The “thatness” or being of God is He exists. The “whatness” or a property of God is that He is Existence. A property or attribute is the “whatness” of a thing. Collectively, all beings having the same “whatness” determines the essence or nature of a category. That God is (necessary) Existence is descriptive or informative about God’s “whatness” and has nothing to do with God’s “thatness.”I am not sure you could treat “existence” as the definition of a being. You can say of a being that it exists, but to say “existence” is itself a being seems similar to saying solidity is a being. Even then, existence is not a property in the same way solidity is. To say an object is solid is informative of the concept, to say it exists is not. Furthermore, “it exists” can only be properly applied to individual instances, so with “God is existence” you would end up saying nothing more than “God is the individual instances of things which have individual instances”. And to me that just seems like a really weird way of expressing pantheism…
You have limited your investigation to the “thatness” of a dog. Until you identify a “whatness” to dogs, that is, a property common to all creatures such that you can call them “dogs” then no category has been established.I know you can say of general things that they exist (e.g. dog’s exist). But this means that there is at least one instance of a dog. It can also be used as a catch-all for all the individual instances of dog’s existing.
To Aristotle, god was a concept. Illuminated by revelation, Abram was able to expand the concept. If you want to create a category called, "All persons with the title “Miss Universe 2013” you may certainly do so. That the population of your category is one does not destroy the category although it may make it quite mute in its explanatory potential.I am not sure “God” is a general concept in the Abrahamic tradition. When you and I talk about God we have a specific being in mind, not a class of beings. Miss Universe 2016 may sound general but by definition it is a single individual.
If Necessary Existence did not exist then no contingent beings can exist. Contrapositive: If contingent beings can exist then Necessary (uncaused) Existence must exists. I’m not sure how you can get to a “realunicorn” from there.The question is whether existence can be part of something’s definition. If it is, what about my “realunicorn”?
I may sound like an old phonograph record but I must say again that the word “is” does not mean “equals.”Because of the kind of thing “existence” is, those two statements are the same. If you say God is existence you are saying the term “God” is synonymous with existence.