Part 1
First thank you to everyone who has contributed to this conversation. Communication is a wonderful part of life and I have enjoyed every moment ours. Thank you for challenging me as well. I love when someone demands that I think! I would ask no less of anyone whose thinking I oppose.
I took the time to google a refutation of Pascals Wager and thus far every objection offered on this thread copies what we can study without emotion. First, I assure you that these objections do not refute Pascals Wager (or at least Pascals Wager as I understand it). Just as logic allows us to conclude that the first Christians could not practice Sola Scriptura and accept the writings of the New Testament as infallible (you do not want to go here with me I’ve been contemplating and defending this logic for two years with a good Protestant friend of mine), Pascals Wager allows us to discern correct conclusions.
Before I offer a rebuttal to the objections that allegedly refute Pascals Wager I would like to provide some parameters for clarification. When dealing with logic we ought to ask ourselves, “What can we know?”
I believe the following demonstrates what we can know:
If (hell does not exist < absolute) = hell is possible
There is no evidence available today that concludes absolutely that hell does not exist. Therefore, the conclusion that hell is possible is thus far correct.
If (God does not exist < absolute) = the existence of a God is possible
“ ” the existence of a God is possible
Is there any evidence that a God exists who promises hell ([eternal punishment/loss = conceptual] given the limits of language, but essentially eternal worse thing you can imagine, because that is what hell is.) for failing to worship (I think we can agree the term worship includes the fact of doing more than just believing.) him?
Yes, this evidence is forthcoming from several groups/religions.
Follow this thought through and it serves to allow us to conclude that:
There is a possibility that a God exists that punishes with eternal (worse thing you can imagine) hellfire if we fail to worship him. Why is this so important? It is important because Pascals Wager (as I understand it) is true simply because the possibility of hell as a punishment for not worshipping a God exists. All the alleged refutations do not begin to attack the logic where it counts which is the possibility of infinite loss (and I mean mathematically infinite).
God is possible, Hell is possible, and it is possible a God exists that will judge you with hell if you fail to worship. (Oh, but the probability of such a thing!)
First thank you to everyone who has contributed to this conversation. Communication is a wonderful part of life and I have enjoyed every moment ours. Thank you for challenging me as well. I love when someone demands that I think! I would ask no less of anyone whose thinking I oppose.
I took the time to google a refutation of Pascals Wager and thus far every objection offered on this thread copies what we can study without emotion. First, I assure you that these objections do not refute Pascals Wager (or at least Pascals Wager as I understand it). Just as logic allows us to conclude that the first Christians could not practice Sola Scriptura and accept the writings of the New Testament as infallible (you do not want to go here with me I’ve been contemplating and defending this logic for two years with a good Protestant friend of mine), Pascals Wager allows us to discern correct conclusions.
Before I offer a rebuttal to the objections that allegedly refute Pascals Wager I would like to provide some parameters for clarification. When dealing with logic we ought to ask ourselves, “What can we know?”
I believe the following demonstrates what we can know:
If (hell does not exist < absolute) = hell is possible
There is no evidence available today that concludes absolutely that hell does not exist. Therefore, the conclusion that hell is possible is thus far correct.
If (God does not exist < absolute) = the existence of a God is possible
“ ” the existence of a God is possible
Is there any evidence that a God exists who promises hell ([eternal punishment/loss = conceptual] given the limits of language, but essentially eternal worse thing you can imagine, because that is what hell is.) for failing to worship (I think we can agree the term worship includes the fact of doing more than just believing.) him?
Yes, this evidence is forthcoming from several groups/religions.
Follow this thought through and it serves to allow us to conclude that:
There is a possibility that a God exists that punishes with eternal (worse thing you can imagine) hellfire if we fail to worship him. Why is this so important? It is important because Pascals Wager (as I understand it) is true simply because the possibility of hell as a punishment for not worshipping a God exists. All the alleged refutations do not begin to attack the logic where it counts which is the possibility of infinite loss (and I mean mathematically infinite).
God is possible, Hell is possible, and it is possible a God exists that will judge you with hell if you fail to worship. (Oh, but the probability of such a thing!)