The Confusion of Catholicism

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Good morning, guanophore. I must say, you are a bit of a challenge!
Perhaps you missed that post.

We are called to love every person that God has created. The fact that they are no longer in right relationship with Christ and His church does not absolve us from the commandment. Neither does loving and serving them restore that communion. Only by being in right relationship with God can one be restored to communion.
Yes, and it seems to me that you have judged that I am not in “right relationship”.
Basically you have already said that Jesus did not really mean what He was quoted as saying in Revelation. Now you are saying that such a position does not reflect God’s understanding, forgiveness, and mercy.
I don’t take the Book of Revelations literally, period. So, in your eyes, I am not in “right relationship”.
It is not about your heart or mine, OS. Unity results from adherance to the Truth. I can only be unified with others to the degree that we are both “in Christ”.
Yes, you have “adherence to the Truth” and I do not. I hear you.
But when people no longer feel their emotional needs getting met, they move along to find somewhere else to get them met. They are like the seeds that were scattered on the rocky ground, when the sun came up, they withered because they have no root.
True, but all of the works of mercy are about meeting needs.
I would say even more so than gender and ethnicity, which are a deeply rooted part of our identity. The warm fuzzy may be nothing but role playing. If people leave because the warm fuzzies are gone, where was their root? Why did they wither when the sun came out?
You did not address the Jew v. Greek aspect, so am I to presume you are in the “promote division” camp? It seems so; you appear to be dividing yourself from me.
All I can go on is what you have posted here on CAF, One Sheep. Here you have claimed you are Catholic while consistently denying essential doctrines of the faith. This behavior, from my perspective, is what creates confusion.
You believe that your differences are “legitimate”.
I have not denied a single doctrine of faith. I have put forth the CCC and many such doctrines supporting my views, and you have done nothing to support yours. Let me add another important note:

Judging Others

7:3–5pp—Lk 6:41,42

7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.o 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.p

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Now there is something I take a bit more literally. 🙂
may I commend you for your careful research. 👍

I think you have misunderstood, PC. First of all, perfection does not mean that one necessarily avoids all sin. Second, this was written against the heresy that a person is no longer able to sin after they are saved, or that the sins do not “count” against their relationship with God. Justifcation does not mean that a person CANNOT sin. Mary was born without sin, and remained without sin throughout her life. This occured because of her cooperation with God’s grace. It does not meant that she COULD NOT sin, but that she chose not to do so.

We do not avoid sin of ourselves, but only by the grace of God.

Jude 1:24,25 God is able, and as willing as able, to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of his glory.

It is He who keeps us from sin, not we ourselves.
Catholics are not able to avoid all sin even after reception of the sacraments apparently. And, you’re not allowed to think it is possible to attain perfection, or you’re anathematized.
Trent is very clear. They say Catholics are not allowed to believe it is possible to avoid each and every sin. If the sins are impossible to avoid, they are logically required. If they are required, they’re not voluntary. If they aren’t voluntary, they can’t be sins since guilt requires responsibility which requires volition. If a person cannot avoid sin without grace, then it means God requires sin, unless you are saying that every has enough grace to avoid sin, but there is no way to verify this and then concept of grace serves no purpose. It’s an unnecessary layer in the explanation. Aquinas goes around in circles on this very point in the Summa, look it up. I just don’t care anymore so I’d rather not do it for you.
They are indeed, for those who lack faith or engage in them in a state of mortal sin (except reconciliation). Persons who go through the motions are describes as “holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these.” 2 Tim. 3:5

Such persons engage in sacrilege, piling sins upon sins.

The presence of a fraud does not devalue the presence of the authentic. Nevertheless, I am very interested to see some more information on this claim.

I did not say they were innocent. I said they are not held personally responsible for the sin of Adam. God created mankind in His image and likeness. That includes freedom of choice. God will respect the choice of those who decide they do not wish to be in His presence.

No, PC, your words sound angry. I am not angry, because I believe what you are saying is false. God does not require me to “bow down before men” in any circumstance.

