
This is far more than a convenience. This is clearly the way God and nature intended. Only in relatively modern times with the advent of large multi-bedroom homes has such separate sleeping even been possible. The idea of putting a helpless, totally dependent human being, designed by God to love and be loved, ALONE in their own room simply doesn’t make sense. Prior to modern times, the norm was that at a minimum, parents and children slept in the same room, and more usually for babies, the baby slept with mother. In most cultures this is still the norm. I have several friends from Indian, and they are regularly astounded that we dump our newborn babies into a crib in their own room. They explain that if they were to do that in their culture they would be roundly criticized as uncaring parents. This is just one anectodal example. Look around the world (outside of the relatively small western culture), and you will see that co-sleeping is the norm if for no other reason than necessity.I have seen absolutely nothing here to convince me that the family bed is nothing more than convenience.

I don’t think many parents using the family bed would disagree with this. And parent’s doing attachment parenting certainly wouldn’t. But can you explain why THIS is an area of boundry drawing? You simply assume that the bed is somehow off-limits. Why? While the Catechism certainly doesn’t speak to a preferred sleeping arrangement, neither does it mention the ‘sacredness’ of the marital bed they way you understand it. The marital act, yes, but no mention that the parent’s bedroom and mattress are somehow off limits.Children need to start learning boundaries, and the line should be clearly drawn.

I stongly suggest that before you condemn or criticize this practice you educate yourself on this matter. You have to understand the practice in a larger context of attachment parenting (AP). You’d do well to read some books on AP so you get the ‘big picture’ of what the goals are, and why this fits so well with a Catholic understanding. I’d recommend Gregory Popcak’s book ‘Parenting with Grace’. I am not trying to convince you, just give you a source to of information you said you were looking for in this thread.These lines don’t need to be drawn for the 6 day old child. But, they must eventually be drawn. Cannot understand how this teaches the children boundaries.
Also, do not understand how this does not teach them that they come first, and mommy and daddy will drop anyting for them (even outside of the emergency situation). I believe that this is in line with permissive parenting, and dangerous (and I’m not referring to SIDs).
I find it uncharitable of you to make the condemnations of these practices you do without haveing first educated yourself on the matter. If you educate yourself, then still disagree, fine. But the least you could do is get the full picture before making your judgement.