The Great Reset

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When coronavirus(this was it first name) was first reported we were being told that if we didnt stay home we would overwhelm the heath care system…
I completely agree with this whole post.

The hospital I work at built a huge tent, emptied out office buildings, and more in preparation for the panic that was created. None of it was used and the tent came down a couple months ago.

We are living in fear of a disease that we have 99% chance of surviving, all the while killing this world economically and spiritually.

IMHO the virus is real but the reaction of world leaders to use it to control us is real also.
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From the link from the WEF it says this…
Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.

From the article in The Hill it says…
Or, put another way, we need a form of socialism — a word the World Economic Forum has deliberately avoided using, all while calling for countless socialist and progressive plans.

It just sounds like typical scare tactics from a meeting where they are merely discussing possible changes that could be made to better all societies. Not a specific thing was decided. Just some early ideas being discussed. Trying to make this sound like socialism is the only inevitable outcome is not only premature…at this point it’s just fear mongering!

When they actually start talking about what they plan to actually do, then we can discuss it. The fear of globalization is also ridiculous…we already are a global economy…why shouldn’t we make sure we do it better?
Not a specific thing was decided. Just some early ideas being discussed. Trying to make this sound like socialism is the only inevitable outcome is not only premature…at this point it’s just fear mongering!
Did you see my post #42, above with all the links. They have gone beyond just talking. Many major companies, the U.N., The Gates Foundation, Microsoft, Pharmaceuticals and more are all involved.

This Great Reset has been in the planning for quite a while, just waiting for the opportunity.
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Define better

Wealth redistribution?
One world government?
Censorship of ideas?
Open borders?
What has been discussed surrounding these issues? If you just want my opinion…

Wealth redistribution…some, yes. Not a total equalization by any stretch.
One world government…no
Open boarders…legal entry with easy to follow and obtain citizenship.

Does that help you?
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This Great Reset has been in the planning for quite a while, just waiting for the opportunity.
But that has long been happening in conjunction with the vision of our Church. Pope Emeritas Benedict has been doing what he does best in his spare time, writing the vision of the future of Christian society.

The Unity of the Nations: A Vision of the Church Fathers Paperback – March 16, 2015​

by Joseph Ratzinger (Author)

I’ve ordered this book recently to immerse myself in where we are going.
We are now seeing forces determined to destroy all forms of unity ie United Nations, European Union. That force is the antithesis of the Christian message.
Sorry but which part of the Christian message says we have to strive for the submergence of national sovereignty under godless international overlordships?
Sorry but which part of the Christian message says we have to strive for the submergence of national sovereignty under godless international overlordships?
Can you please explain what this is all about and its errors, who exactly is propagating it.

No links, just explanation.
Sounds like Europe from 1940 to 1945. When the war was over, the new normal was marked by a spirit of unity and determination for peace. We are now seeing forces determined to destroy all forms of unity ie United Nations, European Union. That force is the antithesis of the Christian message.
Some might argue that the EU and UN are the living embodiment of anti-Christian forces. In that light, we should do our best to oppose the evil forces of Globalism.
spirit of unity and determination for peace. We are now seeing forces determined to destroy all forms of unity ie United Nations, European Union. That force is the antithesis of the Christian message.
There is a difference between a spirit of unity/peace and socialism.
It seems to me that many Christians don’t recognize a difference between a body/communion invested in the universal common good… and a global polity. The Church and secular vision is not to abandon nations or take away national authority, but to prevent the strong exploiting the poor. That sort of thing that is just unjust and unChristian.
When they actually start talking about what they plan to actually do, then we can discuss it.
And you actually expect them to actually tell you how they will take away more of your rights? Or, are they going to consult humanity? How do you see this developing?
We are now seeing forces determined to destroy all forms of unity ie United Nations, European Union. That force is the antithesis of the Christian message.
Sorry but which part of the Christian message says we have to strive for the submergence of national sovereignty under godless international overlordships?
That isn’t what is envisaged at all.
Maybe I missed this element of the discussion, but let’s look at the World Economic Forum. It is a forum not for governments or presidents of nations, but for corporate moguls. The people who have already completed the globalization project (see all jobs done by cheap labor in China) and are now discussing how to contain the inevitable fallout. They need to frighten the “natives” ie. us, so we don’t start thinking about protesting.

Is anyone following what the bosses of Google, Twitter and others are telling our government officials? They control the global flow of information and censor anyone they wish. We can’t protest because they are private businesses with their own internal policies which they choose to follow or ignore at will.

