The Catholic Case for Communism

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Can’t wait for the next installments: “The Catholic case for Nazism”, and “The Catholic case for genocide”. Keep up the good work, America magazine!
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St. John Paul II was so adamant against Communism, I am too…but I also recognize that we are products of our environment and might see things differently. I once read an article on our Holy Father Pope Francis during the 1970s when the Military Junta ruled Argentina and he was in Argentina. I will look at it again.

Pope JPII and Archbishop Oscar Romero did not see eye to eye on things. All I can hope is that we never see the same kind of upheaval in our Western hemisphere again… but we arleady have it in Venezuela at that.
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Today, July 24, happens to be the feast day of the Blessed Carmelite Martyrs of Guadalajara, Spain, three nuns who were who were killed shortly after the Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936:
The youngest of the three Carmelites, Sister Teresa, managed to escape the initial gunfire. But she got lost in the resulting confusion, and was ultimately taken captive by the militia members. They took her to a cemetery inside the city, with the possible intent of raping her. Along the way, the youthful Discalced Carmelite admonished her captors, who were insisting that she sing the praises of communism. But she took up Sister Maria Pilar’s cry as her answer to their demands: “Viva Cristo Rey!” Just before they executed her by shooting her in the back, Sister Teresa raised her arms and mirrored her crucified Savior, just as Blessed Miguel Pro had nearly nine years earlier before a similar firing squad in Mexico City.
“Look, Nuns! Shoot Them!” The Carmelite Martys of Guadalajara, Spain

So…tell me more about this “Catholic Case for Communism”…I’m sure Blessed Sister Teresa and all the other Catholic martyrs of Communist regimes would have some choice things to say about it.
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I tried to read this, but I could not.
Maybe it is my “cold war” era upbringing, but Communism is never a good thing, EVER!
I have heard that the editor of ‘America’ has written a piece about the article, explaining why it was published, but I have not seen it yet.
That said, I am not too sure if there is ever any justification for supporting communism.
I read their apologia for the article on their Facebook and posted there that I would have enjoyed a thoughtful piece about the social justice work of Dorothy Day, whose canonization I pray for.
I also have no problem with the canonization of Oscar Romero who was a martyr, and I think the four women missionaries who were murdered in El Salvador after his death should be saints too, though afaik they don’t even have a cause.

But I completely agree with you…an article on why communism is good? Communism is NEVER good. Appalling.

Edited to add, Here is the big Apology/ Explanation as to why they ran this article. The photo of Pope Francis looking a bit pained at being handed a hammer and sickle with Jesus crucified on it is about how I looked upon reading both the article and this editorial.

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Good grief. After Lenin, after Stalin, after Mao, after Pol Pot, after Kim Jong Un, after the millions of dead from Communism recounted in the Black Book of Communism, is there anything left to say about Communism? Communism has always been at war with the Catholic Church. Catholics are still persecuted in China. Shall we try to find something good in all the human suffering and death cause by Communism?
Shall we try to find something good in all the human suffering and death cause by Communism?
Some of those Soviet era cars were kind of cool looking. So…that’s about it.

Not a good trade. (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Communism is atheistic materialism. Salvation is through the collective, through the state. Humans are insignificant, eggs to be cracked to create an omelette. Ultimate meaning is derived through the unfolding of history with the hope of utopia in this world. Catholicism is theistic. Salvation is through Christ. All humans have equal dignity and are ends in themselves. Ultimate meaning is derived through our final destination in the hope of a heavenly afterlife. Not much in common between the two.
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I read the article. It was interesting. While I read it, I kept thinking about the show “The Americans” on Fx. The TV show was R-rated, but I thought it was pretty good. I’m attaching an article from Rolling Stone about it. The article has an amusing quote.

Elizabeth unleashes a torrent of Karl Marx-worthy fury over religion being “the opiate of the masses” – oh, yeah, she actually says that. She speaks with a mother’s sincere concern over her child’s rebellious behavior, but it is downright hilarious that the subject of her rage isn’t drugs, skimpy clothes or promiscuity; it’s the fact that her daughter was “praying” at the dinner table! Elizabeth can handle Paige listening to bubblegum pop like “I Melt With You,” but America has gone too far when it commits the sin of “indoctrinating” kids “with friendship and songs and cute boys cooing about Jesus!”
God can always use cute boys and girls cooing about Jesus! 😜
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Do they even know why the Communists killed Msgr. Vladimir Ghyka? Now he is beatified by the Pope.
Communism is not about money and social values. I suggest people read the real works of Marx and Lenin. And if they still find that acceptable then…what can I say?
“Let us electrify the villages, so that the people learn that the light comes from the
Party and not from the Church!” ( excerpt from Lenin’s works). Q.E.D.
Because decades of the worst sexual abuse and coverup wasn’t enough. They’re really going for the Brass Ring of Evil now. Can’t wait to hear Francis’ response.
The author is, surprise, a Catholic and a member of the Communist Party of Canada.
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Communism has never worked and in many cases, greatly failed. So, maybe the author is calling for attention.

China suffered great famines during Mao’s programs, people starved to death, that has not been emphasized in our history books as well but it did happen.

Venezuela, Cuba, Iron Curtain, failure after failure.
Read “The Gulag Archipelago” and you will never, never be the same.
It’s sad to see people posting on America Magazine’s Facebook thread who talk about their own families living through Communist regimes, having to flee, not having enough to eat etc and just getting ignored by America and the smug author with his hipster mustache. I really have to pray to God for patience sometimes.
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