I would beg to differ tabithia, the church where I go were doing things wrong that we didn’t know were wrong such as having the precious blood in glass chalices, which is bad so I am told and now we have new correct containers on the way. I think that what Redemptionis Sacramentum not only provided a way for good churches to get better but also provided a list of things that those churches in question can do better. /QUOTE]
Tyler, since we live almost in the same area I beg to differ with you. Redemptionis Sacramentum is now forcing the priests and bishops not to do what is wrong. One year ago when the Encyclical “Ecclesia De Eucharistia” came out it specially mentioned in that document no glass along with numerous other things. Yet in our area glass containers and chalices are still being used. Now with Redemptionis Sacramentum it is like a stern hand slap, so to speak, to tell the priests to knock off this stuff.
Now I talked with our priest, and he isn’t going to make any changes until our bishop requires it. Even though Redemptionis Sacramentum states immediately to change. So far it is frustrating that these abuses even after the Encyclical and Redemptionis Sacramnetum has been stated.
I would highly recommend Father Shannon Collins CD on “Sacrament Most Holy,” It goes through the Encyclical Ecclesia De Eucharistia and it can be purchased at
God Bless