn’t magically change your ethnicity. You are still Irish/Italian. So I hope that you plan to build that fence with you on the outside, because you don’t have any more right to be here than any other immigrant.


The Proud Anglo-Celt living in America
Nice try.

I am a citizen of the nation known as the USA, founded in 1776, therefore I am an American and agree to be a part of its unique culture.
Nice try.

I am a citizen of the nation known as the USA, founded in 1776, therefore I am an American and agree to be a part of its unique culture.
The American culture is made up of hundreds of other cultures. It is a melting pot which varies from area to area based on different immigrant communities coming over.

Most immigrants who come here without a visa do so out of last resort. Look into international trade policies (e.g. NAFTA, CAFTA) and see the agriculture dumping (as one example) which drives substistance farmers off their land and elsewhere for a pittance to send back to their families.
Crusader, you have nailed it! But we may not have to deport that many illegals. Recent laws in Okla. and Ariz. have proved that when you dry up the jobs via the employers, the illegals will skedadle.
As for the question about whether the children of legal immigrants are natives or not, we cetainly are. Just as much as the American Indians. Remember, they migrated here from somewhere else. They’re no better than I am, and I get tired of hearing that they are. They’re no worse than me, either.
I don’t know… my ancestors have been in the Southwestern US for nearly 400 years and where I live, multiculturalism, diversity and Catholicism have thrived.

I happen to think it has made my community a much better place and I think is just a good example of what is to come nationally.

I just don’t think deporting everyone, building a border fence is going to solve the problem of illegal immigration. Not all illegals are coming in from Mexico. I live in a border state and most people here are opposed to a border fence, and forcing everyone to assimilate is also not the solution. Yes, we have problems facing us as a nation but I think it’s wrong to blame everyone who is different for those problems.
I am a citizen of the nation known as the USA, founded in 1776, therefore I am an American and agree to be a part of its unique culture.
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. :rolleyes:
My view is that we should deport all illegal aliens (or as many as we can)
You want to deport 12,000,000 people?

I just don’t see how that’s realistic, even if it was desiriable, it seems outlandish
build a border fence
Most come legally, and overstay
punish employers of illegals
Well, that is something that has to be worked out
and put the national guard on the border.
Why? I don’t have a problem with this, I just don’t understand the rational
Of course in the deportation process we should take care not to break up families and perhaps certain arrangements could be worked out, but overall the vast, vast majority of illegals would be required to return to their homeland.
I’m glad to hear some sense of compassion that is so often missing:)
Next we would make english the official language of the US.
They tried something like that in the early 20th century late 19th, that was in response to anti German sentiments, it was even illegal to TEACH children a foreing language before a certian age in some places

We are not an English nation, why should English be our official language?
That much is long overdue. We would also put a temporary (around 5-10 years) reduction on legal immigration. Why? Because so many immigrants have yet to assimilate. A “multicultural society” is going to be the end of this nation. We are supposed to be a melting pot, taking people of all backgrounds and creating a new people, the Americans.
That’s just not true, It’s nice sounding propaganda to feed kids but if you take an indepth look at immigration in the US you see we have never been a melting pot.
Though I am of Irish/Italian heritage, I do not label myself as such. I consider myself American, plain and simple.
Well, as has been pointed out, you can consider yourself what you want, you still are not ethnically an American.

Think of it like this, a Czechslovacian born in the Hapsburg Empire was still, ethnically, a Czech.

