That quote in itself belies something of the modern scientific ego.What can I use as evidence? The Bible? Useless old script of uneducated, superstitious people. Filled with scientific nonsense and glaring errors.
I apologize for the long post in advance.Other people’s testimony? Why should I accept someone else’s testimony if it makes no sense? There is not one iota of objective evidence for any kind of deity. Much as I would like to have one, I must dismiss this hypothesis as nothing more than wishful thinking. It is too bad… but I must go by the evidence - or the lack of it. Just because I very much would love to be proven incorrect, I cannot assume it. That would be a violation of the “intelligence” allegedly God gave me. Would God be “pleased” if I squandered his gift to me?
Keep in mind there are millions of species of animals on Earth that we have no idea exist because they remain “hidden” to our clumsy “methods” to get to know them.
I recently watched a “Nature” program on the jungle frontier where scientists sought after “elusive” species of animals, most of which were not believed to exist because there was no “evidence” for their existence, just conjecture.
Charles Darwin, for example, speculated that a giant moth with a 30 cm long proboscis must exist because a flower called the Comet orchid grows in Madagascar with a 30 cm long nectar cone. They ridiculed Darwin for positing such a creature. No one believed such a moth existed until a scientist “believed” in the possibility. Using infra-red cameras at night, the guy was able to capture on film this moth that there was no substantial evidence for, let alone proof that it even existed.
It seems to me that “first cause” arguments for God’s existence or the question of what preceded the Big Bang are at least as valid “speculations” as the existence of a comet orchid to warrant scientific pursuit of a bizarre moth. Most important “scientific” discoveries begin with speculation.
Therefore, to engage in a proper scientific study of God, one should at least develop appropriate procedures - I suspect finding God is not going to happen by aiming some crude detection instrument in the general direction of His last known sighting. Nor by standing out in a field at night calling His name, “Here, God!”
Learning about Him is not like the study of “rocks” or some other inorganic substance. Neither would it be like tracking a higher order species of animal like the elusive Sumatran tiger that had not until recently been “proven” to exist.
We are speaking of a “creature” (metaphorically that is) that would know every one of your motives and moves before you made them. Think of an Infinitely Intelligent Animal with incredible camouflage techniques – you don’t have a hope of spotting Him unless He wants you to. He could blend in to walls and walk in your shadow and even live inside you without you having the least suspicion of His presence, unless He wanted you to. Knowing that much should make a big difference regarding the preparations you make for “finding” Him.
There are certain guidelines for studying rocks that are very different than for studying lower or higher order species of plants or animals. At least, be aware of the characteristics of the “object” of your study and develop appropriate procedures as to how to go about trying to “study” Him.
I suggest as a second step getting rid of all ulterior motives and pretence because God is not an “object” but a subject. If you want to know Him, at least understand that much.
If you are just humouring yourself with a feigned interest in knowing Him, He’s way ahead of you and that will likely prove to be the reason for your disbelief. He hasn’t given you the slightest hint of where to find Him precisely because He knows you’re not “really” interested in knowing Him. He knows you, your thoughts and your motives better than you know them yourself. How can you hope to outsmart or out-track him? I think the recommendation is to “purify your heart” and be “guileless as a dove.” Only then will he mystically “appear” in the precise place you would swear had been carefully “checked out.”
The “useless old scripts” you speak of are filled with techniques of how to find God, thousands of years of human knowledge on how to go about “capturing” Him. Seek Him with a pure heart and don’t give up in time of trial are two of the most “critical” tips.
Incidentally, these jungle scientists in the program spent years tracking their quarry through all kinds of terrain and trial before even getting the slightest whiff of these animals. Their perseverance eventually paid off, but it wasn’t accomplished by slash and burn, insult and ridicule. The higher order animals had to “trust” their presence.
A point on how little “science” knows about what goes on even in the sensory obvious world we occupy, one scientist claimed there are more species of animals in a single tree in the central American rainforests than exist in all of Great Britain and something in the order of 10 times the number of animal species there than we thought lived on the entire Earth.
We have very little scientific knowledge about animals in our own backyard, many that we have no idea “exist” at all and you think the Omniscient, Omnipotent Infinite Being will simply appear to you whenever you demand because you taunt and ridicule Him? Or when you so harshly criticize His literary works? This is not a fast-food universe, as much as you want it to be.