Hooray! We’re on the same page, then. I guess we disagree about education, but not about the conceptual apparatus of education. Yes, of course, it’s concepts that matter, and our ability to express them. You’re right that I missed your point about being able to express a concept “longhand”, if you like, instead of with a single word.I actually agree with what you suggest here much more than what you’ve expressed thus far. I agree that the concepts are what’s important. Whether or not the concept has a special name is insignificant. Again, I’ll cite my example of there being no word for “to believe on the basis of evidence”. It’s a very important concept that unfortunately lacks a name in our culture.
(This would appear to be Plato’s view too, by the way.)
But even if you can express them longhand, it’s much easier to express them with a single word – and that will lead to a clearer education. It’s much easier to teach the classical view of marriage by using the word “marriage” instead of by saying (in a post-SSM culture) “so there’s this thing that is like marriage except it can only involve a man and a woman, and it’s indissoluble, and it involves sexual complementarity, and its purpose is not only the love of the spouses but also the nurturance of children.”
Now I realize some of those properties of marriage have already been lost, and same-sex marriage advocates aren’t responsible for those losses. But it’s much easier to educate using one word that “packs a lot of punch” (e.g. a word like “integrity”) rather than the 20 words that would be needed to gesture at the concept. Moreover, I think that the concept of classical marriage is something of cross-cultural importance, like the concept of murder.
So of course we’re gonna disagree on the ethics here, but do you agree that, if my ethics were right, losing the word “marriage” as an moral-educational tool would be (and already has been) a genuine loss?