The Confusion of Catholicism

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It seems you have generalized that all Catholics hate atheists. Apparently many Catholic people you’ve dealt with have expressed this hatred. Maybe you should revisit your experience to try to figure out what was said or done that created a hating atmosphere. Its easy to pick a fight with people or maybe insult them or something and when they act like people always do when confronted, and fight back. Have you assume they hate you? Maybe this isn’t exactly the case. Maybe it was the other way around – some Catholics may have tried to prove God to you. And thus picked a fight. I can assure you, you are not hated by all Catholics and the formal church itself does not at all hate you. You are a person with as much human dignity as anyone else. And you are loved by God. Period. That will never be changed by you or by hateful Catholics. The laity sometimes in certain churches, especially, haven’t spent a lot of time learning how to live their faith around others that don’t share the same.
Dozens of pages ago, someone asked for the source document showing that Constantine ordered the burning of Arius’ works and the execution of any people found to possess them. The best source website I know of was down at the time. It’s back up. Here is the decree:
The great and victorious Constantine Augustus to the bishops and laity:
Since Arius is an imitator of the wicked and the ungodly, it is only right that he should suffer the same dishonor as they. Porphyry, who was hostile to anyone who feared God, composed a book which transgressed against our religion, and has found a suitable reward: namely that he has been disgraced from that time onward, his reputation is completely terrible, and his ungodly writings have been destroyed. In the same way it seems appropriate that Arius and those of like mind with Arius should from now on be called Porphyrians, so that their name is taken from those whose ways they have imitated. (2.) In addition, if any writing composed by Arius should be found, it should be handed over to the flames, so that not only will the wickedness of his teaching be obliterated, but nothing will be left even to remind anyone of him. And I hereby make a public order, that if someone should be discovered to have hidden a writing composed by Arius, and not to have immediately brought it forward and destroyed it by fire, his penalty shall be death. As soon as he is discovered in this offense, he shall be submitted for capital punishment.
And in another hand:
God will watch over you, beloved brothers.
But the answers are only compromises between factions or the enforcement of a view popular with the most powerful party.
Although this comes across at first as cynical, I see that it does have some merit. Teh most popular and powerful “faction” is God, who is Head of the Church. So at the first council, when the Apostles gathered to discuss disagreements, they debated, presented, prayed and then made some decisions. They wrote the final decisions to the faithful in a letter (the first papal encyclical) saying “it seemed right to the Holy Spirit and to us…” indicatig that the most popular view and it’s enforcement had a divine origin.
 In some cases the councils are formed at the behest of state authorities rather than the church's own initiative. This was the case with Nicaea, precisely because the faith was so ambiguous. Thank Constantine, not the holy spirit. And thank his centurions, who kept the bishops from killing each other in a communal boxing match.
No, paziego, the council was not called by Constantine because the faith was ambiguous. The council was called to settle the dispute for political and economic reasons. One of the problems was when the Sabbath would be celebrated. Half the empire wanted Saturday off, the other half wanted Sunday, and Constantine wanted the markets open all week.

Constantine was baptized an Arian, and would have been content either way it was settled, so long as everyone agreed. The reason the council needed secular involvement was that Christianity had been illegal for the previous three centuries. Nobody gathered publicly or in Councils under pain of death. Bishops would not have travelled had they not had a guarantee of safe passage. This problem was created by the Empires attitude toward the faith, not by the Church. It was also solved by that same secular authority, who decrimminalized Christianity and promised safe conduct to all Bishops who wished to attend.
 The answers given by councils are not informative in the slightest.  What happens is that these are endorsed by the authority and are then supposed to be treated as brute facts by the believers. This means that critical thinking is forbidden on closed questions, especially when the answers are not satisfactory to reason. There has often been a heavy penalty associated with going against these "answers",
They are informative, but not as detailed as we might prefer. We also don’t have all the records and documents that are the foundation of the decisions. Although they are “endorsed by the authority”, one must also keep in mind that they were created by authority.

