How would you go about proving that there aren’t two Supreme Gods who love each other?I have submitted answers before, and I want to add another:
If the Creator and the Un-moved mover are not one, and the argument for each leads to the uncaused cause of each which is God, then we must assume their are two gods. One for each argument. Assuming that we had two gods, then they are not the same, in order to be two there is something that distinguishes one from the other, that something has existence or being. Now it is understood that God is Pure Being and Pure Act. Yet if one had something different than the other, one of those gods wouldn’t possess pure being, and neither would the other. So the argument is contradictory, you can not have two gods only one. Therefore the Creator, or uncaused cause, and the Un-moved mover are one and the same. The truth is implicit in the argument of the Un-moved mover as I stated before. I also mentioned that multipicity is the sign of created entities.
I don’t think I want to talk about the predestination thing right now. Seeing children and thinking God could get them to Heaven but would rather they reject His sufficient grace so that His wrath is shown almost make be become an atheist. Thank God I know more about the truth, and the history of quasi-Calvinism throughout Catholic history. Thank you God