If Twitter can deny access to the POTUS, who do you think is in charge?
These are the people who run the world now. Our global health expert Bill Gates will tell you which meds you have to take. Some geek from silicon-land is already telling us what can and can’t be written. And a whole host of “scientists” continues to give contradictory information about covid and its dangers.

But, of cours, it is more comfortable to bury our heads in the sand and pretend that things are just dandy.
But that has long been happening in conjunction with the vision of our Church. Pope Emeritas Benedict has been doing what he does best in his spare time, writing the vision of the future of Christian society.
So, you are talking about a Christian society. The Great Reset, or the similar “transformation” as the U.N. Global Agenda has been planning (which is what I was talking about), is not a Christian society. It is anything but Christian.

As Catholics we believe that Christ is King, or the social kingship of Christ. That is not what the Great Reset or Global Agenda is about. They want nothing to do with Catholicism except to rule it or get rid of it. And that is just what they plan on doing.
The Church and secular vision
The Church and the world do not have the same vision:

John 15: 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you
prevent the strong exploiting the poor. That sort of thing that is just unjust and unChristian.
Yes, though, being forced to give and freely giving, which is what Scripture says we are to do, are two different things.

There will always be people who have more than others, people who have great wealth. As a matter of fact, many of the people in this agenda are extremely wealthy.

Being forced to give or being taken from is not Christian either.
But that has long been happening in conjunction with the vision of our Church. Pope Emeritas Benedict has been doing what he does best in his spare time, writing the vision of the future of Christian society.
So, you are talking about a Christian society. The Great Reset, or the similar “transformation” as the U.N. Global Agenda has been planning (which is what I was talking about), is not a Christian society. It is anything but Christian.

As Catholics we believe that Christ is King, or the social kingship of Christ. That is not what the Great Reset or Global Agenda is about. They want nothing to do with Catholicism except to rule it or get rid of it. And that is just what they plan on doing.
Pope Benedict XVI 2008 To the UN. This is the Church goal that I’m familiar with.

*to next post…
Through the United Nations, States have established universal objectives which, even if they do not coincide with the total common good of the human family, undoubtedly represent a fundamental part of that good. The founding principles of the Organization – the desire for peace, the quest for justice, respect for the dignity of the person, humanitarian cooperation and assistance – express the just aspirations of the human spirit, and constitute the ideals which should underpin international relations. As my predecessors Paul VI and John Paul II have observed from this very podium, all this is something that the Catholic Church and the Holy See follow attentively and with interest, seeing in your activity an example of how issues and conflicts concerning the world community can be subject to common regulation. The United Nations embodies the aspiration for a “greater degree of international ordering” (John Paul II, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis , 43), inspired and governed by the principle of subsidiarity, and therefore capable of responding to the demands of the human family through binding international rules and through structures capable of harmonizing the day-to-day unfolding of the lives of peoples. This is all the more necessary at a time when we experience the obvious paradox of a multilateral consensus that continues to be in crisis because it is still subordinated to the decisions of a few, whereas the world’s problems call for interventions in the form of collective action by the international community.
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Where did you get the impression that it is being used an excuse to impose socialism?
Here is a quotation from the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset platform:

the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.
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Here is a quotation from the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset platform:

the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.
More from Pope Benedicts address to the UN.

Through the United Nations, States have established universal objectives which, even if they do not coincide with the total common good of the human family, undoubtedly represent a fundamental part of that good. The founding principles of the Organization – the desire for peace, the quest for justice, respect for the dignity of the person, humanitarian cooperation and assistance – express the just aspirations of the human spirit, and constitute the ideals which should underpin international relations. As my predecessors Paul VI and John Paul II have observed from this very podium, all this is something that the Catholic Church and the Holy See follow attentively and with interest, seeing in your activity an example of how issues and conflicts concerning the world community can be subject to common regulation. The United Nations embodies the aspiration for a “greater degree of international ordering” (John Paul IISollicitudo Rei Socialis, 43 ), inspired and governed by the principle of subsidiarity, and therefore capable of responding to the demands of the human family through binding international rules and through structures capable of harmonizing the day-to-day unfolding of the lives of peoples. This is all the more necessary at a time when we experience the obvious paradox of a multilateral consensus that continues to be in crisis because it is still subordinated to the decisions of a few, whereas the world’s problems call for interventions in the form of collective action by the international community.
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