What is a “brute fact”? Are we allowed to have “brute facts” in the material realm, but not the spirtual?

Critical thinking is encouraged in the Catholic Church. Catholics did most of the critical thinking, education, documenting and scientific inquiry through the Middle Ages. Catholics came up with the scientific method. The difference is that, when we do critical thinking with dogma, we approach it with the knowlege that it has already been settled.

I may wish to conduct an investigation of the melting of the icecaps (someone told me yesterday it was not happening). I can explore all the ideas about global warming, frakking, dissolution of the ozone, use of petroleum fuels, etc., etc. I can compare the current climate with historical climates of the planet, previous ice ages and celestial events that have affected temperatures. No matter how much critical thinking I invest, the fact remains that I am watching the glaciers fall into the sea at an alarming rate. It has happened, it is happening. It is a “brute fact”.
further development of doctrine has nothing to do with re-evaluating the coherence and adequacy of previous answers. .
This is not accurate. On the contrary, when doctrine is developed, all the theological constructs are studied again from the beginning precisely for the purpose of re-evaluating the coherence and adequacy of previous answers. Have you not studied the process of doctrinal development? On what basis do you make such an assertion?
When we look at what Jesus said, anything that was not an appeal to authority or the declaration of something as brute fact was a mere platitude, or an idea that was already common at the time within Hellenistic philosophy.
Mere platitude? Honestly paziego. It has been suggested on this thread that Catholics are hostile to atheists. One has to wonder who is being hostile.
The most ambiguous element of the faith is the church’s authority in the first place. Their authority has to be presupposed in order to buy their explanations.
Yes. This makes sense for anyone who does not believe in God, or that Jesus is God. If the founder of the Church has no authority, and did not give His authority to her, then it is entirely circular.
My original presentation of the trinity problem was that “if the son is god and the father is god then the son is the father.” The “is” relations are what they are. Deal with it.
Gorgias is human. paziego is human. Therefore, Gorgias is paziego. The “is” relations are what they are. Deal with it. :rotfl:
Then I replied to you proving your argument wrong by your own methodology.
Then you replied to me trying to argue against my refutation by rejecting your own methodology, thus invalidating your original argument.
Then you put up another post simply denying my point, rather than contributing anything new or justifying your denial.
That’s not my recollection of it – you concluded by saying that Scripture wasn’t a valid source, and I asked what would be a valid source… and you refused to answer (unless I missed it), saying only that “you cannot use the divine authority of Jesus to prove the divinity of Jesus.” Let me go back to our posts to review, but that’s where you left it… 🤷
Gorgias, please contribute to the argument, rather than attempting to derail it.
It was you who abandoned the discussion, not me. 🤷
You continue to allege that I am capable and/or willing to believe only scientifically verifiable propositions. Why are you doing this?

I would be willing to believe in a virgin birth, for instance, because it is logically possible. It could happen via a miracle or a freak of nature.
Do you believe in miracles?

what might be a logical explanation for a virgin birth?

I think every human person is capable of moving beyond the confines of reason and logic.

It does seem like you might be willing to accept something that did not necessarily have scientific evidence but that satisfied your rules of logic/could be philosophically defended.
I cannot believe 3=1 no matter the evidence because it is inherently unintelligible. It’s not that I won’t believe, but that no one is actually able to believe this.
Yes. Fortunatly this is not Catholic, so that is not a problem for us either.
By “scientific fundamentalist” do you mean I am unwilling to claim certainty about things that have not been demonstrated or are not “analytic” or logically necessary?
Yes I suppose so, but I think it would be more accurate to say that you are unwilling to allow even the possibilities. Claiming certainty is one thing, allowing that something may be possible is another. You seem to believe that things don’t exist without the certainty.
I'm not so sure you're as knowledgeable about my world-view as you think.
Perhaps not. I can only go on the posts.
You’ve repeatedly made the allegation that I’m a scientific “fundamentalist” but seem to be unable or currently unwilling to offer a clarification of your accusation. Again, I reject your characterization of me as a “scientific” fundamentalist unless** it means nothing more than I am unwilling to claim certainty about things that can neither be confirmed nor denied by observation or reason.**
I is not an “accusation”, just an observation.

