The final athiesm and Summa Contra Gentiles

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Way I see it, philosophical arguments put into words what the Holy Spirit reveals.
I don’t think the argument itself will bring a person to the realization.
These pages are strewn with evidence to that effect.
St Thomas described what he understood and those who have that understanding find he speaks for them.
To someone who knows there to be a First Mover, the argument describes reality.
To the person who wants to deny His existence or does not see it will deny or not understand the argument.
We come to know God when He calls us. We must follow when He does.
So time doesn’t exist? Still, it is impossible for there to be an infinity to motions. So there must be a first motion. This problem is easily solved if you believe in a supernatural God. Are you saying the singularity was just the first motion and there was not cause or time or anything before it? 🤷
Whether time is a thing is accidental to the argument. Imagine time to be eternal in the past and the singularity one day had its big bang. Was it like a spiritual will being out of time and then deciding to create? How can a physical singularity suddenly explode, so to speak, unless there was physical motions going back eternally into the past, which is impossible?
Does the old Islamic writers “Refutation of materialism” have any arguments we haven’t discussed?
The first problem is the premise that everything has a cause.
That’s because it’s the wrong premise. 😉

The premise is that everything physical has a beginning.
You reach that result from inductive reasoning, i.e. everything I see has a cause, therefore everything must have a cause. You can look at a tree and say it came from a seed, and that a baby came from a sperm and an egg, or that the Grand Canyon was carved by wind and water. But we don’t see and have never seen something from nothing, only changes in form. Even quantum particles winking in and out in what we like to think of as empty space are formed of existing energy, not out of nothing. That something could be created out of nothing is beyond our power of inductive reasoning, because we’ve never seen a single example, let alone enough to make generalizations about whether such an event would have a cause. So despite being presented as the product of inductive reasoning, the premise is not really justified by inductive reasoning.
You’ve made a good observation… but followed it to a bad conclusion. It boils down to “because nothing we can observe fails to have come from something else, and no evidence exists that anything physical and created has ever failed to have come from something else… therefore we cannot conclude that all physical, created things come from something else.” That’s just weak logic. At the very least, we can conclude that there is no evidence to the contrary in the universe that physical things fail to have been created from something else.
Second, even if you accept the premise, the “solution” of a first mover is no solution at all, it simply says there must be something that doesn’t have a cause and we’ll call that the first mover, or god. The problem is that if the premise is true, there could be no such being because such a being would have to be without a cause.
Again, your premise needs to be firmed up: you’re being a bit too casual in your expression. The solution is that, since the observation leads to infinite regress, and there cannot be an infinite regress in the physical world, there must be a start to that chain – and that start is something that does not exist as a part of the physical world. The ‘first mover’ works not because he’s part of the chain – but because God is separate from the chain and fundamentally different from creation. The fact that God isn’t part of the chain (but rather, that He merely kicks off the chain) is the reason that the argument works.
Those of us who don’t believe remain unconvinced because the argument is ultimately unconvincing.
That’s because you’re mis-stating the argument. 🤷
Those people who accept the argument already believe in god before hand.
I’m failing to see the value of this statement. Conversely, I can claim that those who reject the argument already reject belief in God beforehand. See? It doesn’t really say anything about the merits of the argument. 😉
As a tool for conversion it’s a failure.
I’m not sure it’s a ‘tool for conversion’, but rather, a logical argument that’s valuable for discussion. No one can force a person to come to belief in God; no one can force a person to relinquish their barriers to belief. Rather, we can discuss why belief in God makes sense, and provide assertions for you to consider. 🤷
Thomas Aquinas’s argument in the First Way boils down to God being part of the chain, if we assume the eternity of motion. However, Its clearly impossible for there to be an eternity of motion, and if there was, there would be no First Mover proof.

Now the idea that the impersonal singularity could act like a will, that is, make a “choice” or movement without there because an infinite past of “ticking” or potency moving towards the actuality of the big bang, is to ascribe to matter something that goes even beyond saying that brain minus a soul can think. Thus, there is God
Now the idea that the impersonal singularity could act like a will, that is, make a “choice”…]
I don’t think anyone has ever labeled the Initial Singularity as having or making choices. Only that it had the energy, mass, and spacetime of the universe. Here I think you might be arguing against a position that no one here is taking.
To say that the singularity suddenly exploded with a series of causes before it is to say it acted like a will. Such an assertion cannot be defended. Therefore there must have been a will involved with that power
I’ve complained on this forum before that potency vs actuality is understood by all since they were children, although thinking of it till it becomes a tool in the mind is good. It may not be as useful a concept as some may think, but it makes the existence of God clear from what I’ve argued
Only a will not that is not material could have caused the big bang. To argue otherwise is to give matter a power it doesn’t display in the slightest, even assuming brains feel and think by themselves
“The matter in the universe is made out of positive energy. However, the matter is all attracting itself by gravity. Two pieces of matter that are close to each other have less energy than the same two pieces a long way apart, because you have to expend energy to separate them against the gravitational force that is pulling them together. Thus, in a sense, the gravitational field has negative energy. In the case of a universe that is approximately uniform in space, one can show that this negative gravitational energy exactly cancels the positive energy represented by the matter. So the total energy of the universe is zero.”

I don’t see how Stephen Hawking can be an atheist after writing this
Only a will not that is not material could have caused the big bang. To argue otherwise is to give matter a power it doesn’t display in the slightest, even assuming brains feel and think by themselves
Hmmm…not sure if that is meant to be a rey to my question or not. So I’ll just take note that this declaration is your position.
So time doesn’t exist? Still, it is impossible for there to be an infinity to motions. So there must be a first motion. This problem is easily solved if you believe in a supernatural God. Are you saying the singularity was just the first motion and there was not cause or time or anything before it? 🤷
There is no first motion when you get ride of time.
There is no first motion when you get ride of time.
There is a timer on your post that says it was submitted at 5:26.
Forget all the abstractions and consider that before you posted, it would have read 5:25, before that 5:24. I’m not going to go through the numbers but in spite of the fact that you say there is no time, I can think that these numbers would go back and back and back to before there were people who counted. I’m not sure if you would respond that it is illusory, but I want to assert that for me it is reality. In any case, these numbers are there; they do exist, illusions or otherwise. I do not create them and there is nothing in themselves that causes them to exist, so there is a mover, even if you would not concede that it is more than a principle. I believe, intuit is perhaps a better word, that the Mover is personal. Going back to the chain of changing numbers (which would exist in time) and what causes them to be, we can think about the creation of the Internet, the creation of clocks, the reading of the sun’s position, all causes of this phenomenon that we see. It has been revealed, and empirically confirmed, that there was a beginning to all this. As the numbers cannot create themselves, there had to be something, not a part of creation that caused it all. Catholics and many others call Him God.
Imagine the singularity as a gem, like a ruby. It matters not if there was time before it which had no motion to measure. The question is how the ruby when from non-acting to acting. There is no moving energy in it, otherwise we need to go back to when there was none, or otherwise we have an infinite series of causes, which is impossible because then every cause would be an intermediate cause. Something spiritual can be beyond time, and than after an eternity, choice to act, causing the world. But the ruby is non-spiritual. So however beautiful cosmology is, it can’t explain going from non-activity to activity.
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