The Church is not Walmart!

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Father might be very compassionate (and I am sure he is, especially in the confessional) ,but even Jesus called some people …"white washed tombs, get behind me Satan, …hypocrites, you blind fools, and Jesus has more strong words. He has a few things to say to lawyers too. Saint John the Baptist has a few strong words too. It is sad these days that a priest who wrote something 11 years ago is being judged as non pastoral etc.
People have walked away from Jesus from the time of His birth up to this very second. And Jesus didn’t, say ," wait a minute, you misunderstood me", I am sorry …let me say it a different way so you might feel better". Yes, being compassionate is vital but this priest is just writing his thoughts, he is not engaging with anyone in a conversational mode. Sometimes the vice we see in others is already well rooted in ourselves. But you arewelcome to always give another perspective and that’s what this forum does. 😏
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hordes of perfect saints kneeling for communion; seminaries packed with angelic young men burning to be priests; a parish hall stacked to the ceiling with morally pure people eager to serve; and a priest without flaw or blemish, well, you’re cracked and you probably need to go back and try again.
Yes! Jesus did not promise impeccability.
Full disclosure: the words are those of a very passionate and orthodox Dominican priest. I was just the errand boy.

Expecting such human perfection and, even worse: looking left and right and seeing only hypocrites and sinners has caused many to leave the faith. How many consider what those hypocrites and sinners see when they look left and right?


Rather, look up - to the perfection of a loving and eternal God.
…and yet they must be called to a higher plane. Our Lord met them there, but He did not remain there.
6). Leaving the Catholic Church because a priest was mean to you, or because sister whacked you with a ruler, or because the church secretary looked at you funny is as stupid as giving up on the truths of math because you hate your high school algebra teacher. Why would anyone let a crazy priest or a cranky nun or anyone else for the matter drive you out of the faith you believe is true? My only conclusion: you never thought it was true to begin with; or, you have a favorite sin the Church teaches against and crazy priests and cranky nuns is as good an excuse as any to leave and pursue your sin all the while feeling justified b/c Father and/or Sister are such jerks.
This sounds about right to me.
Truth is always pastoral. Fraternal correction is a spiritual work of mercy. Maybe, just maybe, you have some reflectin’ to do?

Just saying.
Is sincerity foolisnhess ? (Personality vs Morality) Moral Theology
Here in Argentina we have a phrase that would be translated as “sincerity and not sincericide”, one can be sincere and be it in a respectful and tactful manner, and in the right time/mood. This is something that many millenials striving to pose as “authentic” don’t understand (and I say this being 19 lol).
I don’t expect anyone to understand this though, this thread has converted in a one sided criticism.

Picking the chapter about Jesus talking about the Eucharist is the Sola Scriptura modus operandi. Jesus also approached people (like in the Disciples of Emmaus) and use all sorts of dialectical resources to convert people, not just the generalizing, brute truth of this dominican.
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