Perhaps there is a better way to refer to the definition you have given here?

To me it seems very much the same as the “bible christian” for whom every thing is certain that they read in their bible, and everything out side it is suspect.
I am willing to *believe* the truth of propositions that cannot be verified by the scientific method so long as those propositions are not internally contradictory or incoherent.
So I guess that means philosophy is ok? Perhaps it might be more accurate to say that you are fundamentalist with both logic and science?
Catholicism (at least, one rendering of it) requires the affirmation of a series of propositions that contradict one another and/or are incoherent, so I am not able to believe it.
I understand this. I would not be able to believe it either if I perceived it that way. I think you will find that is true with most Catholics, though there are also fundamentalist Catholics who do not do any critical thinking about their faith. :eek:
I also sympathize with your emotional motivations. For me, some Catholics (usually those clamoring the loudest about how authentic they are) present a view of man, God, and existence that is not only irrational but deeply hateful and abusive. The doctrines of grace, original sin, endless hell, sacraments, the exultation of suffering, the encouragement of self-loathing, and the conquest of the other are, frankly, ugly! I’ve said this before, but if your world-view is correct, I sincerely wish I had never been born, and I think it would have been better, on balance, if nothing had been created by god(s) at all.
Yes. If I had this world view, or this ugly view of Catholicism, I am sure that I would feel the same. In fact, now that I think of it I did have that world view at one time and I remember that I frequently wished I had never been born! Fortunately I was able to experience in a personal and healing way that there are spiritual truths beyond the grasp of human intellect. 👍

Not only is it spiritual, emotionally and cognitively crushing, does not seem to contain anything that contributes to a healthy existence of peace and joy.
Looking back on your post from last week…
Hold on here. When you presented your argument you did it in a series of steps whereby you spoke about god, then you spoke about how essence/existence relations obtain with humans, and then you tried (unsuccessfully) to make this fit with Trinitarian theology.
You used the example of humans to exemplify how the terms work and what they relate to, and to clarify how you were using them. You then applied this model to the trinity.

I responded by showing that what you suggested does not work, because it leads to modalism or tritheism. I played by your rules and used the terms as you established them, in the manner you established.
Which you simply asserted, without demonstrating.

However, if you want someone to refute the argument you didn’t make, I’m game.

It’s pretty funny that you claim I’m arguing for modalism… 'cause that’s been the argument you’ve been proposing all through this thread! Modalism says “the Father, Son, and Spirit are really just aspects of a single (monadic) God”. That’s not what I’m proposing – but it’s what you’re claiming must be the truth.

It’s not tritheism (which, again, is something you say is the only alternative to modalism), since tritheism asserts three distinct gods. That’s not what I was suggesting, either.

Really, what’s going on is that you think it’s one or the other – and then you’re ascribing your notion to me. Not cool. 🤷
Now your response is to say that the stage of your argument where you spoke about humans had nothing to do with the overall explanation
No – I’m saying that we cannot presume that the nature of God is identical to the nature of humans. That’s just obvious.
, and that in fact the terms “essence” and “existence” mean something completely different when applied to God and to human beings.
No… they work differently, although they don’t “mean completely different things.” That’s reasonable, too. If our natures are different, then the way they work is going to be different, naturally.
I refuse to accept your excuse that 50% of your argument was not in fact part of your argument, but was instead a superfluous exercise that was in no way a crucial step in your reasoning.
Hey… (mis)construe it any way you want. The description is what it is – even if you reject it without reason… 🤷
Gorgias is human. paziego is human. Therefore, Gorgias is paziego. The “is” relations are what they are. Deal with it. 🤷
You’re not serious!

