I believe that God is unlimited so he can and does of course do things that we will never understand and I identify those things as miracles. Existence, free-will, love, and conscience are miracles in my opinion.Do you believe in miracles?
what might be a logical explanation for a virgin birth?
I think every human person is capable of moving beyond the confines of reason and logic.
It does seem like you might be willing to accept something that did not necessarily have scientific evidence but that satisfied your rules of logic/could be philosophically defended.
Yes. Fortunatly this is not Catholic, so that is not a problem for us either.
Yes I suppose so, but I think it would be more accurate to say that you are unwilling to allow even the possibilities. Claiming certainty is one thing, allowing that something may be possible is another. You seem to believe that things don’t exist without the certainty.
Perhaps not. I can only go on the posts.
I is not an “accusation”, just an observation.
Perhaps there is a better way to refer to the definition you have given here?
To me it seems very much the same as the “bible christian” for whom every thing is certain that they read in their bible, and everything out side it is suspect.
So I guess that means philosophy is ok? Perhaps it might be more accurate to say that you are fundamentalist with both logic and science?
I understand this. I would not be able to believe it either if I perceived it that way. I think you will find that is true with most Catholics, though there are also fundamentalist Catholics who do not do any critical thinking about their faith.
Yes. If I had this world view, or this ugly view of Catholicism, I am sure that I would feel the same. In fact, now that I think of it I did have that world view at one time and I remember that I frequently wished I had never been born! Fortunately I was able to experience in a personal and healing way that there are spiritual truths beyond the grasp of human intellect.
Not only is it spiritual, emotionally and cognitively crushing, does not seem to contain anything that contributes to a healthy existence of peace and joy.
I’m not like a fundamentalist, in my opinion, because I am not certain of anything! I’m open to new evidence, beliefs, and reasoning. I do refuse, however, to pretend to be certain about things that can’t be demonstrated and don’t make sense.
For instance, I believe God is totally sovereign but I also believe in human free will. This is problematic because they seem mutually exclusive. Nonetheless, I believe, though I don’t claim certainty of course!
For me, many individual doctrines of Catholicism are abusive, and there doesn’t seem to be a coherent “whole” to it at all. It was driving me insane and making me miserable because the cognitive dissonance became unbearably intense as I learned more about reality and Catholicism (at least, a few accounts of it).