The Great Reset

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And yet “they” are encouraging mask wearing, which renders facial recognition software useless, and encouraging home working were possible, which generates so much data that its practically impossible to sort sigint from the mundane. If “they’re” looking to increase control, “they” have chosen a frankly ridiculous path to get it.
Who needs facial recognition software when pretty much everyone is telegraphing their every move, thought and interest through the Smartphones they are carrying?

You might also consider prescisely what data “they” would need to have in order to effect whatever plans “they” have in mind. Perhaps “they” have a sufficient trove to impliment what they have planned? Or we might even ask who “they” might be to begin with.

What you fail to recognize in your rush to debunk are the capabilities that are now in the hands of those in power at a time when moral standards and compliance are at uniquely low levels.

Means, motive and opportunity might be a better paradigm by which to assess threat levels.

Are the means, the motivation, and the opportunity to undertake a power grab using social control in place?

Very likely. Who are the actors that might want to take advantage of the opportunity currently being afforded?

No need to put on a tin foil hat. Consider the Communist revolutions of the last century and the plays for power by the fascists in Germany, Italy and Japan. I would bet the German people never expected the kind of state power grab that the Nazis undertook there in a relatively short period of time.

Yet, the intelligence and information gathering capacities of the modern political, technological and monied elites are far beyond what was around 80 years ago.

Perhaps being so trusting regarding the “they” being a benign lot is misplaced, in particular when there seems to be such an escalated and orchestrated attempt to control what every ordinary person says, does, hears or shares.

Perhaps being just a tad concerned and attentive isn’t as irrational as some would make it out to be.
I am still clinging to the belief that some government entity will not tax my retirement at 90% or thereabouts, thus making me a pauper.
What? Who is discussing a 90% tax rate? Unless you’re actually Bezos or Zuckerberg I don’t think you have much to worry about.
Its a ruse. The same people talking about taxing the wealthy at 90% are the ones receiving vast amounts from those same wealthy elites in campaign donations.

Doesn’t that strike you as just a little odd?

Why would Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook, & Co work so hard and spend so lavishly on candidates that are threatening to tax them at exhorbitant rates?

Not even a little puzzled by that?
I’ve ordered this book recently to immerse myself in where we are going.
I think you will be disappointed. The description of the book says this: Just as he began serving as a major adviser at the Second Vatican Council in 1962, Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) studied this question in lectures delivered at Austria’s University of Salzburg. These lectures, originally published in German, are now made available in English in this volume.

And goes on to describe the work as This early work of Ratzinger’s…

The people coming up with this plan for world “unity” are those who already control the world’s economy. The transnational corporations are not under the authority of anyone; there are no checks and balances against them. Because of their international form, they are not fully under the control of any one government.

You seem from other posts to be against unfettered capitalism, well, do you want the world to be controlled by unfettered capitalists?

And just what do you think their vision of the common good will be?

The Catholic Church offers the opportunity for world unity without domination. The Church offers a structure and set of rules by which society can operate, and if the members of the society follow those rules, there will be peace and cooperation throughout the world.

Because the unity is based on Christ, there would be shared values. There would be a foundation for this unity.

This is a unity which must be evangelized rather than imposed, and evangelized with prayer and fasting.

We cannot have true unity which is based on economics, which is imposed from above, and whose only concessions to the common good will be utilitarian.
Do you see this as an opportunistic attempt to use COVID19 as an excuse to impose socialism?
Covid 19 is used to imposer more stringent controls on society. We are being cooked very slowly in increasingly heated bath. Socialism is just a label.
We will soon learn what the next steps will be.
As a reminder - so far we have given up the following
  1. Free speech
  2. Freedom of assembly or association
  3. Freedom to travel
  4. Our jobs (many of us have lost jobs)
  5. Healthcare - a doctor treats you by phone only
  6. Education - many schools are closed
Feel free to add to the list of things we as a society have surrendered so far.
Sounds like Europe from 1940 to 1945. When the war was over, the new normal was marked by a spirit of unity and determination for peace. We are now seeing forces determined to destroy all forms of unity ie United Nations, European Union. That force is the antithesis of the Christian message.
Yeah, no. Those “forces” are ordinary hard working people who are tired of having their lives and destinies dictated to them by political and monied elites who care nothing about what the ordinary person on the street has to deal with each day.

The anti-thesis of the Christian message is to value “humanity” in the abstract - the “common good” as a disembodied idea - rather than love your neighbor because they are another you.

Jesus Christ took on human flesh as a particular human being in time to demonstrate that the Ultimate Transcendent Reality is NOT reducible to an ideology or an “ism” that divorces itself from the individual human being for the sake of the abstraction called humanity or the common good.
Here is a quotation from the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset platform:

the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.
More from Pope Benedicts address to the UN.

