It’s a tough issue…it really is…
I think we can all agree that active homosexuals should not be ordained, or kicked out if they already are, and that the gay subculture should be supressed in seminaries.
But active heterosexuals should be punished too, though perhaps for them their is a greater sense of hope for ammendment. And a heterosexually promiscuous, licentious, or machoistic attitudes should not be cultivated in priests either.
We need to get rid of the liberal San Francisco gate-keeper feminist lesbian nuns who only let gay-wiccan-transexuals-who-support-the-ordination-of-women into the seminary, who dismiss orthodox candidates. We need to remove from authority and training positions those who promote a heterodox agenda and homosexual subculture of effeminacy and liberalism within the priesthood.
At the same time, I think we can agree that homosexual inclinations, in and of themselves, do not constitute sin. They are objectively disordered under Natural Law, however, and generally recognized in conservative Catholic circles as being a psycho-emotional disorder as well.
So the real issue comes down to what to do with those suffering from same sex attraction who nevertheless are sincere about living chastely and are orthodox in their faith.
And even this can be further divided into those who are openly, even if chastely, homosexual…and those who do not reveal it except perhaps for support in fighting it to a few close friends, family, their psychologist, spiritual director etc…
I would say that the real issue is a decline in Catholic cultural identity, and the attitudes of the sexual revolution and confusion in gender identity in general.
We speak nowadays of “sexual repression” as a bad thing…but frankly…that’s sort of what I would want my priests to be. Asexual. Begnign, unthreatening, nonsexual beings. Angelic creatures above the temptations of the flesh, niether eunuchy, fay, and effeminate, nor machoistic, hyper-masculine, and slobbishly barbarian. Truly strong, sensitive, confident, virtuous, and holy men.
Now, some of this is clearly unrealistic…priests are human males and are bound to feel sexual feelings. But they should show no signs of their problems. A priest should not give any indication of sexuality any more than the writings of any of the great Saints give indication of theirs. A priest should bear temptation privately, with their confessor or psychologist or spiritual director, but should otherwise be a strong, orthodox, and chaste catholic.
But, there is the issue of living in close quarters with other men too…
Ultimately, I think that only individuals should be ordained who can be chaste, un-sexual, and strongly orthodox. If they don’t let any disorders they have effect their behavior…no one can ever know.
And thats an issue too. How would we enforce a ban on all homosexuals? What about those who never tell. Who do nothing. Who have effectively sublimated their sexuality and who are strongly catholic? Would a ban consider them “homosexual”?
I think we need a ban on “gay” priests…that is, those who let their homosexuality show in their personality, behavior, and mannerisms, even if they are celibate and orthodox.
We need a priesthood that is emotionally stable, transcendent of the flesh, and staunchly orthodox.
How we go about this might not be through a broad approach like “ban all gays” but rather through a case-by-case basis process that would start by appointing emotionally stable, staunchly orthodox, truly “priestly” men in the positions of who should be admitted to seminary, and who should be asked to leave.
I dont think we can cast people out with a broad brush. We are looking for holy, orthodox people who truly show it in their lives…and to create a culture within the priesthood of holiness…and eliminate other sub-cultures…be they of Power or of Sexuality…