Human is a category allowing for multiplicity, but you’ll say God is a category with only one member, right? Your logic is rock-solid and unassailable if you maintain that there can be only ONE human.

Is Jesus God? You’ll say yes.
Is the father God? You’ll say yes.

OK, so then Jesus must be the father. You’ll say no.

Dozens of pages ago, someone asked for the source document showing that Constantine ordered the burning of Arius’ works and the execution of any people found to possess them. The best source website I know of was down at the time. It’s back up. Here is the decree:
It seems quite extraordinary to me that Constantine should yield to the conclusions of the Council, especially since the majority of bishops in the Empire had already fallen into the Arian heresy.

I think he would have done the same, though, if the decision had gone the other direction. He just wanted Pax Romana.
So not to use up the post’s I’d just like to thank posters who responded to my posts, much appreciated 👍

Just a thought/comment on one of the points in the OP :
2: Without a strong and clear identity, a negative definition emerges.
Because Catholics don’t know who they are, and consequently are unable to love themselves, they must turn outward to define what they are not. They hate the other, in order to give the ego something firm to grasp. Catholics are against such and such, they oppose so and so. Because they can’t agree, or even understand what they love they turn to hatred and fear in order to define themselves.
None of this is specific to Catholics, any person can be what you stated above. I see many Catholics who do love themselves, and being able to love oneself they are able to include most any person. Here we have Catholics that help at a homeless shelter, no one is asked what faith they believe before they are received with the act of love by giving that homeless person what they need.
I don’t know your journey, but I know there will always be people of any faith that will hate the other, it seems to be this human default that we need to get over.
I think also that many don’t agree, but do not hate, then again I have never come across such a situation, but I’m not naive enough to believe it can not happen.

Anyway, I need to investigate what noahide is!

You’re not serious!
It’s called a ‘counter-example’. It proves the original assertion wrong by demonstrating that it doesn’t hold up logically. 😉
Human is a category allowing for multiplicity, but you’ll say God is a category with only one member, right?
Sorry – paz tells me that I’m not allowed to make one assertion about one class of beings and a different assertion about another class of beings! (Not that this holds water, but it’s what he claims are the ground rules!)
Your logic is rock-solid and unassailable if you maintain that there can be only ONE human.
It also holds for God – the fact that


does not imply that
holds for both humans and God!
Is Jesus God? You’ll say yes.
Is the father God? You’ll say yes.
OK, so then Jesus must be the father. You’ll say no.
That’s exactly my point: the relation doesn’t hold up – either for God or humans. paz asserted that it did hold up, and I provided a counter-example. Logic is a beautiful thing… 👍
That’s exactly my point: the relation doesn’t hold up – either for God or humans. paz asserted that it did hold up, and I provided a counter-example. Logic is a beautiful thing… 👍
“Human” is a class with more than one member. “God” is a class with only one member, allegedly. The relation holds for “God” because there is only one member of the set, but it does not hold for “human” because there are billions are members of the set.

Gorgias is a human. Paziego is a human. It does not follow that Gorgias is Paziego. The terms “Gorgias” and “Paziego” pick out two distinct referents in a class with billions of members.