Those who serve the people of God have not presented themselves. They were called upon and chosen by God, through the Church. I will not deny that some followers of Chrst are “puffed up”, but this is not limited to priests. You speak as a person who has been hurt by someone who puffed themselves up and presented themselves as God’s indispensible spokesman. I am sorry if this is the case, and I will pray that God will heal you, but no amount of puffed up servants of God can negate the Truth of what God has revealed to humankind. It is beyond any one person, or group of persons.

You have made assumptions about me that are not accurate. 😉
If you can’t tell the difference between a fraud and the real deal, you can be sure something is amiss! Notice he wasn’t caught because the people could sense their sacraments were bogus, but because he was conspicuously robbing them.

The council doesn’t say anything about choice. It is very explicit. Those who die in mortal sin alone (aka embryos, fetuses, miscarriages, abortions, new borns, children under the age of reason, and anyone else who is perfectly innocent) go directly and immediately to hell where they are punished relentlessly and endlessly. One sliver of good (maybe?) news: with different punishments from the mortal sinners! :rolleyes:

You literally bow before men every time you go to mass. You kneel before an object held up by a man and say “Amen” as he tells you it is God.

I agree with you that the truth of God is beyond us. All of us, including me, including you, and including the Pope, bishops, priests, saints, fathers, doctors, rabbis, etc…

I haven’t been hurt by any particular priest, in fact I feel sorry for them. Many of them exhibit signs of various mental illnesses and they lead lives of loneliness and rejection. They’re constantly around illness and death, and regular people on the street associate them with child molesters. I wouldn’t wish that life on anyone!

My anger is fading over time, but the root of it is that I regret wasting so much of my life on this silliness! Even now I continue the waste, but hopefully threads like this are educational and helpful for others. I suppose it was an experience I needed. I like to fantasize about what life would have been like if I had never been exposed to this in the first place. I suppose better, but I have no proof and no good reason to think this. I know there must be millions of people who find this ideology harmful and yearn for escape.

Also, the anti-atheist threads popping up around here needed some push-back. I’m not an atheist obviously, but I have respect for their various positions.

I have respect for Catholicism too, but I will protest and object to those who insist they are always right about things they can’t prove or are manifestly contradicted by history, reason, common sense, or science.
. . .I have not denied a single doctrine of faith. I have put forth the CCC and many such doctrines supporting my views, and you have done nothing to support yours. . .
. . . You literally bow before men every time you go to mass. You kneel before an object held up by a man and say “Amen” as he tells you it is God. . . I haven’t been hurt by any particular priest, in fact I feel sorry for them. Many of them exhibit signs of various mental illnesses and they lead lives of loneliness and rejection. They’re constantly around illness and death, and regular people on the street associate them with child molesters. I wouldn’t wish that life on anyone! My anger is fading over time, but the root of it is that I wasted so much of my life on this silliness! Even now I continue the waste, but hopefully threads like this are educational and helpful for others. I know there are millions of people who find this ideology harmful and yearn for escape. Also, the anti-atheist threads popping up around here needed some push-back. I’m not an atheist obviously, but I have respect for their various positions. I have respect for Catholicism too, but I will protest and object to those who insist they are always right about things they can’t prove or are manifestly contradicted by history, reason, common sense, or science.
So, you are a troll, or confused.
Perhaps you might take care what else you put in those cookies.
I believe you are called here to clear your mind of your contradictory thoughts and to deal come to terms with your anger.
I do agree that they are intracetely connected. I think the difficulty is that you judge persons to be “in Christ” who are not in actually "in Christ. You include those in the Commuion of Saints who are not in communion with the saints.
Yes, you clearly believe that you have a much better grasp of who is in communion with the saints.
Indeed. And that unity is broken post baptism by mortal sin. Those who are in mortal sin are no longer partakers of the divine nature. They are not in right relationship with Him, or with his Body.
Does God forgive them, guanophore?
A person does not continue to be a “believer” just because they were baptized. Many fall away from God, and doing good works is no sufficient to restore them to right relationship with God. Good works that are not done in a state of grace will not benefit the soul.
What about judging others’ “Catholicity”, determining that they are “heretical” or “rejecting of teachings”. Does that benefit the soul?
Perhaps you have not encountered evil on a daily basis, so you have been able to dupe yourself into believing that human beings cannot engage in evil, or be permeated with evil. I know from reading your previous thread that you have duped yourself into believing that no one willingly rejects God. Your existence in the la la land of warm and fuzzy beingness does not change the facts. Jesus called evil when He saw it. You reject His teachings.
Again, it is by your judgment that I reject His teachings. I have done nothing of the sort. I am the one duped, eh? So, I have a challenge for you, friend, come up with a single example of someone who knowingly and willingly rejects God. Just one example. If you are not willing to investigate the example, though, don’t bother. Assertions are meaningless unless they hold up to scrutiny.
It is interesting that you have judged the hearts and motivations of your congregation, and have them sorted out according to your standards.
Yes, I “judged” them all good! 🙂 Seriously, guanophore, I was explaining different, legitmate approaches. Have you judged my explanations as judging?
I have nothing against warm fuzzies. In fact, one of my greatest criticisms of Catholic parishes is the lack of community, connection, and fellowship. However, no amount of warm fuzzies will create these things. These conditions come from each person being in right relationship with Christ. In that, the Holy Spirit brings us into right relationship with one another.
And it must be the Holy Spirit that has inspired you to say this?:
It is clear from your posts that you have rejected essential teachings of the Church, so such a level of communion will not exist between us unless and until you set aside your heretical views.
I take it you have never had a pastoral position? Whew, I am not feeling those warm fuzzies from your direction!

