It didn’t endorse Rosmini, but it said those propositions were not heretical. And they said what I am saying. And John Paul II’s encyclical DID endorse him. Also, I didn’t say we were part of God’s nature. My philosophical explanation was that we are an accident of the light which surrounds Him, which is in turn an accident of Him. Also when you said God IS existence, are you not saying the world is part of Him then? Aquinas doesn’t say that. He says that God is His OWN existence. I haven’t seen where the Church has taught that position though
I like the proposition which said the Son and Holy Spirit were the same. Its like when Jesus said the husband and wife are “one flesh”. Two persons, but one as well
Either you have trouble reading or you didn’t read my previous post. The condemnation was lifted because the 40 propositions were shown not to be those of Rosmini. The propositions were **not approved **but that Rosimini was not that source of them, so his books were taken off the Index.
" The motives for doctrinal and prudential concern and difficulty that determined the promulgation of the Decree Post obitum with the condemnation of the “40 Propositions” taken from the works of Anthony Rosmini can now be considered superseded. This is so because the meaning of the propositions, as understood and condemned by the Decree, does not belong to the authentic position of Rosmini, but to conclusions that may possibly have been drawn from the reading of his works. The questions of the plausibility of the Rosminian system, of its speculative consistency and of the philosophical and theological theories and hypotheses expressed in it remain entrusted to the theoretical debate. "
The Second Person is God and therefore has no accidents. Being God he is absolutely simple, he is pure spirit having no potentiality. I gave you proof that this is the Dogmatic teaching of the Church. And I it is the Dogmatic teaching of the Church that God and his creatures are totally separate in their natures, we are not accidents of God. That is heresy.
And the Holy Spirit and the Second Person ( the word ) are separate Persons. But each possesses the One Divine Nature.
Ecumenical XX (on Faith and the Church)
SESSION III (April 24, 1870)
Dogmatic Constitution concerning the Catholic Faith *
Chap. 1. God, Creator of All Things
1782 [The one, living, and true God and His distinction from all things.] * The holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman Church believes and confesses that there is one, true, living God, Creator and Lord of heaven and earth, omnipotent, eternal, immense, incomprehensible, infinite in and will, and in every perfection; who, although He is one, singular, altogether simple and unchangeable spiritual substance, must be proclaimed distinct in reality and essence from the world; most blessed in Himself and of Himself, and ineffably most high above all things which are or can be conceived outside Himself [can. 1-4].
1783 The act of creation in itself, and in opposition to modern errors, and the effect of creation] . This sole true God by His goodness and “omnipotent power,” not to increase His own beatitude, and not to add to, but to manifest His perfection by the blessings which He bestows on creatures, with most free volition, “immediately from the beginning of time fashioned each creature out of nothing, spiritual and corporeal, namely angelic and mundane; and then the human creation, common as it were, composed of both spirit and body” [Lateran Council IV, see n. 428; can. 2 and 5]
1784 [The result of creation] .But God protects and governs by His providence all things which He created, “reaching from end to end mightily and ordering all things sweetly” [cf. Wisd. 8:1]. For “all things are naked and open to His eyes” Heb. 4:13], even those which by the free action of creatures are in the future. "…±+1799&page=2
For a philosophical explanation of God’s presence in his creation see the following thread in Traditional Catholic Tradition,