The da vinci code - the movie

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peace to all -
the da vinci code - the movie - starring tom hanks and directed by ron howard (currently in the works) makes me lose respect with most of these people in the entertainment business. it seems they will not stop at anything as long as money keeps rolling into their pockets. i’d assume they knew that the book, where the movie was based on, was an outright fabrication, lie, slander, blasphemy, etc. against our Catholic faith specifically and against all Christians in general. had dan brown written something similar about islam religion, he could be now together with bin ladin hiding in one of the caves in “timbuktu.” but nothing would deter the entertainment people including dan brown, even at the face of losing their own souls to the devil, to do something as blasphemous as this movie for the sake of money. if so, we can correctly guess who these people worship.
join me by boycotting this movie
I’ve already boycotted the book, so I’m in for the movie, too!😃
Detroit Sue:
I’ve already boycotted the book, so I’m in for the movie, too!😃
hi detroit sue,
thanks - i did too. but it did shock me to find that my 14 yr old grandson bought the book. what i did, i immediately bought the cracking the da vinci code book and gave it to him. i extracted a promise from him that after he finished his book to read the one i gave him.
join us and boycott the da vinci code movie
hi detroit sue,
thanks - i did too. but it did shock me to find that my 14 yr old grandson bought the book. what i did, i immediately bought the cracking the da vinci code book and gave it to him. i extracted a promise from him that after he finished his book to read the one i gave him.
join us and boycott the da vinci code movie
Before he gets to “Cracking The Da Vinci Code” you may want to consider getting him instead the solidly Catholic “De-Coding DaVinci” or “The DaVinci Hoax.”

From what I’ve seen of it, “Cracking” is almost as anti-Catholic as the original book itself.
My friend (who is Catholic) wants to read the Da Vinci Code, but his father (who is Protestant) says that he doesn’t want my friend to read it, because he doesn’t want his son’s faith to be wavered. To me, that shows that something is wrong with the book.

I’ll probably end up reading it, not for enjoyment, but because I wanna see what the “Code” actually means.
Before he gets to “Cracking The Da Vinci Code” you may want to consider getting him instead the solidly Catholic “De-Coding DaVinci” or “The DaVinci Hoax.”

From what I’ve seen of it, “Cracking” is almost as anti-Catholic as the original book itself.
i just checked w/ my grandkid he already finished reading both books. but thanks for your (name removed by moderator)ut, i’ll still buy that book you mentioned. also, i emailed the “join the boycott of da vinci the movie” when it comes out to all my friends and relatives. if only all Christians would boycott this movie to make a statement - that would be great.God bless.
Looks like little Opie’s gone far afield of Mayberry and into some deep dark territory. Sad to see that he’s gone so Hollywood. Can anyone imagine any such book getting acclaim and wide “mainstream” popularity or being produced as a movie today if it were targeting Judaism or other religions or religious beliefs? The last similar book, i.e., similar in that it is full of lies and targets a religious group, was Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion or even Mein Kampf. Somehow, Hollywood had the good sense not to make movies out of those books but Catholic bashing seems OK and even chic today. The book is diabolical and somehow young Opie’s smile belongs imprinted on the movie–After all, the devil doesn’t fool or draw you in with a sneer
You know that the love of money is one of the reasons why such a waste of film is being made. The topic is pretty HOT right now.

It saddens me that people whom we have gotten used to when they were younger: i.e. Ron Howard, and to a lesser extent Tom Hanks, and people’s perceptions on life does change. But who could imagine that it would go THIS far!

I don’t know how far to go if I wanted to boycott ever watching their (Ron & Tom) movies, but we shouldn’t judge them, just pray for them.

Tom Hanks is from the Cleveland area, so ‘hometown’ boy gonna need some prayers.

God IS with Us!
Not only have I boycotted this book but I activly denounce it. Problem is the people I find reading it and accepting it are our fellow Catholics! I have no doubt the movie will be the same. :mad:
Matthew 7:13 “Enter through the narrow door; for the door is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction and those who enter it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.” The church fathers even say that there will be more people in hell then in heaven. Given that many of these Catholics are not catechized, you would think why would they held responsible for something that’s not their fault? I’ll never forget the saying of a particular judge, “you’re ingorance of the law is no excuse.” (unknown).
I’ve sat on a Parish Counsel where people have read that book and actually believe it raises “interesting questions” about how womens roles were/are surpressed in the Church…but yet they didnt have a problem admitting they didnt know about the REAL History of the Church…when I opined that I was recording an EWTN special about the truth of the book and its debunking, (foolishly expecting them to be interested and asking about the date and time of the show, or at the least, asking for a copy of the tape) I was looked at like I had a third eye in my forehead… every time I mentioned EWTN I got met with condesension and quiet “snicker smiles”… and foolish me, I thought I was gonna open up new avenues to the Counsel or at the least meet with people who watched EWTN…after all, what attracted me was them wanting people who can “think outside the box” I wasnt yet sufficiently jaded enough to realize that was code for “outside the Magesterium”… what a jerk I was for thinking THAT in a Parish Counsel… :rolleyes:

I aint gonna watch the movie, cause one sided ill informed movies about religion (unless fantasy or horror) just seem to annoy me… besides, Roger Ebert said just watch National Treasure and that is a thinly veiled take off on The Da Vinchi Code, so ya dont have to wait for the Ron Howard version…but since National Treasure is geared as FANTASY in the Indian Jones type mold…I aint offended and will watch it when it hits dvd.