Pope Francis Verified account

God is always waiting for us, he always understands us, he always forgives us.

Indeed, guanophore, I understand where you are coming from, and I do not find your views “heretical” or “rejecting” of the Gospel. Do you understand my views? Please try, without first assuming that I am rejecting Church teaching. It is a simple request.
. . . What about judging others’ “Catholicity”, determining that they are “heretical” or “rejecting of teachings”. Does that benefit the soul? . . …
To be clear, the use of the word judge does not imply a moral judgement but an assessment as to how close a statement is meaning to another.
It benefits the soul to do so because the truth sets us free. Our faith in what the church teaches brings us closer to God.
Your humanistic views - meh.
I agree, each member of the body needs to be ready, willing, and able to be molded by the Holy Spirit, and to be brought into communion with others who Jesus has grafted into His body. It is clear from your posts that you have rejected essential teachings of the Church, so such a level of communion will not exist between us unless and until you set aside your heretical views.
I got it, your willingness to create harmony with me is contingent upon my adherence to your interpretation of Church teachings. Isn’t this the formula for division, guanophore?

Remember where I started:

223 Finally, the unity of the Mystical Body triumphs over all human divisions: “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

I guess you have determined that I have not “put on Christ”? If you have not made such a determination, then tell me how we are to triumph over human division if you begin by telling me that I have rejected essential teachings, and that my views are heretical?

I repeat, you are a challenge, guanophore!
You are making assumptions about me that are not accurate. Unlike yourself, it is not for me to determine who is in right relationship with Christ. All I can do is look at the actions of others, as I have examined your posts. By those actions I can know if a person has rejected the Teaching of Christ.
And you are thinking that you are not being judgmental, even as you have judged that I “reject” and my views are “heretical” while I have only presented a different interpretation than your own. Indeed, guanophore, it is you who are refusing communion with me, not me with you. My hand is still there. Go ahead and spit on it, it will still be there.

Now, here is what I wrote:

Yes, while our human institution excommunicates, God always waits for us, understands, and forgives.

And here was your direct response:
You are basically saying that what is written in Scripture is not true. That communion with the Church cannot be broken, and that what is bound on earth is not bound in heaven.
So, again, I was quoting the Holy Father when I said “God always waits for us, understands, and forgives.” So, are you also saying that Pope Francis is also saying that Scripture is untrue? Wow, guanophore, you have a pretty stiff criteria for adherence! How many people do you find do not have “heretical views”?

Who, guanophore, would you have “held bound” in terms of excommunication from the Father? Anyone? The Pope? Me? The lukewarm?

