Some posters to these forums SERIOUSLY need to unclench!
I only read from an approved version of Holy Writ, but I will tell you this: when I was 11 years old, I ask for and received for Christmas the Children’s Living Bible (the Living Bible is pre-masticated oat-meal, so you can imagine the CHILDREN’S version). I read the thing straight through, sort of as a challenge to myself.
This Baptist child, reading what was essentially a Protestant interpretation, learned from that text that Peter was made the head of the Church, with the authority to bind and loose, that Christ gave the Apostles the authority to forgive sins, that we were supposed to have bishops, and that the bread and wine really became Jesus. Holy Mother Church has nothing to fear from these books.
Further, the King James Bible, whether radical “traditionalists” wish to admit it or not, is a work of cultural and literary importance. It’s not authoritative, but it’s important in the cultural and literary development of the West. That’s not indifferntism, that’s a simple, pragmatic fact.
I have my great-grandfather’s KJV, marked with snuff stains from his sitting in his wheel-chair and pouring over it when he was no longer able to go to services. I’d like to see who’s going to attempt to confiscate it.