Before I go on, guanophore, I realize now that you did not directly answer this question:
So, lets say a person poor, imprisoned, sick, or hungry is a “lukewarm Catholic”. Now, are we called to “spit out” this person, or are we to serve him, to care for him? Do you see that such literal interpretations that may appear contradictory to unconditional love must be examined carefully? Does such “spitting out” reflect God’s understanding, forgiveness, and mercy?
“Communion as upheld by individual Catholics”??!!!
It sounds like a little gathering you have in your front room?
Undoubtedly most human activiies that occur in groups will be influenced by our feelings for one another. So, are you saying that you share a “communion” with other individual Catholics that all get together and experience warm fuzzy feelings with one another?
Love for one another, which is our second commandment, seems to produce these “warm fuzzies” and adds to the experience of communion. Perhaps that is not your style, and that is okay! Love between one another, expressed through care, inclusion, welcoming, definitely makes Communion of Saints a reality for me, as I explained above. It is mostly a “heart thing” for me, guanophore. I invite you to be part of our warm-fuzzy group. We are not a clique, we are friendly and hold nothing against those who would rather stand alone. If you like, come, be with us. If not, that is okay too! After all, we are eating at the same table.
In our parish, about 10 years ago we had a “warm-fuzzy” priest, the first to actually become part of our city community in a real way, attending high school football games, etc. He invited us to all hold hands during the Lord’s Prayer, and we did so, even across the aisle. Within two years of his coming, the masses were so packed that we were making plans to build a bigger church. The poor man was overwhelmed, though, and when the ordinary time came for priests to move, he did so. The next priest (now gone) came and said that hand-holding was distracting, and he turned off many people in many ways. Our parish has never recovered. Now we have so few people attending that we could easily reduce our 3 English masses to one.
One may think, “Well, the lukewarm simply went away”. The people came because of Love, guanophore. “Lukewarm” is a judgment if used in a way that indicates we hold something against people. And when we hold something against people, we are called to forgive. Do you hold something against the “lukewarm”, brother?
And from an earlier post:
“One Body”
790 Believers who respond to God’s word and become members of Christ’s Body, become intimately united with him: "In that body the life of Christ is communicated to those who believe, and who, through the sacraments, are united in a hidden and real way to Christ in his Passion and glorification."220 This is especially true of Baptism, which unites us to Christ’s death and Resurrection, and the Eucharist, by which "really sharing in the body of the Lord, . . .
we are taken up into communion with him and with one another."221
791 The body’s unity does not do away with the diversity of its members: "In the building up of Christ’s Body there is engaged a diversity of members and functions. There is only one Spirit who, according to his own richness and the needs of the ministries, gives his different gifts for the welfare of the Church."222 The unity of the Mystical Body produces and stimulates charity among the faithful: "From this it follows that if one member suffers anything, all the members suffer with him, and if one member is honored, all the members together rejoice."223
Finally, the unity of the Mystical Body triumphs over all human divisions: "For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."224
Your comments reflects the CCC as long as it accommodates the spirit of these paragraphs, and they must, for you value adherence. Disagreement over doctrinal interpretation can create a “human division”. Is that the case with you guanophore? If so, what does that “triumph” look like? Does it look like a handshake?
There is neither liberal or conservative! There is neither warm fuzzy or non-warm fuzzy! Do you see how those divisions are even more superficial than gender or ethnicitiy?
We are of one body, guanophore, right? We share in the Eucharist. Let’s drive through the “confusion”, and create harmony. It take some humility.
God Bless you, guanophore. May He bless all of those you love, and those who love you.