C’mon, guanophore, please, lighten up a bit. Try to understand.

God Bless your day, guanophore, may He keep you, and may He bless all of those around you.
What an interesting thread, I have learnt much.

One comment :

Why can’t people just respect others opinions…
simpleas #646
Why can’t people just respect others opinions…
Precisely because no “respect” is due to mere “opinions” when they are focussed on denying the Christ and His Church despite the truth being expressed.

And it is salutary to note what we are taught as revealed in the Sacred Scriptures. We can’t judge according to truth by being mesmerized by others and giving them adulation, but according to the teaching of Christ’s Church, Her Tradition and Her Scriptures. It is very important not to judge a person’s guilt before God as commanded (Mt 7:1-5). We are commanded not to judge others regarding their motives, intentions, and guilt before God (a judgment reserved to God).

But it is vital to follow the command to judge all actions, speech, writing against truth and in this way we can help others by offering truth. Christ and His Church’s Scriptures tell us:
“Stop judging by appearances, but judge justly.” (Jn 7:24).

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them” (Mt 7:15, 16).

“Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire. So by their fruits you will know them.” (Mt 7:19-20).

“Test everything: retain what is good.” (1Thess 5:21).

“The spiritual person, however, can judge everything but is not subject to judgement by anyone.” (1 Cor 2:15).

“I, for my part, although absent in body but present in spirit, have already, as if present, pronounced judgement on the one who has committed this deed…” (1 Cor 5:3; read 1-13).

“I am speaking as to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I am saying.” (1 Cor 10:15).

“Beloved, do not trust every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they belong to God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 Jn 4:1).

“I know your works; I know that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3:16).

The correction should be with the intention of helping others to see right from wrong and truth from falsehood and so assisting in the path to virtue.
Precisely because no “respect” is due to mere “opinions” when they are focussed on denying the Christ and His Church despite the truth being expressed. . . .
While one should respect the person and the miracle that is the capacity of thought, as fragile as it is, opinions are not all equal or automatically worthy of respect. Some as you point out are not worthy when they lead away from the truth. This is especially the case when they do not arise from ignorance but are intentional attempts to seduce the faithful.
I feel sorry for you, that you see others as inherently corrupt.
I would feel sorry for anyone who only sees people this way also. But I am not so black and white as you. I see people as made in the image and likeness of God, worthy of great dignity because they carry the very stanp of his nature.

Our fallen state, and the corruption of the world in which we live as the result of the consequences of original sin prevent us from becoming all that God wants us to be.
My life is full of good people who love and help each other and others. No one is perfect of course, but I am thankful to God for creating so many good people!
Yes I am fortunate and thankful to God for these folks, but I also encounter people every day whose lives are very broken from sin, and some of them have been overtaken by corruption and they have not yet found a way out.
I don’t believe the things you have quoted are the words of God, and I don’t believe your interpretation of them is the word of God.
Because you are created in His likeness and image you have been gifted with fee will. You have the freedom to knowingly and willingly reject His Words, and prevent yourself from fellowship with Him.
You don’t know any of these things, rather you believe them. That’s OK, I have beliefs too. I don’t accept your beliefs, not only because there is no physical proof, but also because they defy 1) reason and 2) my lived experience and relationships with God and other people.
There are other ways of knowing, PC. Scientific method is inadequate to research all of reality. I don’t deny that some parts of Christianity do defy reason, but overall, it is a reasonable approach to life.

You have given more importance to your own lived experience than the lived experience of millions of believers over many millenia. This is a rather self centered approach to what kind of human experience you will accept, but it is also very common among humans.
You wouldn’t accept my beliefs either, that’s OK! 👍 The difference is that I don’t think you are therefore my spiritual enemy and that you are at risk of endless, relentless torture. We merely disagree about something unknown.
You are right, ,I do not consider people who disagree with me are “spiritual enemies”. I think there are people who attack my faith with enmity, but most of them are fundamentalists.:D:D

All those who reject God are at risk of spending eternity with out HIm. This is the choice that is given to all of us.
I believe God forgives sins for two reasons. First, it is more noble to forgive than to hold a grudge. If I am able and willing to forgive, but God is either unable or unwilling, that means I am more noble than God. But, that’s impossible, so we are able to suppose that God forgives sins.
God only forgives the sins of those who repent. We have the choice to die in our sins.

