I used to hear the saying Great nations divided by a common language, referring to the UK and the US.
Please and thank you are so helpful
Please and thank you are so helpful

I like Australia very much and I appreciate the Aussie bluntness but do you really have to relate so many of your posts to your nationality? A point is a point, regardless of the nationality of who makes it.Sometimes thats why we Aussies ask
MarysLurker said:There is definitely some stuff in the Great Reset agenda that is contrary to the teaching of the Catholic Church. I do not wish to editorialize upon it, but everyone should look at the “transformation map” (the gray spider web looking thing,) zoom in, and see what each of the little spokes on the outside say.
That question is off topic, so is this reply, yes because this is a mainly American forum and as you clearly interpreted the reason i asked for your opinion, your pov as my arrogance and domineering in this statement:I like Australia very much and I appreciate the Aussie bluntness but do you really have to relate so many of your posts to your nationality? A point is a point, regardless of the nationality of who makes it.
it helps to distinguish nationalities so people do not automatically impose culture on posts.imperious way of making your request.