Understanding none of this, I probably shouldn’t post at all. But it’s intriguing.
Remembering how Doc Brown poured a beer into “Mr. Fusion” then threw in the can to power the time traveling car, I have this mental image of dropping a squirrel into one’s computer in order to use its DNA. The further advantage would be that if there was one of those squirrel wheels in the computer, the squirrel could also provide whatever electric power was needed for the screen and such. For laptops, one could perhaps use a mouse.

Remembering how Doc Brown poured a beer into “Mr. Fusion” then threw in the can to power the time traveling car, I have this mental image of dropping a squirrel into one’s computer in order to use its DNA. The further advantage would be that if there was one of those squirrel wheels in the computer, the squirrel could also provide whatever electric power was needed for the screen and such. For laptops, one could perhaps use a mouse.