  • Psalm 103
Good morning, guanophore. I must say, you are a bit of a challenge!
In what way? Are you starting to find it difficult to offer me your hand, since I do not agree with you?
Yes, and it seems to me that you have judged that I am not in “right relationship”.
None of us is in a position to know the heart of another. We are called not to judge. I am not a “fruit inspector” that I can go about evaluating the quality of other person’s relationship with their Maker.

I can judge behavior, and in the case of CAF, I can judge the content of what is written in posts. I can clearly see that the content of your posts deviates with Church Teaching. I was just listeing to Catholic radio today, when they were saying how it is possible to willingly and knowingly reject God. It made me realize that your formulation makes a mockery of God. It means that God has supposedly given us a choice that really does not exist. It makes Jesus a liar, for teaching that such a thing is possible.
I don’t take the Book of Revelations literally, period. So, in your eyes, I am not in “right relationship”.
It would not be appropriate to interpret any apocalyptic literature in a literate manner only. But that does not negate what Jesus is saying to His flock. Only He can know the state of your heart.
Yes, you have “adherence to the Truth” and I do not. I hear you.
Of course you have adherance to the truth! You adhere to One Sheep’s truth. You have redefined terms, and created your own theology that fits together for you, and you believe it whole heartedly. You are even evangelistic in it, attempting to draw others in by using “warm fuzzy and inclusive” means.
True, but all of the works of mercy are about meeting needs.
You did not address the Jew v. Greek aspect, so am I to presume you are in the “promote division” camp? It seems so; you appear to be dividing yourself from me.
I am not sure what "aspect’ this means. I think St. Paul uses Jew and Greek to refer to race and religion. Jews were considered believers by default, while Greeks were considered pagans. I am not sure how it applies here?

I have no need to “divide” myself from you. We are divided by heterodoxy of beliefs. Unity occurs when members of the body embrace Truth. To the extent that any members of the body depart from the apostolic teaching, division exists. Your posts delcare that you do not embrace the Apostolic faith (or only parts of it). Maybe you never embraced it,s o you cannot have departed from it?
I have not denied a single doctrine of faith. I have put forth the CCC and many such doctrines supporting my views, and you have done nothing to support yours.
I am sure it seems this way to you. What has happened is that you reject any and all evidence that contradicts your preformed opinion,a nd you interpret what you are reading of the documents through the lens of the Theology of One Sheep.

You have denied the doctrines of the faith, but you do not see it that way. Your forumlations are not consistent with what the Church teaches, but you believe there is sufficient room for such “diversity”.
Let me add another important note:
Judging Others

7:3–5pp—Lk 6:41,42

7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.o 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.p

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Now there is something I take a bit more literally. 🙂
No one here at CAF is in any position to make a judgment upon the state of your soul. All we can judge is what you have posted, which clearly departs from the Catholic faith.
Trent is very clear. They say Catholics are not allowed to believe it is possible to avoid each and every sin.
Poor Pumpkin. It seems that your method of reasoning must be such a terrible burden. Sometimes reading your texts is so painful! I wonder how anyone with such thought processes can experience any peace of mind.
If the sins are impossible to avoid, they are logically required. If they are required, they're not voluntary.
Although this seems on the surface perfectly logical, it is not accurate. People miss the mark, every day, all day, without willing to do so. Jesus even taught that those who sin willingly have the greater responsibility. You seem to be conflating mortal sins with venial. Falling short is most often NOT a case of mortal sin.
If they aren’t voluntary, they can’t be sins since guilt requires responsibility which requires volition.
This also seems logical on the surface, but quickly breaks down as well. Of course there are ways to fall short without volition. In addition, we bear responsibility for a great many things that we did not create ourselves. A good example might be how parents are held responsible for the crimes of their children. Sometimes parents are included in charges of truancy and delinquency along with their teenaged offspring. These teens are old enough to know right from wrong, and sometimes misbehave on purpose to spite their parents.
If a person cannot avoid sin without grace, then it means God requires sin, unless you are saying that every has enough grace to avoid sin,
This is precisely what I am saying. God provides us sufficient grace to avoid sin. We cannot do this on our own.
but there is no way to verify this and then concept of grace serves no purpose.
There is no way to verify it using scientific method. But for those of us that receive what God has revealed about HImself, it is quite clear.
It’s an unnecessary layer in the explanation. Aquinas goes around in circles on this very point in the Summa, look it up. I just don’t care anymore so I’d rather not do it for you.
I am with you, Pumpkin. It makes me crazy going around in circles trying to make sense of certain theologcial precepts. It is much easier for me to accept them and leave the part to mystery that defies my logic.

