The future of Child Birth

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I wouldn’t like to see it become mainstream but it could be useful. Somebody has mentioned it as a solution to the babies in IVF limbo. If transfer from a woman’s body to an artificial womb was possible then
  1. It may be possible to save the lives of etopic babies
  2. There would be no excuse for abortion.
That’s one way of looking at it, yes. On the other hand, I wonder as well if life would become meaningless, in that children would be seen as commodities, or maybe we could exercise product control on them
Maybe the ones that were less than perfect could just be discarded?
As I posted above, I can really see fetus farms cropping up.
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Even so, there’s nothing immoral about conducting experiments ordered toward saving the patient’s life when no recognized treatment will work.
Why not? Besides level of development, what is the difference between the frozen embryos and children born prematurely?
  • The Initial Creation was Wrong.
  • Implantation isn’t supported by Church Teaching
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Sign me up. My mother almost died twice from attempted child bearing. And neither of my grandmother’s could have biological children at all due to complications.
Yes, the initial creation was wrong. It is still obligatory to sustain them, just as one has a responsibility to any other child conceived illicitly.

I will add : very costy, un-ecological and reserved to some priviledge people. Will burden society anf people with debts for afford this.

And eugenistic.

This child will have no biological mother, and possibily no true parents at all.
Provided someone raises them they would have true parents.
It’s behind a paywall. And if not implantation, then what? It defies reason that a scenario could ever arise where every possible choice is sinful.
Fr. Tad Pacholczyk thinks we should keep them on ice. Wouldn’t that constitute Extraordinary Means? Nevertheless, as it’s been demonstrated in Cleveland, they’ll eventually thaw due to an accident.
Artificial wombs aren’t inherently evil. However, raising embryos inside them could be problematic.
And yet using them to raise embryos was precisely what the article endorsed.
In my opinion, parents have an obligation to care for their children in this way until some other option be- comes available in the future (maybe a sophisticated “embryo incubator” or “artificial womb” of some kind)”

That’s his opinion; however, the Church would have to weigh in on the final decision.
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