Hello. I am new. I attempted earlier to make a post under this topic, but for some reason it said I was not logged in, and my post did not go through.But my question is, in light of the Magisterial statements provided on this thread, how can there be any question? If the Church says that out of God’s mercy some infants could go to heaven, how could that be reconciled with the seemingly, at least to me, clear meaning of the Council of Trent’s decree? Limbo, it seems, is the only alternative that does not contradict the infallible proclamations of Holy Mother Church on this matter.
Basically, I agree with you 100% (except the last part of the last sentence, but I will address that later).
I quoted two of St. Augustine’s writings in my last post, as well as much more, but for lack of time and sleep right now I will merely re-post the two from St. Augustine:
“If you wish to be a Catholic, do not believe, nor say, nor teach, that infants who die before baptism can obtain the remission of original sin.” An stronger writting from St. Augustine reads: “Whoever says that even infants are vivified in Christ when they depart this life without the participation of His Sacrament (Baptism), both opposes the Apostolic preaching and CONDEMNS THE WHOLE CHURCH which hastens to baptize infants, because it unhesitatingly believes that otherwise they can not possibly be vivified in Christ.”
He could not be clearer. Neither could the quotes already presented from the Councils of Florence and Carthage be any clearer. There is no possible way for an infant to be saved except through Baptism. They will go to hell, to suffer different punishments, if they die in Original Sin (c.f. Florence).
A few other things from the original post I attempted to make: I suggest anyone interested in this get the Gerry Matatics tape on this. It is called Abortion as Satanic Sacrifice. The tape deals specifically with this topic very well, quoting Fathers, Doctors, and infallible Church declarations. It is the sixth tape of a six-tape set. The set deals also much with freemasonry, and one tape is dedicated to the design of Washington, D.C. by the masons. The set is called Wake Up, America. It is $35.00 from Catholic Treasures (catholictreasures.com/cartdescrip/20264.html). The one tape on abortion is $7.00 from the same publisher: (catholictreasures.com/cartdescrip/20290.html).
Also, to address the idea that the Holy Innocents were not baptized. Yes, that is true, but they did not need to be. Baptism had not been instituted yet. Christ would not even proclaimed it as a necessity for over 30 years, and the necessity did not take place until Pentecost Day (c.f., St. Robert Bellarmine, St. Alphonsus Ligouri, and other Doctors). These Holy Innocents were also murdered to save Christ, which is also another circumstance that differentiates them from an aborted infant. And lastly, even though they were murdered, they were still incorporated under the Old Law by circumcision, which Law still held validly at the time.
Now, to address the one thing I said I disagree with you on. You said that Limbo is the only Catholic option. I disagree. I think that the infants being punished to the Hell of the Damned is a Catholic OPTION. I am not saying it is correct, but I actually right now lean toward that over Limbo. The Church has never defined that a person cannot go to Hell for Original Sin alone. That, in fact, is what was proclaimed at Florence (and actually that was based upon Lyons II). The idea of Limbo is merely speculative. There is nothing wrong with believing it, but it is not to be held as we would hold the Immaculate Conception or certainly not as we would the Incarnation. It is not an Article of Faith, and it could be wrong.