In Eastern Catholicism, ,by which I have been heavily influenced, there was not the struggle with logic, scholasticism, and Thomism, so tthere are what seem to me much less confusing way of conceptualizing the theology.
The council doesn’t say anything about choice. It is very explicit. Those who die in mortal sin alone (aka embryos, fetuses, miscarriages, abortions, new borns, children under the age of reason, and anyone else who is perfectly innocent) go directly and immediately to hell where they are punished relentlessly and endlessly. One sliver of good (maybe?) news: with different punishments from the mortal sinners! :rolleyes:
No, Pumpkin. None of these examples you have listed here “die in mortal sin”. You seem to have a deficient understanding of the meaning of mortal sin, and you are conflating it somehow with original sin.
You literally bow before men every time you go to mass. You kneel before an object held up by a man and say “Amen” as he tells you it is God.
You sound very angry and cynical, Pumpkin.

Catholics do not kneel before the 'men" but before the Living Christ, who is present in the Mass. We do not believe He is present because the priest tells us so, but because Jesus tells us so.

For us, that “object” is the Living Christ. Is there some reason you would expect us not to kneel before our Lord and Maker?
I agree with you that the truth of God is beyond us. All of us, including me, including you, and including the Pope, bishops, priests, saints, fathers, doctors, rabbis, etc…
Yes. Our inablity to reach out and grasp it, though, does not prevent Him from revealing Himself to us.We can receive what He has given.
My anger is fading over time, but the root of it is that I regret wasting so much of my life on this silliness! Even now I continue the waste, but hopefully threads like this are educational and helpful for others. I suppose it was an experience I needed. I like to fantasize about what life would have been like if I had never been exposed to this in the first place. I suppose better, but I have no proof and no good reason to think this. I know there must be millions of people who find this ideology harmful and yearn for escape.
If they do, they can perfectly well opt out, as you have.

You still have yet to explain the millions that believe, and are content in that belief. Can you really purport that we are all delusional?
Also, the anti-atheist threads popping up around here needed some push-back. I’m not an atheist obviously, but I have respect for their various positions.
I have respect for Catholicism too, but I will protest and object to those who insist they are always right about things they can’t prove or are manifestly contradicted by history, reason, common sense, or science.
I do believe your protesting is beneficial to others who read the threads. I think it is very important for Catholics to understand that the scientific method is insufficient to explore the whole of human experience. It is also important for Catholics to know the rich history of their religion, and its reason.
If you can’t tell the difference between a fraud and the real deal, you can be sure something is amiss! Notice he wasn’t caught because the people could sense their sacraments were bogus, but because he was conspicuously robbing them.
This is a good example of confirmation bias. You are reading the article with prejudice, and find evidence to confirm your presuppostions.

