Hey ill answer for him…
The torah speaks of drinking of blood and eating of flesh because it has to do with offerings to God, my interpretation of leviticus chapter three is simple.
“If someone in presenting a peace offering makes his offering from the herd, he may offer before the LORD either a Male or Female animal, but it must be wihtout blemish.”
It goes on to say “From the Flock” or to…
“a GOAT”
The author goes on to further saying…
“And after laying his hand on its head, whe shall slaughter it before the meeting tent; but Aaron’s sons shall splash its
BLOOD on the sides of the alter. From it he shall offer as an oblation to the LORD the
FATTY MEMBRANE over the inner organs, and all teh fat that adheres to them, as well as the two kidneys with the fat on them near the loins, and the lobe of the liver…
All this the priest shall burn on the altar as the food of the sweet-smelling oblation. ALL THE FAT ARE BELONG TO US (just kidding… “All the fat belongs to the LORD”) This shall be a perpetual ordinance for your descendants whereever they may dwell. You SHALL NOT partake of any FAT or any blood”
Leviticus 3:12-17
I dont know, it could just be this Catholic Youth Bible (NAB) Translation (of a translation of a …etc), but from what i read, i dont see anywhere where it says anything that coincides and ruins the teaching of the Eucharist clearly explained by Jesus… and most of the apostles and saints and the catholic church’s teaching for thousands of years.
Do you?
If so, let me know. Is the Lord the GOAT? and did he sacrafice himself for GOD for HIS peace offering?
No, i think not. I think the Lord sacraficed him self for US, because he is TRUE MAN/TRUE GOD after all, so who else can he sacrafice to? Satan? hah!
In his Holy Sacrafice, he took his life and gave us a gift (the Eucharist) to partake in, honeslty i think you can live without it, but not for long… You must trust in what God says. and find answers (EXTREMELY THOROUGH) to every conflicting belief!
I hope i cleared something up, or brought up something to pick on me for
MAy the Grace of God be with you always!