*Through the United Nations, States have established universal objectives which, even if they do not coincide with the total common good of the human family, undoubtedly represent a fundamental part of that good. The founding principles of the Organization – the desire for peace, the quest for justice, respect for the dignity of the person, humanitarian cooperation and assistance – express the just aspirations of the human spirit, and constitute the ideals which should underpin international relations. As my predecessors Paul VI and John Paul II have observed from this very podium, all this is something that the Catholic Church and the Holy See follow attentively and with interest, seeing in your activity an example of how issues and conflicts concerning the world community can be subject to common regulation. The United Nations embodies the aspiration for a “greater degree of international ordering” (John Paul IISollicitudo Rei Socialis, 43 ),…
The UN of today is not the UN of John Paul II or Benedict.

When Cuba, China, and Russia take seats at the table of the UN Human Rights Council something has gone awry.

the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.
Just words. Thats all. Nice flowery statements that mean little as there is no introduced uniform practice. There wont be either.
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Well, you did go through the pretty awful riots around George Floyd’s death. It is interesting to speculate how much worse things would have been without fear of covid to stop some.would-be rioters.
Or less bad, without the aggravating circumstances of lockdown contributing to civil unrest.
the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.
WOW sounds so much like Marxs & Engels, until we see that it is exactly the same in perfect reverse for Capitalism.
every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.”
All the great democracies on this planet function with the mixture of both. The 2 competing ideologies are the backbone of all society & make up the true sentiment of almost all people. All the great democracies have found a way to make both ideologies work & truly they are a mixture of both.

It would be a painful tragedy if democracies went on the path to silence the voices from its own other half. We must never forget that both sides make up the one single body & to cut your left hand off because it is what your right hand wants, is a form of genocide. Some lean more one way than the other, however humanity is still learning how to make them both work positively for all.
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Using a pandemic as an excuse to force through radical changes that would otherwise be impossible to do (due to being unpopular and infringing on individual rights) is sinister.
Its a ruse. The same people talking about taxing the wealthy at 90% are the ones receiving vast amounts from those same wealthy elites in campaign donations.

Doesn’t that strike you as just a little odd?

Why would Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook, & Co work so hard and spend so lavishly on candidates that are threatening to tax them at exhorbitant rates?

Not even a little puzzled by that?
Actually it makes perfect sense to me.

The like of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos et al support the likes of universal healthcare and higher tax rates on themselves because it maintains the current system. In essence if the gap between the rich and the rest of us gets too large then the system can come crashing down.

Capitalism (apologists for it keep telling me), is based on mutually beneficial terms from employers to workers. At the moment with the rise of the so-called “gig economy”, those traditional systems are breaking down and it is the role of the state to step in to ensure a fair deal for those workers. If workers are increasingly marginalised within the economy it becomes a question of when, not if, they rise up and the system falls. If that happens the only question is will workers coalesce around race or class.

For the record this isn’t just in my head, the former Governor of the Indian Central Bank warned of the same issues last year. Source. Redirect Notice
Hands up if you have been consulted as to whether you want “The Great Reset” and tell us when, who consulted you and what caused you to reach the decision that you did!
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But when you read about “the great reset” it uses fear in the hopes to implement it.
Well, if I claim that X organization is planning a certain course of action, the evidence for that claim would be a statement by X organization endorsing or proposing that action.
Not ever spirit at work in the world is truthful, honest, or factual. There is a spirit at work in the world whose plan was made manifest (Gen 11) in the Tower of Babel: a city building a great tower to the heavens, workers in fellowship, have the goal of a utopia without God. This same spirit is very much present today, among the various branches of “progressives” around the world, secular and even “ecclesial”.
All the great democracies on this planet function with the mixture of both. The 2 competing ideologies are the backbone of all society & make up the true sentiment of almost all people. All the great democracies have found a way to make both ideologies work & truly they are a mixture of both.

It would be a painful tragedy if democracies went on the path to silence the voices from its own other half. We must never forget that both sides make up the one single body & to cut your left hand off because it is what your right hand wants, is a form of genocide. Some lean more one way than the other, however humanity is still learning how to make them both work positively for all.
And all the democracies of this world are on the path to cultural suicide. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” There is one and only one way to achieve unity and peace among human persons, and that is in Christ. The City of God will stand, the City of Man will fall. Our choice is, which city holds our hearts? In which city is our citizenship? There is God, and there is Mammon; we will serve one or the other.
Do you see this as an opportunistic attempt to use COVID19 as an excuse to impose socialism?

Here is a quotation from the World Economic Forum:

“ the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.”
Yes, certainly. The globalists are clever, and will seize every opportunity to advance their dystopia.
Sounds like more paranoia to me. I’m expecting a return of Joe McCarthy any moment.
the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.
Just words. Thats all. Nice flowery statements that mean little as there is no introduced uniform practice. There wont be either.
I suppose the “uniform” response to Covid doesn’t count? Or the uniform responses to legalizing abortion, same sex marriage, climate change, and soon to come open borders, euthanasia and transgender rights. All just flowery language wrapped in rainbows? No joint and swift revamping of societies going on?
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Sounds like more paranoia to me. I’m expecting a return of Joe McCarthy any moment.
Even though Joe McCarthy was essentially correct in what he was alleging? Don’t look now but Marxist ideology is a mainstay on college campuses, the entertainment industry, journalism and in the Democratic Party.
McCarthy ruined lives because people attended meetings. That’s wholly unAmerican. Does this even need to be said?
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