The article is clear that the 'professional church ladies" caught his faking, and that he had been on the unauthorizied list for years. People did recognize he was not the real deal. The fact that he was able to fly below the radar and continue to take advantage is regrettable but clearly they knew the sacrament was not ordered properly as soon as it occurred.
Yes, you clearly believe that you have a much better grasp of who is in communion with the saints.
I fear you have taken my posts far too personally, OS. I have no way of grasping who is or is not in communion. Only God knows the hearts of His flock.

what I have clarity about is the basis upon which communion rests. I have clarity that Christ is not separated from His teachings, and that those teachings are infallibly preserved in the Church by the Holy Spirit.
Does God forgive them, guanophore?
He forgives all who repent and believe in Him.
What about judging others’ “Catholicity”, determining that they are “heretical” or “rejecting of teachings”. Does that benefit the soul?
It is not loving to withold the Truth from people, or to confrim them in error. One of the Spiritual works of mercy is to warn people who are going off track. If we cannot determine what is Catholic and what is not, then we will be just as confused as the OP!
Again, it is by your judgment that I reject His teachings. I have done nothing of the sort.
The members can read your posts, and draw their own conclusions on the content. Of course you believe that your views are orthodox. Fortunately, it is simple to compare them to the Teachings of the Church, and note the discrepancies.

For all we know, you are just here on CAF role playing. You may not believe a word of what you have said and are only here to entertain yourself. This alone is sufficient reason to avoid making judgments about your faith, heart, and soul.
I am the one duped, eh?  So, I have a challenge for you, friend, come up with a single example of someone who knowingly and willingly rejects God.  Just one example.  If you are not willing to investigate the example, though, don't bother.  Assertions are meaningless unless they hold up to scrutiny.
There were many examples brought forth on your thread, and you rejected them all. Since you already have your mind made up on the matter, it is not useful to discuss it. Suffice to note that your position contradicts what Jesus taught.
Yes, I “judged” them all good! 🙂 Seriously, guanophore, I was explaining different, legitmate approaches. Have you judged my explanations as judging?
Who is more qualified to judge the hearts of the congregation but you yourself? You watched the whole transition. You FELT the “love” holding hands across the aisle. You FELT the “love” leave with the parishioners when a less affectionate priest arrived.
And it must be the Holy Spirit that has inspired you to say this?:
No. The teaching of Jesus is preserved infallibly in the Church. Each of us can benefit from the gift of infallibility when we embrace the Deposit of Faith.
I take it you have never had a pastoral position? Whew, I am not feeling those warm fuzzies from your direction!
I do agree with you that some priests are more warm and fuzzy than others. The problem is that all our priests need our support and prayers, not only those who are affectionate. If people stop coming to Mass just because we don’t hold hands across the aisle then what was happening was too superficial.
Pope Francis Verified account

God is always waiting for us, he always understands us, he always forgives us.

Indeed, guanophore, I understand where you are coming from, and I do not find your views “heretical” or “rejecting” of the Gospel. Do you understand my views? Please try, without first assuming that I am rejecting Church teaching. It is a simple request.
I am having more and more clarity. I realize that people create a fantasy world for themselves in which to live because they need it. Yours has enabled you to overcome resentment and unforgiveness, and to put yourself in the shoes of others. You must have been broadened as a person by the ideals you have created and embraced.
I am seeing the taqiyya/Jihad dynamic resurface here. Except they are oddly fusing into one.
You seek conversion and destruction of the other because that is the loving thing to do, because correcting them and returning them to the one true path is the highest form of love. The threat of hell totalises your mission and the infallibility of Church doctrines becomes your personal infallibility. Error is dangerous because it leads people astray and hides the truth, therefore it must be combated as if it were the devil himself. If someone is in error, either because they are a non-Catholic or the “wrong” kind of Catholic, they are mere pawns in the devil’s game who put the fate of humanity at risk with their error. The world is at war, even if people don’t see it. It is at war with error and this justifies Jihad and taqiyya, because this is what it means to love someone as God has commanded, and because He has left Catholics in charge of the souls of mankind, granting them the jurisdiction and the duty to wage this war. For the Catholic, love is war.

How on earth is a Catholic supposed to have any positive feelings when the world is secular and refuses to acknowledge the manifest truth of Catholicism, and where people are given the right to indulge in error and become deceived? Human nature is so base that people cannot and should not be trusted with that kind of freedom. Obviously the non-Catholic world is conspiring and persecuting the Catholics for attempting their noble mission, and this “sign of contradiction” further verifies the truth of church teaching and the reality of the war waged against it.

