I agree that the roles of priests as marrying both in the legal sense and the religious sense shouldn’t be conflated as they are. Perhaps it would ease tension on both sides if there were a more apparent division between religious and civil marriage. Or maybe some would perceive it as an attack in the short run if a division were attempted, it’s hard to say.There is alevwl of entanglement there the minute you name religious authorities as state officers (granted I have never understood why the US who claims full separation of church and state does this because this is a clear entanglement and this is the reason why in most countries that is forbidden).
I agree. I think there are things that heterosexual marriages do for society that need to be encouraged with incentives. I think there are similar benefits for same-sex marriages. I would be more than happy to concede that, if a straight marriage results in procreation, the couple should be compensated financially for it. But same-sex couples should be compensated for their benefits to society as well. There are more benefits to marriage than the rearing of children, after all, most of which pertain to the pooling of resources and acquisition of property. These apply to both kinds of marriage. (As people on other threads have pointed out before, these could take place even among non-couples, such as siblings, so perhaps the government needs a mechanism for encouraging mutually beneficial partnerships apart from marriage.)On your other point, again as the article say states don’t do anything out of love or the kindness or the heart. Every state action has either an economical or political motive. Sales of alcohol are not criminalized because it brings $$$$$ alcohol sales and from a purely economic standpoint banning alcohol is not a good idea. Now they want to control so the way to balance the economical impact is by taxing. Alcohol taxes are high because of this. Benefits, taxes, licenses are all ways of the government to control to a certain extent what they want to happen frequently and what they don’t. Governments are much more cynical than what people think.
But again, we’re back to the problem of whether beliefs influence languages, languages influence beliefs, or the whole thing results from other linguistic difficulties. This reminds me of a scene in Game of Thrones. Two characters are listing all of the names for various kinds of murder, particularly those that are based on the murderer’s blood relation to the victim. One of them points out that there is no name for the murder of a cousin.If you’re going to say there are any universal moral norms at all, you have to say that some word distinctions matter, since these distinctions enable people to understand and obey the norms.
That is an interesting bit of information, but would we seriously conclude that a society lacking such a word cares less about those murders? It seems more likely that such a word would just not be informative enough to merit existence, since the cousin relationship is vague. So it’s more a matter of utility than the degree to which we care about what is being named.