Give us a break…Jesus said and did many things that upset people who would try to use the OT against him and his teachings. I suppose we are also to reject the revelation to Peter concerning eating things that were “taught” in the OT Law to be “unclean.”(see Acts 10:10-30)
Believe me I am giving you a break. Too bad people don’t read this portion of Scripture too well Protestants included!
Since it is against the Torah to teach something other then what God’s commandments are there must be a problem with the interpertation of these verses !
Nowhere can we find on of the 12 Apostles supporting the abolishment of a single command of the Torah. That is powerful testimony to the way they understood, first hand, the teaching of Y’shua.
10:11 He saw heaven opened and an object something like a large sheet descending, being let down to earth by its four corners. 10:12 In it were all kinds of four-footed animals and reptiles of the earth and wild birds. 10:13 Then a voice said to him, “Get up, Peter; slaughter and eat!” 10:14 But Peter said, “Certainly not, Lord, for I have never eaten anything defiled and ritually unclean!” 10:15 The voice spoke to him again, a second time, “What Yahweh has made clean, you must not consider ritually unclean.
Yahweh gave Peter a vision and told him not to call unclean what Yahweh had made clean. Peter was to stop following Torah and have pork chops for dinner, so can we. That is the way this vision is wrongly interpreted by most Christians; from the pre-conceived doctrine that the Torah was abolished.
Let’s take a closer look at the passage firstly, the context. A Roman named Cornelius’ had an Angel visit him and tell him to summon Peter; that Yahweh had heard Cornelius’ prayers, and seen his many good deeds. So Cornelius sent some of his servants to Joppa where he had been told by the Angel he would find Peter. Before they arrived, Peter was on the roof, it was lunch time, and he was hungry. Then he saw this vision of the animals.
What was Yahweh trying to tell Peter? Peter says in verse 14 that he had never eaten any thing unclean, so apparently he didn’t understand that Y’shua had done away with the Torah, because he was still following it many years later. What Peter needed to learn to stop following was not the Torah but the traditions of the elders. Back in the story of Mark 7 and Matthew 15, Matthew tells us that it was Peter who asked Y’shua “ what does the parable mean?” The problem is that there is was no parable; this is why Y’shua asked if they were so ignorant; this is why He then had to repeat what He said to them in very graphic terms . You see, Peter liked traditions. When Y’shua spoke against the traditions of the elders, Peter thought it must be a parable. It wasn’t. Y’shua was trying to get him to realize that he need to follow the Torah, not traditions. Peter was given this vision for the same reason; he was about to be asked to break another tradition of me; he was about to visit a Gentile
10:16 This happened three times, and immediately the object was taken up into heaven.