non sequitur ?Part of the problem is that you can (name removed by moderator)ut any data and get the same result out:
non sequitur ?Part of the problem is that you can (name removed by moderator)ut any data and get the same result out:
Not really. I’m saying that if you could reach a conclusion from one statement you shouldn’t be able to claim that you could reach the same conclusion from a contradictory statement.Freddy:
non sequitur ?Part of the problem is that you can (name removed by moderator)ut any data and get the same result out:
We know the arrow hit the target. So, is the argument against design more cogent than the argument from design? If the arrow (human being) is not a directed end then that end is a chance event through random mutations and natural selection.But as an arrow reaches its target because it is directed by an archer, what lacks intelligence achieves goals by being directed by something intelligent.
You’re focusing too much on the word purpose. A weak teleology is basically just the scientific principle that if you put the same thing under the same conditions you’re going to see the same results and tendencies. We go one additional step in that these tendencies towards these ends is due to the nature of the entity (or system). In the rain cycle we are simply looking at the circular tendency of evaporation to rainfall.The term ‘weak teleology’ makes no sense to me. Either something has a natural purpose (or a designed purpose) or it doesn’t. If we say that rain is teleological we are simply claiming just one of the useful purposes that rain serves. Surely it’s not possible for something to have multiple purposes. The first premise is not: We see that natural bodies work toward a few goals.
I could not care less about Paley. Paley’s arguments are neither here nor there with regards to the Fifth Way.And as far as living organisms are concerned, evolution didn’t just blow Paley’s arguments out of the water, it also contradicts the idea of teleology in nature. The ‘purpose’ of an oak tree (and ‘purpose’ most definitely needs the scare quotes) is…to make another oak tree. And an acorn is part of that process. I don’t see anything deep and mysterious about it. I see no need for an ID’er to ensure the process continues in the right direction.
This smacks of the typical arguments I see used against Paley, which misunderstands St. Thomas’ point. An electron doesn’t at one time move away from positive charge and then move towards a positive charge (barring other forces at work). Hitting an electron with a photon does not cause it to emit a sound like an elephant. The electron tends towards the same results under the same circumstances. What the specific result is doesn’t matter, what matters for any given thing is that it has consistent natural tendencies instead of the effects being absolutely random.The arrow that was mentioned reaching it’s target assumes it was aimed for that specific point. But what those using it are metaphorically doing is following the flight of a randomly shot arrow and then running off to where it landed and drawing a bullseye around it.
So living objects do actually achieve their ‘goal’ by chance. Chance is a huge component of the evolutionary process (coupled with random selection to ensure an optimum outcome). But we can only nominate what that ‘goal’ actually is in retrospect.
Wesrock: I agree it’s not by chance that natures have these properties, but that’s what the argument is showing and not what I think St. Thomas means in that quoted instance. In that instance, I think St. Thomas means that what limited things an entity does is determined by its nature, that it has a limited range of specific things it does rather than things just being random. Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. It doesn’t randomly turn into a bouquet of flowers or burst into flames. It does the same thing (under the same conditions). When it gets to 0 degrees what happens isn’t a roll of the dice. We can apply this even knowing that quantum indeterminacy is a thing. Even if we can’t predict with 100% accuracy, there’s a range of things within its nature we can see are possible. It’s not a coin toss whether an electron has a certain charge and behavior within magnetic fields instead of growing into a dog.
It’s not that “it was designed that way”. Stop bringing Paley into this. Things of Type A tend towards Y. Things of Type B tend towards Z. It’s not about being amazed that A tends towards Y instead of towards X or Z. It’s that A has a tendency or such consistency at all. It’s not mysterious. It’s just the point and the premise.AlNg:
Part of the problem is that you can (name removed by moderator)ut any data and get the same result out:SeekerOfTruth7:
How does this work now?They are only to show that an uncaused First Causer exists
Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.
Therefore there is an uncaused First Causer?
Water freezes at a specific temperature. Therefore it must have been designed that way, hence an uncaused first cause.
Water will never freeze at any temperature. Therefore etc.
Water is always frozen. Therefore etc.
Water will freeze at a variety of temperatures. Therefore etc.
Not sure because first of all there is always some uncertainty in the initial cause. Over the short run, this uncertainty is not noticed, but over the long run of millions of years you may notice different results as we see in the evolution of life into different species.The same causes tend to produce the same effects… The same …entities… tend towards the same ends
Take the roulette wheel. There are some who would say that if every exact mechanical part of the roulette wheel, the weight distribution of the ball and its initial momentum, the exact distribution of air, and all such things were kept exactly the same and ensured to have absolutely no variation from previous experiments, the result would be the same.Wesrock:
Not sure because first of all there is always some uncertainty in the initial cause. Over the short run, this uncertainty is not noticed, but over the long run of millions of years you may notice different results as we see in the evolution of life into different species.The same causes tend to produce the same effects… The same …entities… tend towards the same ends
Secondly, take the same roulette wheel and the same ball. This same roulette wheel and this same ball will tend toward giving different results so that in some cases you will win on red, whereas in other cases you lose. Similarly with a slot machine.
What i am claiming is that there is always some small uncertainty in the original cause. There is an overriding cause which we know, but there is always an infinitesimally smaller epsilon cause added on (i.e., we have C + epsilon, not just C). Epsilon generally will not affect anything so that the effect will remain “basically” the same. However, even the effect has a small uncertainty. In the short run, these uncertainties will not be noticed. However, over longer time periods these uncertainties will come into play so that the results will differ.What you’re basically trying to reject is the idea that a cause has any determination (or even relation) to its effect or vice versa.