The words “Jesus,” “father,” and “spirit” pick out three distinct referents of a class with only one member. That’s impossible!
According to the principle of adequacy an explanation should be in terms of the highest aspect of reality. Pascal made the point succinctly:
No problem. We have other things to do and this forum will always be here, I hope. 🙂
By the principle of adequacy, which you are so keen to apply, God would also have to be corporeal, since creation is material. As far as I know Catholicism does not teach this. But you can always convert to Mormonism or Salafi Islam, which do. Does this make Catholicism unreasonable, according to your judgment?
We also have to apply the principle of economy! (Occam’s Razor) Since the most precious aspects of life are intangible (truth, goodness, freedom, justice, beauty and love) it is reasonable to believe they converge in one Supreme Mind. That is why Christians believe God is infinite Love. There has been no superior explanation of reality before or since Jesus revealed that truth and demonstrated it by the way He lived and died for us…
“Human” is a class with more than one member. “God” is a class with only one member, allegedly. The relation holds for “God” because there is only one member of the set, but it does not hold for “human” because there are billions are members of the set.
Actually, the relation is Person->Class. As you point out, there are billions of members of the class “human person”. However, as you seem to ignore, there are three members of the class “divine person”. So, the relation holds for divine persons, too. And, as we’ve seen, the relation returns valid values for each type of person (human and divine).
Gorgias is a human. Paziego is a human. It does not follow that Gorgias is Paziego. The terms “Gorgias” and “Paziego” pick out two distinct referents in a class with billions of members.
Gorgias is a human person. paziego is a human person. It does not follow that Gorgias is paziego.


The Father is a divine person. The Son is a divine person. It does not follow that The Father is The Son.

See how easy that is? 😉
The words “Jesus,” “father,” and “spirit” pick out three distinct referents of a class with only one member. That’s impossible!
No – now you’re conflating the notion of ‘divine person’ with the notion ‘God’. It only fails to work when you make that mistake…
Actually, the relation is Person->Class. As you point out, there are billions of members of the class “human person”. However, as you seem to ignore, there are three members of the class “divine person”. So, the relation holds for divine persons, too. And, as we’ve seen, the relation returns valid values for each type of person (human and divine).

Gorgias is a human person. paziego is a human person. It does not follow that Gorgias is paziego.


The Father is a divine person. The Son is a divine person. It does not follow that The Father is The Son.
Ok. And aside from the fact the father and son are both divine, what else do they have in common? Why do we say they are one God?
Critical thinking is encouraged in the Catholic Church. Catholics did most of the critical thinking, education, documenting and scientific inquiry through the Middle Ages. Catholics came up with the scientific method. The difference is that, when we do critical thinking with dogma, we approach it with the knowlege that it has already been settled.
So Aristotle had nothing to do with the invention of science, nor did the Arabs? You are rewriting history.
Mere platitude? Honestly paziego. It has been suggested on this thread that Catholics are hostile to atheists. One has to wonder who is being hostile.
Saying that a person did not contribute anything novel or significant is not an act of hostility. I could say the same about many historical characters. I am not giving Jesus preferential treatment, just as I do not give preferential treatment to Mohammed or Ron. L. Hubbard.
Yes. This makes sense for anyone who does not believe in God, or that Jesus is God. If the founder of the Church has no authority, and did not give His authority to her, then it is entirely circular.
But how do you know what Jesus said? How do you know he founded the church you belong to?
That’s not my recollection of it – you concluded by saying that Scripture wasn’t a valid source, and I asked what would be a valid source… and you refused to answer (unless I missed it), saying only that “you cannot use the divine authority of Jesus to prove the divinity of Jesus.” Let me go back to our posts to review, but that’s where you left it… 🤷
Your recollection of it? You have referenced what I said in post 774, which was
am not throwing away anything. You can use any sources you like, but you are not entitled to use the divine authority of Jesus to prove the divinity of Jesus. It is not about sources, it is about the rules of an argument.
How can you claim I refused to answer, yet reference the sentence where I gave you the answer?

Scripture is valid as a source, not as a definitive argument in itself. Otherwise the mere existence of the Koran would prove Islam right.
It was you who abandoned the discussion, not me.
This is another lie from you, as with my supposed refusal to answer. I have had the courtesy to answer all your posts, even when you are blatantly trolling.
Looking back on your post from last week…