Is Ron Howard Catholic? Cause some here seem to think that he is…if they dont then why all the controversy? Arent protestants generally confused about Catholics anyway? Isnt the movie/book just another in a long line of “the Church is holding back on biblical secrets”? Doesnt this stuff attract non catholics? Why would Ron Howard be any different if he isnt a practicing Catholic? I THINK he is a Christian…but it almost seems like he is “subtly” being accused of being ANTI (CHRISTIAN) cause he is making the movie… I dunno… but I sure aint gonna boycott Hanks and Howards careers cause of this.
Curious question for the opinions of Catholics. It seems most people don’t have a problem with incorrect ideas when it’s clearly shown as a “fantasy” or “what if” situation. Heck, that’s all most movies are supposed to be are “what if” the world worked like this.

How would Catholics feel if the movie was promoted for what it is, fiction and fantasy? “Intrigue into a world of conspiracies”. Kind of like… what was the name… “The Order”. Obviously there is no “sin-eater” and god doesn’t work on loop-holes.

I read the book so I would actually have an educated opinion when discussing it rather than only reading the anti- side of it. Book wasn’t that interesting to me because it just wasn’t that imaginative in my opinion, just saying inflammatory things to get a rise out of people. I don’t think I’d see the movie based on that it’d be boring.

And yes, I know the book was portrayed as fact, and that a lot of people now are screwed up because of the book. I hate that part of the story.

I was just curious what people would think if they “Hollywood’d” the movie, rather then they way it’s presented now.
Faithful 2 Rome:
I’ve sat on a Parish Counsel where people have read that book and actually believe it raises “interesting questions” about how womens roles were/are surpressed in the Church…but yet they didnt have a problem admitting they didnt know about the REAL History of the Church…when I opined that I was recording an EWTN special about the truth of the book and its debunking, (foolishly expecting them to be interested and asking about the date and time of the show, or at the least, asking for a copy of the tape) I was looked at like I had a third eye in my forehead… every time I mentioned EWTN I got met with condesension and quiet “snicker smiles”… and foolish me, I thought I was gonna open up new avenues to the Counsel or at the least meet with people who watched EWTN…after all, what attracted me was them wanting people who can “think outside the box” I wasnt yet sufficiently jaded enough to realize that was code for “outside the Magesterium”… what a jerk I was for thinking THAT in a Parish Counsel… :rolleyes:

I aint gonna watch the movie, cause one sided ill informed movies about religion (unless fantasy or horror) just seem to annoy me… besides, Roger Ebert said just watch National Treasure and that is a thinly veiled take off on The Da Vinchi Code, so ya dont have to wait for the Ron Howard version…but since National Treasure is geared as FANTASY in the Indian Jones type mold…I aint offended and will watch it when it hits dvd.

Is Ron Howard Catholic? Cause some here seem to think that he is…if they dont then why all the controversy? Arent protestants generally confused about Catholics anyway? Isnt the movie/book just another in a long line of “the Church is holding back on biblical secrets”? Doesnt this stuff attract non catholics? Why would Ron Howard be any different if he isnt a practicing Catholic? I THINK he is a Christian…but it almost seems like he is “subtly” being accused of being ANTI (CHRISTIAN) cause he is making the movie… I dunno… but I sure aint gonna boycott Hanks and Howards careers cause of this.
I had a similar experience with a so-called small Christian community meeting that met once a week. After a couple months one of the gospel readings led to a discussion of abortion and I was horrified to find out that most of the CINOs in the group were pretty much OK with abortion. I never went to another “community” meeting, but the experience shocked me into seeing the truth about the widespread ignorance within the Church “community” of Church teaching and doctrine on the sanctity of life and the widespread infiltration of secularism and moral relativism into the Church. The true danger to the Church is from within (with a laity that hasn’t been adequately taught the fullness of Truth and with a clergy that has neglected the obligation and responsibility to provide the knowledge and spiritual armor needed to defend against all heresy).
Well maybe they will take this book and totally chop it up and take out stuff and change it all around for the movie, and we’ll end up with something that actually makes the church looks good! The new revised super-sneaky twist at the end can be that Jesus really was the Son of God.

If they could totally re-write Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy for the movie screen, maybe they will do the same job on this one!

How’s that for being an optimist?
Faithful 2 Rome:
I’ve sat on a Parish Counsel where people have read that book and actually believe it raises “interesting questions” about how womens roles were/are surpressed in the Church here seem to think that he is…if they dont then why all the .
that’s nothing, neighboring parish, also HQ for Call to Action, was running a “bible study” based on DVC taught by a lay woman who is the locus of dissent over there, until new pastor came in and squashed it.
People do understand that this book is fiction, and it advertised as fiction. Right???
My friend (who is Catholic) wants to read the Da Vinci Code, but his father (who is Protestant) says that he doesn’t want my friend to read it, because he doesn’t want his son’s faith to be wavered. To me, that shows that something is wrong with the book.

I’ll probably end up reading it, not for enjoyment, but because I wanna see what the “Code” actually means.
I would suggest that if a book, even this book is laible to affect your, or anyone elses faith, it says far more about their faith than it does about a book!!!
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