The Great Reset

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Do you see this as an opportunistic attempt to use COVID19 as an excuse to impose socialism?

Here is a quotation from the World Economic Forum:

“ the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.”
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Do you see this as an opportunistic attempt to use COVID19 as an excuse to impose socialism?
No, it doesn’t appear that way to me at all.

Where did you get the impression that it is being used an excuse to impose socialism?
Well, if anything doesn’t align with my views it is “Evil”.
Could you please discuss this on a different thread? This is my topic about the Great Reset! If you have time for a rehash of Trump-Biden, maybe you could contribute more than “nope” to this topic.
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I read those articles you posted. It seems like both of them are jumping to conclusions without evidence.

This is the article by the World Economic Forum (WEF) chairman in the opinion piece you provided from TheHill:

He does indeed talk about a “Great Reset,” and the WEF also has a Great Reset microsite here:

However, neither the article, nor the WEF site mention anything akin to what Archbishop Vigano or Justin Haskins are describing in the two articles you provided. I think the most honest thing Haskins said was this:
Although many details about the Great Reset won’t be rolled out until the World Economic Forum meets in Davos in January 2021…
In other words, we have no idea about what it will entail, because the specifics of the policy haven’t been developed yet. All we have is the general outline provided by the WEF chairman, in the article I cited, and none of that sounds like “socialism.” Anyone claiming to already know the policy specifics already is simply fantasizing.

Furthermore, it’s common for societies faced with crises to reevaluate some of the tenets of how they are put together in order to avoid similar crises in the future. Such reevaluations have brought us revolutions in sanitation, infrastructure, and governance. See this article from The Atlantic for a few examples:

Virtually everything you think of today as “normal” is the result of learning and improving from crises and mistakes in the past. That process has been happening throughout all of human history. Why would it stop now?

As an aside, there is a lot of misinformation being spread nowadays, because people are believing things they see or hear (and them sharing them with others) without taking the time to research primary sources to verify if the information they’re spreading is actually accurate. When we see something that sounds far-fetched, it’s worthwhile to investigate it to see where the author is getting their information from, and if it is a trustworthy source.

For instance, consider this assertion from Archbishop Vigano, from the link you posted:
The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups… the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.
I wasn’t able to find any evidence for those claims at all. I mean no disrespect for the archbishop, but he is human as well, and if he makes radical claims with no evidence, it is prudent to be skeptical of those claims.
You expect to find evidence for things that haven’t happened yet? Where did you search?
Well, if I claim that X organization is planning a certain course of action, the evidence for that claim would be a statement by X organization endorsing or proposing that action.

If no such statement exists, it’s an unsubstantiated claim.

For instance, what if I were to say, “The Catholic Church is planning on turning all babies into sausages.” Clearly that’s ridiculous, but by your logic, I’m not required to provide evidence for that claim, because it hasn’t happened yet. But if I don’t need to back it up, for instance, by providing an actual statement by the Church, what stops me (or anyone else) from making it?
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Do you see this as an opportunistic attempt to use COVID19 as an excuse to impose socialism?
Covid 19 is used to imposer more stringent controls on society. We are being cooked very slowly in increasingly heated bath. Socialism is just a label.
We will soon learn what the next steps will be.
As a reminder - so far we have given up the following
  1. Free speech
  2. Freedom of assembly or association
  3. Freedom to travel
  4. Our jobs (many of us have lost jobs)
  5. Healthcare - a doctor treats you by phone only
  6. Education - many schools are closed
Feel free to add to the list of things we as a society have surrendered so far.
No it isn’t. I also think that certain posters on here need to learn the following.
  1. That large international financial and economic groups including, but not limited to, WEF, OECD, IMF, World Bank, G7, G20 etc. are NOT socialist institutions.
  2. It is always wise to look up primary sources as to what has actually been said.
  3. What the difference is between Communism, Socialism, Democratic Socialism and Social Democracy, and to understand that they are not the same thing.
Riiight. And if I am planning on robbing a bank, I will notify the media, the police and the bank in question of my intentions.
So then my claim about the Catholic Church’s plans for baby-meat sausages should be believed?
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