Same for Serbs, Bosnians, Croatians etc in Yougoslavia(Fmr)
Right now we have ethnic enclaves where immigrants are not willing to become part of our country, and we also have certain natives who are not willing to accept them as American ever. Both of these kinds of people must change.
Well look, not so long ago half of the nations Newspapers were written in German, many schools taught in German, children never learned English untill they went to school etc.

eventually they will assimilate and we will change, that’s just how it goes, it will never happen in 5-10 years, it won’t happen in 50 years, and it will never be complete, but the culture will be more homogenized
We need to stop having “African American”, “Mexican American”, “Chinese American”, “Russian American”, “French American”, etc. Just American, plain and simple. A “multicultural society” is a house divided, and it will eventually collapse.
Just not true, we have been divided all our history.
If you live in this country, be an American. If you want to be a foreigner, then go back to Europe, Asia, Africa, Arabia, Latin America, or wherever you come from.
What is an American?
before adopting OP’s recommendations, we first need to study US history, particularly immigration history, of which OP displays a complete lack.

immigration laws did not exist until the early 20th c. when they were enacted to keep out undesireables, defined as Bolsheviks and anarchists, but also anyone of unacceptable ethnicity, usually at that time Eastern European or Mediterranean, or religion, at that time usually Jews and Catholics.

that is the proud history we embrace when we babble about “immigration laws”.

OP also displays lack of knowledge of what the border fence proposal really consists of. it is about 70-100 miles of fencing around certain border entrance points which already exist, most of it here in SoTex, and a few points in NM, CA and AZ. the Feds have just informed our local governments that regardless of the fact that the fence will destroy the livelihood of ranchers and other business along the proposed corridor, they will take the land by force if it is not handed over willingly.
Crusader, you have nailed it! But we may not have to deport that many illegals. Recent laws in Okla. and Ariz. have proved that when you dry up the jobs via the employers, the illegals will skedadle.
As for the question about whether the children of legal immigrants are natives or not, we cetainly are. Just as much as the American Indians. Remember, they migrated here from somewhere else. They’re no better than I am, and I get tired of hearing that they are. They’re no worse than me, either.
Yes that’s most assuredly it! Everyone leaves the bloody continent and gives it back to its rightful owners, the buffalo.

I think the National Guard, Coast Guard, and Border Patrol, should all be merged and have purely domestic duties. Why? Cause it’s in the name. Except for the Coast guard, they could be guarding any coast, I suppose, but we can’t leave our waters unprotected!

Now, fences might just keep you lot in rather than them out. I hope I live to see the day.:rolleyes:

Why, praythee, do we treat our neighbors like garbage, yet the Chinese get to poison us and we hardly care? They ought be our sworne enemies, but our greed blinds us to their malice! Whereas, those who BURN ALIVE them that wish us harm, are not even allowed to slave away at our feet!

But it has been this way for centuries. Ever since the Spanish Armada, the western world has hated them, reviled them.

Oh yeah, nice to see the Christian love on the Catholic forums.

And I don’t care what laws or state or guns they bring to my door, I will ever give sanctuary to those that ask it!
There is no way top deport 12 million illegal aliens. The solution is to enforce the laws already on the book re: hiring practices. I also favor a Social Security card with a photo making it a valid form of ID to assist with hiring only those legally eligible to work.

Arizona and Oklahoma have enacted stiff laws against hiring illegals, and illegal aliens are now going moving out of these states to Texas who doesn’t really enforce it’s laws.

When illegals can’t get work they will leave of their own accord.

Some will oppose this but some provisions need to be made for people who have been here for 15 or 20 years.
We are not an English nation, why should English be our official language?
Yes, we are, both historically and in all legal matters. Constitution? Written in English. All bills in Congress? Written in English. Court documents? Written in English. Is there one Congressman, state or federal, that does not speak English? Did you notice what language we are posting in?

To say we are not an English nation is blind ignorance.
before adopting OP’s recommendations, we first need to study US history, particularly immigration history, of which OP displays a complete lack.

immigration laws did not exist until the early 20th c. when they were enacted to keep out undesireables, defined as Bolsheviks and anarchists, but also anyone of unacceptable ethnicity, usually at that time Eastern European or Mediterranean, or religion, at that time usually Jews and Catholics.

that is the proud history we embrace when we babble about “immigration laws”.
Exactly right. This is the same time period late 19th-early 20th century) when groups were trying to get blacks to “go back to Africa” although the descendents of former slaves had no recent ties to the people or countries for repatriation. The Chinese who were invited to come work the railroads were invited to get out once those major projects were finished. Catholics of all ethnicities were being hunted down by the KKK and such groups right through the 1920s.