And yet, when you enquire what the one true path actually is, Catholics are stumped for answers and everything is a mystery. And if you don’t buy into their theology you are accused of deliberately resisting the truth so that you can carry on believing in whatever is personally attractive to you. That is, if you fail to become a Catholic it is a moral failure on your part, and you are wilfully inviting yourself to hell. It is the same fate if you fail to remain a Catholic.

Think of the bishops arguing in the early councils, before the trinity and Christology were defined as they are now. Imagine the monophysites arguing their point with certainty, backed by tradition and orthodox theology. Before the councils they must have pompously walked around claiming to have the “fullness of truth”. How can you now be so sure that your interpretation of church teaching is correct?

At a more basic level, you are relying on the same fallible human intellect and powers of judgment to discern which path, if any, is true. How can you argue with certainty about the “truth”? At most you can say that you find Catholicism, as you understand it, to be the most likely path to be correct. At the end of the day it is an opinion - please appreciate that this “fatwa” applies only to yourself. The Jihadi dynamic arises because Catholicism promises so much in the way of personal infallibility - you have an entire corpus of doctrine which is sanctioned by the bureaucrats of God, and as long as you stick to this you can speak as if you were personally infallible, even on extremely specific and conjectural matters.

Even the Hadiths do not have the iron-clad imprimatur Catholicism grants to the most speculative and fanciful doctrines.
Because you are created in His likeness and image you have been gifted with fee will. You have the freedom to knowingly and willingly reject His Words, and prevent yourself from fellowship with Him.
This presupposes that the Catholic church and the new testament are the words and messengers of God.
There are other ways of knowing, PC. Scientific method is inadequate to research all of reality. I don’t deny that some parts of Christianity do defy reason, but overall, it is a reasonable approach to life.
This reduces Catholicism to mere opinion. You won’t get any argument here from me. However, something that genuinely defies reason is not a reasonable idea to follow. Karma is basically the law of cause and effect - that is more or less reasonable. The notion of some magical essence dying inside you every time you commit “mortal sin”, and of the need for a human sacrifice to appease a loving, forgiving God is not reasonable. The trinity problem has already been covered on this thread (but not resolved).
You have given more importance to your own lived experience than the lived experience of millions of believers over many millenia. This is a rather self centered approach to what kind of human experience you will accept, but it is also very common among humans.
The “millions of believers” argument does not seem like a strong one. It could be applied to many other faiths. Do you think medieval serfs who did not have the right to leave Catholicism are among the millions of happy believers from history? How about the entirety of Latin America and the conversion of the natives? You might as well say that everyone in Stalin’s Russia where living proof of how happy Communism makes people. Leaving the Church has never been a realistic option in history, as soon as it became one in modern times the pews emptied and the Church refocused on converting people from the third world, in exchange for aid. Wherever you look in history, especially in European history, you will see the church as part of the mechanism of state power, defending the status quo and refusing people the right to leave.

People make their own decisions based on their experience and mental faculties. The reason this is common among humans is because it is the only option open to us. What is genuinely self-centred is expecting everyone else’s independent enquiry to lead them to what you personally believe - and holding it against them when it does not.
You are right, ,I do not consider people who disagree with me are “spiritual enemies”. I think there are people who attack my faith with enmity, but most of them are fundamentalists.:D:D
There is a catch here. It is not you whom people are disagreeing with, but God. This does make them your spiritual enemies, whether you like it or not.
I am with you, Pumpkin. It makes me crazy going around in circles trying to make sense of certain theologcial precepts. It is much easier for me to accept them and leave the part to mystery that defies my logic.
Have you considered that the reason they defy logic is because they are actually man-made and false? It seems like a strange conclusion to reach: “this does not make sense, therefore it must be true”.

How do you believe it if you cannot make sense of it? What actually is it that you are believing, an empty verbal formulation?
Paziego, thanks for reflecting what you see.
I reflect back and we continue into the mirrored fun house.
The trick to get through the illusion is to look at the ground.
And, the Ground is Jesus Christ.
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