How is it that the modern Catholic says that unbaptized babies ‘probably’ or ‘may’ go to heaven in light of the following quotes? I realize that the Magisterium, of late, has given no ruling on this issue…but the Catechism suggests that the issue is not defined. How is that reconciled with:
“We define…Also…the souls of those who depart this life in actual mortal sin, or in original sin alone, go down straightaway to hell to be punished, but with unequal pains.”
Pope Eugenius (Council of Florence - Session 6—6 July 1439)
(Realizing that the Latin “infurnus”, here translated as “hell”, can refer to basically any state of the afterlife outside of heaven).
"On account of this rule of faith, even infants are truly baptized unto the remission of sins. Moreover, if anyone says that
in the kingdom of Heaven there will be some place where infants live who departed this life without Baptism, without which they cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven which is eternal life: let him be anathema."
(Pope St. Zosimus: Denzinger:102, n.2; Canon 2, XVI Council of Carthage)
I’d appreciate any imput.
In Christ and Mary,
“We define…Also…the souls of those who depart this life in actual mortal sin, or in original sin alone, go down straightaway to hell to be punished, but with unequal pains.”
Pope Eugenius (Council of Florence - Session 6—6 July 1439)
(Realizing that the Latin “infurnus”, here translated as “hell”, can refer to basically any state of the afterlife outside of heaven).
"On account of this rule of faith, even infants are truly baptized unto the remission of sins. Moreover, if anyone says that
in the kingdom of Heaven there will be some place where infants live who departed this life without Baptism, without which they cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven which is eternal life: let him be anathema."
(Pope St. Zosimus: Denzinger:102, n.2; Canon 2, XVI Council of Carthage)
I’d appreciate any imput.
In Christ and Mary,