“Look, Nuns! Shoot Them!” The Carmelite Martys of Guadalajara, SpainThe youngest of the three Carmelites, Sister Teresa, managed to escape the initial gunfire. But she got lost in the resulting confusion, and was ultimately taken captive by the militia members. They took her to a cemetery inside the city, with the possible intent of raping her. Along the way, the youthful Discalced Carmelite admonished her captors, who were insisting that she sing the praises of communism. But she took up Sister Maria Pilar’s cry as her answer to their demands: “Viva Cristo Rey!” Just before they executed her by shooting her in the back, Sister Teresa raised her arms and mirrored her crucified Savior, just as Blessed Miguel Pro had nearly nine years earlier before a similar firing squad in Mexico City.
Some of those Soviet era cars were kind of cool looking. So…that’s about it.Shall we try to find something good in all the human suffering and death cause by Communism?
God can always use cute boys and girls cooing about Jesus!Elizabeth unleashes a torrent of Karl Marx-worthy fury over religion being “the opiate of the masses” – oh, yeah, she actually says that. She speaks with a mother’s sincere concern over her child’s rebellious behavior, but it is downright hilarious that the subject of her rage isn’t drugs, skimpy clothes or promiscuity; it’s the fact that her daughter was “praying” at the dinner table! Elizabeth can handle Paige listening to bubblegum pop like “I Melt With You,” but America has gone too far when it commits the sin of “indoctrinating” kids “with friendship and songs and cute boys cooing about Jesus!”
I predict a deafening silence…Can’t wait to hear Francis’ response.