Which you simply asserted, without demonstrating.
I am not going to repost it. The argument is in post 774 on page 52. Your response was to flatly deny my argument without one of your own and to call me Don Quijote.
It’s pretty funny that you claim I’m arguing for modalism… 'cause that’s been the argument you’ve been proposing all through this thread! Modalism says “the Father, Son, and Spirit are really just aspects of a single (monadic) God”. That’s not what I’m proposing – but it’s what you’re claiming must be the truth.
It’s not tritheism (which, again, is something you say is the only alternative to modalism), since tritheism asserts three distinct gods. That’s not what I was suggesting, either.
Really, what’s going on is that you think it’s one or the other – and then you’re ascribing your notion to me. Not cool. 🤷
I know you are not a modalist or a tritheist. But that is what your arguments entail.
No – I’m saying that we cannot presume that the nature of God is identical to the nature of humans. That’s just obvious.
Except that was not your point. Your point was that the term “nature” (or essence) refers to something different when talking about god. This is a fair point, but you have to say what it refers to instead. Otherwise we have the admission that the argument you made does not work with the terminology you used. Because your argument depended on “nature” referring to the same thing for humans and god. That is, if I am a human, and fluffy is a dog, and Skippy is a kangaroo, the god is a X. But you say that this X is a different thing from the category “nature” as applied to everything else. You are not saying that God has a different nature in that he is not a human or a dog, you are saying that “nature” means something else in God’s case, but then you fail to specify what.

In post 746 you say,

*As I’ve mentioned earlier, you’re making the error of presuming that human essence and existence is identical in form and nature to divine essence and existence. That isn’t necessary (nor, as we see, is it in fact true.) *

“Essence” is a term which structures the argument. That term may have different content when applied to God, men or kangaroos, but it has to do the same job in all instances. What you mean by form and nature is unclear. But “essence”, or nature, has a general meaning (used in the general sense when talking about things with a nature), and a specific meaning (when talking about specific natures: human-nature, dog-nature).

You were responding to my point that,

*Three to four entities with a divine essence and with distinct identities, just as you and I share a human essence but are not identical tokens. *

Which is valid, according to your usage of the terminology.
No… they work differently, although they don’t “mean completely different things.” That’s reasonable, too. If our natures are different, then the way they work is going to be different, naturally.
If you have a term doing a different job then it does mean something completely different. “+” and “-” work differently, they mean something completely different in an expression.
Actually, the relation is Person->Class. As you point out, there are billions of members of the class “human person”. However, as you seem to ignore, there are three members of the class “divine person”. So, the relation holds for divine persons, too. And, as we’ve seen, the relation returns valid values for each type of person (human and divine).
In that case, just as paziego and gorgias belong to the same class but are separate tokens, father, son and holy spirit belong to the same class and are three separate beings.
No – now you’re conflating the notion of ‘divine person’ with the notion ‘God’. It only fails to work when you make that mistake…
If “god” is not a class (at this stage of the argument) then what is it?
Actually, the relation is Person->Class. As you point out, there are billions of members of the class “human person”. However, as you seem to ignore, there are three members of the class “divine person”. So, the relation holds for divine persons, too. And, as we’ve seen, the relation returns valid values for each type of person (human and divine).

Gorgias is a human person. paziego is a human person. It does not follow that Gorgias is paziego.


The Father is a divine person. The Son is a divine person. It does not follow that The Father is The Son.

See how easy that is? 😉

No – now you’re conflating the notion of ‘divine person’ with the notion ‘God’. It only fails to work when you make that mistake…
Why can’t they be conflated, are you saying a “divine person” is not quite “God?” Consider these statements:
  1. Jesus of Nazareth is the one true God.
  2. The father is the one true God.
  3. The holy spirit is the one true God.
  4. There is only one true God.
Are you saying that Jesus of Nazareth/the father/the holy spirit each as persons of God are not quite “the one true God” such that they can each be squeezed simultaneously into the “one true God?” That would seem to be what you are implying, because the sentences as they stand imply that at least 2 of 1-3 are not the one true God if sentence 4 is true.

Either Jesus is a “divine person” and NOT QUITE the one true God, or he is the one true God (for the sake of argument) and the others are NOT. They can’t each be the only God, that’s incoherent.
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