The Effort to Silence Christians

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Lisa N
I’m sorry you didn’t get the Mr Chips thing, too allusive I guess. Let me quote Barack Obama instead “We coach Little League in blue states and we have gay friends in red states. We pray to an awesome God in blue states and we don’t like federal agents sniffing around our libraries in red states.”
Why would you quote Barack Obama on anything? He is a proabortion Senator. He is about as left as they come.
homo-activists are the worst. i wish they would leave our country and move to france with all the hippies and femi-nazis. this whole incident makes me sick.
Why would you quote Barack Obama on anything? He is a proabortion Senator. He is about as left as they come.
If Michael Moore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton issued a joint statement asserting that two plus two equalled four you could send as many messages as you like attacking their personal history and political beliefs. At the end of it all two plus two would still equal four.

Similarly the question is not what is Barack Obama’s views on abortion or any other issue. The question is “is what he said both true and relevant?” You may answer no, you probably will but at least respect the rules of debate sufficiently to address what people actually say rather than who they might be.
Lisa, you can dismiss whoever you want as biased, but you have not been even able to come up with a lame excuse as to why the Philadelphia police should not be allowed to give a street permit to a group under the same rules as the DC and NYC police give out permits.

It is their party, they can invite who they want. And if an uninvited gate crasher won’t leave, the police can be called to remove them.
Katherine I am not even trying to provide excuses, lame, sound or in between. My point is that we really do not KNOW what happened and the charges seem excessive…weapons, riots, threats…from a handful of Christians? I agree that ‘hecklers’ ought to be removed from a crowd who has come to hear a specific speaker. Do you agree? How about the woman who was removed from a rally for accusing Pres Bush of “killing my son…”

I have no problem with the police removing a disruptive force from a restricted area. Read my post where protestors prevented a group of people from attending a political event. The police tried to restrain the people who would not stop blocking streets etc and the POLICE were fined for ‘excessive force’ because when the protestors refused to move, some of them were pepper sprayed or dragged off. If someone disobeys a police order, they ask for trouble and again I have no objection with the police keeping the peace.

Again the issue for me is that we are hearing biased reports and the charges seem quite excessive with respect to what a reasonable person might determine is the threat level of a handful of Christians reading the Bible—even at 90 decibels.

Lisa N
If Michael Moore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton issued a joint statement asserting that two plus two equalled four you could send as many messages as you like attacking their personal history and political beliefs. At the end of it all two plus two would still equal four.
If i didn’t know 2 + 2 = 4, I would have a hard time trusting them and would go to a more credible source.
‘If i didn’t know 2 + 2 = 4, I would have a hard time trusting them and would go to a more credible source.’

in fact, i’m beginning to doubt it IS 4, now that their names have been associated with the formula… 😉
oat soda:
homo-activists are the worst. i wish they would leave our country and move to france with all the hippies and femi-nazis. this whole incident makes me sick.
Blimey, and we Europeans get labelled zenophobic!!!
Blimey, and we Europeans get labelled zenophobic!!!
We can’t accuse Americans of being ignorant if we mispell words like xenophobia Norwich. As in the classic Observer Headline after Blair won the 1997 election-
 	         	From The Observer archive 
	 	 **Goodbye Xenophobia**
We can’t accuse Americans of being ignorant if we mispell words like xenophobia Norwich. As in the classic Observer Headline after Blair won the 1997 election-
          From The Observer archive 
          **Goodbye Xenophobia**
Sorry about that but occasionally my Dyslexia gets in the way. Best invention to come out of the States was the spellchecker, unfortunately not available on this forum. Ho Hum.🙂
I think the Repent group deserves what it got. They knew fully well what was going to happen. Wheres the charity in that?
I have dealt with groups like this before when I was a AIDs activist, they can speel some very bigoted remarks.
Finally if they are doing the work of Christ, why are they complaining? He said they would be hated and persucuted. I think the group wants some cake and to eat it too.
I think the Repent group deserves what it got. They knew fully well what was going to happen. Wheres the charity in that?
I have dealt with groups like this before when I was a AIDs activist, they can speel some very bigoted remarks.
Finally if they are doing the work of Christ, why are they complaining? He said they would be hated and persucuted. I think the group wants some cake and to eat it too.
What exactly do AIDs activists do? Do you promote the use of condoms or teach about the kind of activities that can lead to AIDs? Do you know any cancer or heart disease activists?
What exactly do AIDs activists do? Do you promote the use of condoms or teach about the kind of activities that can lead to AIDs? Do you know any cancer or heart disease activists?
I did allot of differant type of grunt work. It varied from handing out condoms, pamphlets explaning about condom use and selective partners, helping drug addicts( did not give out needles was illegal at that time), and helped those with full blown AIDs at hospices which was the worse part.

Yes I know of quite a few cancer and heart disease activists, there are quite a few national reconized groups that are on TV everyday for that matter.
I did allot of differant type of grunt work. It varied from handing out condoms, pamphlets explaning about condom use and selective partners, helping drug addicts( did not give out needles was illegal at that time), and helped those with full blown AIDs at hospices which was the worse part.

Yes I know of quite a few cancer and heart disease activists, there are quite a few national reconized groups that are on TV everyday for that matter.
Caring for the sick is indeed a noble deed, but as part of your other AIDs activist activities did you say anything about monogamy and fidelity to marrieds, abstinence to unmarrieds, the need to enact laws requiring testing of expectant mothers for AIDs or HIV despite privacy objections so that pre-born children could be treated and thereby avoid the disease altogether? Did you say anything about the moral obligation of expectant mothers to seek out such checkups and the need then to follow up with treatment for their child? Did you say anything about not engaging in homosexual activities or intervenous drug use as part of your other work as an AIDs activist?
Caring for the sick is indeed a noble deed, but as part of your other AIDs activist activities did you say anything about monogamy and fidelity to marrieds, abstinence to unmarrieds, the need to enact laws requiring testing of expectant mothers for AIDs or HIV despite privacy objections so that pre-born children could be treated and thereby avoid the disease altogether? Did you say anything about the moral obligation of expectant mothers to seek out such checkups and the need then to follow up with treatment for their child? Did you say anything about not engaging in homosexual activities or intervenous drug use as part of your other work as an AIDs activist?
Oh of course I did, but you have to remember I started working in this back in the late 80s, they did not have the near knowledge we have now. HIV was still just in gay communites, so we did not have mothers with HIV having children. We showed how and why homosexual acts were the most dangerous, IV users were not and still not a big population in HIV cases as well.

Abstinance is the only real way of defeating HIV, one of the reasons why I left the org that i was in was I saw the real deal on Condom use. Yes they are highly effective against STDs, but are not effective compaired to abstinance and selective partners. They really only give you a 80% chance if used typlically, but until the person stops having promiscuis sex the propability is 100% in there lifetime.
Oh of course I did, but you have to remember I started working in this back in the late 80s, they did not have the near knowledge we have now. HIV was still just in gay communites, so we did not have mothers with HIV having children. We showed how and why homosexual acts were the most dangerous, IV users were not and still not a big population in HIV cases as well.

Abstinance is the only real way of defeating HIV, one of the reasons why I left the org that i was in was I saw the real deal on Condom use. Yes they are highly effective against STDs, but are not effective compaired to abstinance and selective partners. They really only give you a 80% chance if used typlically, but until the person stops having promiscuis sex the propability is 100% in there lifetime.
Thanks for your efforts in comforting the afflicted and educating people in how to avoid this dreaded disease…
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