But according to the uncertainty principles you cannot know with exactness both the momentum and position simultaneously.if every exact mechanical part of the roulette wheel, the weight distribution of the ball and its initial momentum, the exact distribution of air, and all such things were kept exactly the same and ensured to have absolutely no variation from previous experiments, the result would be the same.
Stating that effects can be interfered with by other causes doesn’t undermine the point. It’s exactly what you’d expect. St. Thomas was actually very much aware of the fact that if A tends to B then it means that B will mostly obtain unless other secondary causes prevented it from occurring.Wesrock:
What i am claiming is that there is always some small uncertainty in the original cause. There is an overriding cause which we know, but there is always an infinitesimally smaller epsilon cause added on (i.e., we have C + epsilon, not just C). Epsilon generally will not affect anything so that the effect will remain “basically” the same. However, even the effect has a small uncertainty. In the short run, these uncertainties will not be noticed. However, over longer time periods these uncertainties will come into play so that the results will differ.What you’re basically trying to reject is the idea that a cause has any determination (or even relation) to its effect or vice versa.
I think i might be interpreting the fifth way differently (not necessarily as Aquinas intended). But even if we assert that the first premise is wrong if it infers or asserts a teleology, i think the argument can still work without mention of a teleology. So lets keep it simple. Here is a restatement of the argument as i understand it.This needs to be agreed before any sensible discussion can take place.
He has not structured the Fifth Way as a formal syllogism in the Summa the way @IWantGod did in the first post. But if I can snip St. Thomas’ words a little to better fit the start of a syllogism:We see that things which lack intelligence, such as natural bodies, act for an end, and this is evident from their acting always, or nearly always, in the same way, so as to obtain the best result.
It’s not that water froze at a certain temperature that Aquinas or i find significant. It is the fact that water always freezes at a particular temperature. It is the fact that there are regularities that needs to be explained.Water freezes at a specific temperature. Therefore it must have been designed that way, hence an uncaused first cause.
Water will never freeze at any temperature. Therefore etc.
Water is always frozen. Therefore etc.
Water will freeze at a variety of temperatures. Therefore etc.
The problem with effects following perfectly from given causes is that we have free will. If all our actions and choices are determined by pre-existing causes, would that not mean that there is no free will?If we did not expect to find tendencies then science and its ability to predict things would be bunk.
And just to head off certain types of objections, we realize that the freezing temperature of water is dependent also on other factors such as air pressure, “impurities” in the water, etc… But even when accounting for these other circumstances there is a regularity.Freddy:
It’s not that water froze at a certain temperature that Aquinas or i find significant. It is the fact that water always freezes at a particular temperature. It is the fact that there are regularities that needs to be explained.Water freezes at a specific temperature. Therefore it must have been designed that way, hence an uncaused first cause.
Water will never freeze at any temperature. Therefore etc.
Water is always frozen. Therefore etc.
Water will freeze at a variety of temperatures. Therefore etc.
Let’s not get sidetracked in this topic regarding the Fifth Way. At least not until after we beat the topic to death.Wesrock:
The problem with effects following perfectly from given causes is that we have free will. If all our actions and choices are determined by pre-existing causes, would that not mean that there is no free will?If we did not expect to find tendencies then science and its ability to predict things would be bunk.
But this is not a sidetrack since it concerns what is meant by cause and effect and if these causes and effects really are what people think they are. Not every effect has a pre-existing cause. Otherwise, why should you lock up a man who just killed his neighbor in an argument over a barking dog? There were pre-existing causes which determined his tendency to act that way and since these causes were pre-existing, they were beyond his control and his responsibility. He did not have a free choice because it was the Devil, i.e., the pre-existing causes, that made him do it. All his actions are determined by pre-existing causes over which he has no control.Let’s not get sidetracked
Well, it’s not by chance that a ball roles down a hill. It will always happen so long as there is gravity and all the right conditions are met. Also, effects do not randomly follow their cause. What is mean’t by this is that particular natures tend to produce particular effects. A cow will not randomly transform into a cat or a mountain for example. Effects tend to consistently occur according to the nature of their cause and not by chance.I’m curious, how is “chance” defined here?
Aside from the whole broader discussion of the difference between transient and imminent causality and that the reality (or lack thereof) of free will has no impact on whether the Fifth Way follows, the Fifth Way concerns the acting of entities lacking intelligence. The acting of intelligent agents, then, is not in its scope. Perhaps we can make a broader argument, but it’s not necessary here and goes beyond what’s stated in the Summa as “the fifth way…”Wesrock:
But this is not a sidetrack since it concerns what is meant by cause and effect and if these causes and effects really are what people think they are. Not every effect has a pre-existing cause. Otherwise, why should you lock up a man who just killed his neighbor in an argument over a barking dog? There were pre-existing causes which determined his tendency to act that way and since these causes were pre-existing, they were beyond his control and his responsibility. He did not have a free choice because it was the Devil, i.e., the pre-existing causes, that made him do it. All his actions are determined by pre-existing causes over which he has no control.Let’s not get sidetracked
Unfortunately, there are reasons to believe that not all natural bodies work toward some goal, and even if they did, the end could come about by chance. It has not been proven that there is always a pre-determined end to which natural bodies are working. BTW, are humans considered to be natural bodies or are they unnatural in some sense?
- We see that natural bodies work toward some goal, and do not do so by chance.