I will explain below.You are saying I am wrong. Can you explain why you are right? I think time cannot exist in its entirety for us, can you explain why it is impossible for the source and controller of temporal existence?
The past does not exist, it existed. If there was an observer who has perfect memory, then he can retain the acquired information about the past (when it was present and actually existed) and as such he can know what the past was. For everyone else the past is unknowable.The past exists? How do you define “exist”. If you define it as only “what is”, then clearly “What was” does not exist. If you do not, how do you define it?
Very simple. Suppose we talk about the color of an apple. We can measure the reflected light and find that it falls between two limits which we call red.How would you argue the truth of your proposition?
Now we take two observers - standing side by side - where one will see a red apple, while the other one - who is colorblind - will see a grey apple. The same “thing”, the color of the apple will be both red and not red at the same time under the same circumstances for two observers.
This seems to be a violation of the law of non-contradiction, but it is not. The color from the two vantage points (two observers) can be different, because the color is an attribute and their percepting faculties are different.
Existence, however is not an attribute, and cannot be treated as such. Both philosophers and theologians have discarded the idea that existence can be treated as an attribute.
If you can bring up arguments and show that existence can be relative, I will contemplate it.Suppose it is relative. Now what?
It is your choice. I certainly find Plantinga’s argument unconvincing (to be very polite about it).If everything, including all concept and theories, are physical, we run into a form of the EAAN dilemma. Why should I trust your theory any more than I trust a rock?
But if you wish to doubt the reliability of your senses, go ahead and test them. Put your hand close to a fire, and see if your senses will tell you not to go any further. Doubt your senses and actually put into the fire and see if it burns, or just seems to be burning. Simple test, works any time.