They used the electrons in the molecule to store data. None of them is attributed with inventing the molecule itself.So was this molecule that you spoke of, invented by Cornell, the University of Oklahoma, or the Kremlin?
Many technologies were developed for years/decades before they become common place and common knowledge within a community.Many never go anywhere at all. Ethernet, a common cable networking system for computers, was invented in 1973. It wasn’t until after 1996 that it started to enter into common knowledge. Email was invented close to the same time.You want to know what is really strange about DNA storage, these articles are from 2012, and no one seems to know anything about this
In general don’t expect there to be much awareness of anything that hasn’t made itself visible to the general public. It’s still an esoteric topic with no practical implementations. For any of us there are numbers of technologies for which information was published years or decades ago and we are not familiar with it.
This is the philosophy forum. Any statement made may be challenged and considered for how it withstands challenge. That’s a general interaction pattern here and not necessarily a personal attack. If statements don’t stand up to a challenge or if the challenges are dismissed then they might come across as either false or at the least part of poorly constructed argument. You’ll be questioned on how you use terms; different people use them in different ways. If your usage is not made clear then your argument is not clear.people are attacking me for even saying that it is real.
When challenged on the use of the hard drive metaphor you’ve responded several times with what seems like an argument from popularity (“many news sites call it a hard drive”) and then defer people to those sites. That’s not defending your statement at all and is not likely to result in progress with what you are presenting.
Some of the articles you’ve presented say otherwise. They say that biological beings don’t make good host for this method of information storage because of the potential impact on the cells of the host, the potential impacts of the host o the encoded data, and the considerably lower information density from only a small percentage of the dna strand containing the information of interest.Now we know that our bodies can store typical computer code
Similes are useful for a scaffolding on which to build understanding. But they tend not to be expressive of isomorphic relationships.which in some way, likens us to chemical computers, of some intelligent origin
Information is also stored on carved clay and stone, punched cards, string with knots tied in it, notches in wood, printing on paper, …As for the hard drive comparison, it is accurate, as a hard drive stores information