The US has never truly been a “melting pot” for everyone. It is more like a tossed salad most of the time. If someone is from the “acceptable” European background for the time period and they don’t get singled out for some other reason such as religion or ethnicity, then they can be “assimilated” into our society. If someone sticks out at the wrong time, black, Chinese, Irish, Catholic, Muslim or whatever, then they are more like that bright red tomato resting within the bed of lettuce. They might be able to contribute greatly to the whole and coexist, but they don’t exactly blend in seamlessly.

All of that being said, I do believe that the US can do many reasonable things to enforce the laws already on the books regarding immigration and employment without becoming ridiculous and racist about it. We can also do better with our quotas for various countries and categories of people.

I don’t consider another massive amnesty like the last one reasonable, but massive deportation won’t work either. Oklahoma has shown that drying up the jobs and enforcing the other laws already in place does provide the incentive for someone to take their money and entire family and leave. If that means moving to another country or another state, then that is what people will do.

Deportation would not be necessary for the vast majority of people here illegally if the money was cut off in every state. We could then concentrate our resources on getting the gang members and other violent criminals who will not leave. We could also get more applications processed for legal immigration with the resources that are freed up.

It is not fair to the 1000s of people who are trying to get status the proper way to jump 12 million people who cheated the system ahead of them. IMO, everyone who came here illegally or who overstayed their visa should have to get in line behind the people who are still waiting to be processed. It cost one of my friends 10 years and about $10,000 for fees, medical exams, background checks and more to finally get here from Guatemala after she returned home (from here) after college. It burns her up to see people just ignoring the laws and then complaining when the US does any enforcement.
Heck, Hitler saw the need to move against us as we were passing laws denying access to our country from the undesirables, and as Adolf saw it, we we filtering out the filth to engineer a master race! And maybe we were, but instead of getting the Western European doctors and scientists like we wanted, we got African doctors, and Asian scientists.

What is it about foreigners that makes the assimilation supporters all edgy? Why aren’t they comfortable unless everyone speaks the same language, and conforms to the same culture?
  1. Our immigration policy is in a shambles.
  2. The problem is not Mexicans, it’s Mexico. This nation is #1 in the world in silver production, and #4 in petroleum production, yet, it remains such a poor, corrupt country. Why are we afraid to press for internal reforms in Mexico?
Christ’s peace.
I suggest all of the multiculturalists here read Pat Buchanan’s excellent book, State of Emergency.

The sheer number of exotic diseases that illegals bring into this coutnry is reason enough to put the national guard on the border, not to mention the crime and drugs.
immigration laws did not exist until the early 20th c. when they were enacted to keep out undesireables, defined as Bolsheviks and anarchists, but also anyone of unacceptable ethnicity, usually at that time Eastern European or Mediterranean, or religion, at that time usually Jews and Catholics.
I was watching a documentary last night on disease and they said the first immigration restrictions were due to public out cry during major epidemics. It had nothing to do with undesirables, although they eastern Europeans were often unfairly tagged with being responsible.
Actually I hope I’m not stoned to death, but I agree completely with Hillary Clinton on this one. She has a solution and a process to follow going forward and strict penalties if not followed by illegals and employers.

I don’t think our borders should be closed to anyone unless they are criminals.
Actually I hope I’m not stoned to death, but I agree completely with Hillary Clinton on this one. She has a solution and a process to follow going forward and strict penalties if not followed by illegals and employers.

I don’t think our borders should be closed to anyone unless they are criminals.
Is it similar to her plan for unwanted babies? I would certainly hope it is more compassionate.

Christ’s peace.
Very compassionate. Why don’t you pray for her conversion against abortion - I am.
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