Maybe because we are unconvinced?You know, I am getting very tired of refuting this argument over and over again.
God can safely leave the freedom to love or reject him alone, and thus the arguably most important decision can be done freely. It is not necessary to give “total” freedom, which we do not have anyway. Our freedom is curtailed by some physical limitations.
The more limited our abilities the less we are capable of understanding. If I never burn my finger because I never was able to see fire, then I cannot fully appreciate any warning that says something is Hot. What honor is there in not causing harm if you didn’t have any capability of it in the first place? A level of understanding is required to make decisions that mean anything.God could remove our freedom to cause intentional harm to others and the world would be immensurably better, and we would still be free agents.
if someone doesn’t want something and its forced on them it violates their freedom. If they do want something and they get it, it does not. I do not see how this is contradictory.A miracle - by definition - is an intrusion into the autonomy of the world. When I ask why God does not help the sufferers, you say because it would be an intrusion and it would invalidate our “freedom”. You can’t have it both ways.
Read Revelation.And promised from a God who never breaks thema re hardly cheap. If God is limited by human abilities, then He’s not much of a God is he?Do you have anyone who came back and testified about about this heaven? The reward - if it meant anything should be here and now. Otherwise it is just a promise, and as we all know, promises are cheap.
Nah this existence DOES matter. It is the place where our decision is made about all of eternity. I’m saying it the time it exists is very very small.Besides, you downplay the suffering of others by stipulating that this short, nay miniscule existence does not really matter, as compared to the rewards later.
Amazing, you can tell by my faith I never suffered? You know nothing of my life! What an amazingly rude assumption!Yes, I have heard this argument before, but only from people who did not suffer themselves. I am constantly amazed how well can people endure someone else’s pain, misery and suffering.
Naturally they pretend it doesn’t exist, it easier that way.Show me someone who knowingly, deliberately and intentionally chooses to be tortured for eternity. I am really interested.
Scriptures tell us the nature of God. they are not textbooks on math. and as far as pi being 3 it neither says “pi” nor does it claim it is not rounding off. You did learn rounding off in math class, yes? If you are bound and determined they are not to be considered seriously, then why even bother discussing this with people who believe they tell about God?The scriptures tell us lots of things and their opposites, too. It also tells us that the value of “pi” is exactly three. If you believe it, it is your business. But please do understand that it is just an ancient collection of wildly unbelievable stories, which are impossible to take seriously, unless someone a-priori believes them.