The Great Reset

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Some might argue that the EU and UN are the living embodiment of anti-Christian forces. In that light, we should do our best to oppose the evil forces of Globalism.
Throw in the Catholic Church along with the EU and UN. I know too many conservative Christian who think the Catholic Church is also a globalization force.

Think one world order and the Catholic Church with its own private army, the Swiss Guards.
This misrepresents what is being claimed. It isn’t that the Church itself is a globalization force, but that elements within the Church are promoting globalization. At least let’s properly represent those you don’t agree with us so the discussion has some hope of being productive.
I’ve read conspiracy theories linking the Swiss Guards, Switzerland and the Knights Templar who people say are alive and well and running the world secretly.

There’s always this shadowy, secret cabal of evil people in every conspiracy theory.
Belittling and misrepresenting your opponent’s position isn’t helping your argument - whatever that might be.
No one that I know of suggests anything of the sort, so why are we heading down this road?
This misrepresents what is being claimed. It isn’t that the Church itself is a globalization force, but that elements within the Church are promoting globalization. At least let’s properly represent those you don’t agree with us so the discussion has some hope of being productive.
Except that I wasn’t referring to those people who claim that elements within the Church are promoting globalization.

I was referring to Protestants who claim ALL of the Catholic Church is promoting globalization. Yes, these people do exist. I’ve actually read pamphlets and literature that state this view.

By the way, how do you know about who I agree or disagree with? I never explicitly mentioned that I disagreed with someone or something. I was merely stating about what some, namely some Protestants, believe in.

I have revised my original post to make it clearer.
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Why do you assume that I am belittling someone else’s position?

I am merely stating what others do believe. Yes, they do exist. I have read literature that have actually stated this. I remember an instance where I read a magazine in an eye doctor’s office which had these articles.

So what group do you claim I belittled?
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Interesting article from Time magazine:


The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want. TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work

Then they describe what 2023 will look like with Mr. Biden president and the Great Reset over. Just a couple quotes:

Governments used a digital revolution to improve public services, from digital health to e-cards, and create a citizen-centered welfare state.

The world has embraced a “new normal” that ensures public-private collaborations are driven by public interest, not private profit.

Interesting article from Time magazine:


The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want. TIME partnered with the World Economic Forum to ask leading thinkers to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work

Then they describe what 2023 will look like with Mr. Biden president and the Great Reset over. Just a couple quotes:

Governments used a digital revolution to improve public services, from digital health to e-cards, and create a citizen-centered welfare state.

The world has embraced a “new normal” that ensures public-private collaborations are driven by public interest, not private profit.

It's 2023. Here's How We Fixed the Economy | TIME
It is odd how Biden’s Build Back Better phrase showed up in the statements of a number of leaders like Trudeau and Boris Johnson, UN organizations, climate change NGOs and TedX talks. No coordination?

It’s just an idea, that’s all. Like Antifa and BLM. 🙈🙊🙉
Has anyone actually seen AB Vigano lately? I’m seriously wondering if he’s been kidnapped and the crazy conspiracy theorists are using his name without permission.
He just recently gave an hour plus long video talk at a Catholic conference.
He said he is doing very well.
Vigano has a long history of sensational rhetoric. He has been quite vocal in calling for Pope Francis to resign. He is well-known for outspoken advocacy for right-wing political causes. When he speaks in this area, he is speaking only as one man and not as a representative of the Church. His opinion should be given no more weight than those of Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson, whose styles and view are similar. The fact that he retains his position in the Church is a testament to the big tent that is the Catholic Church, which accepts both Archbishop Vigano and Father James Martin.

The Great Reset, as outlined by the World Economic Forum, and properly interpreted, is not nearly as nefarious as Vigano, etc., try to make out. It is a knee-jerk reaction to anything with the word “social” in it, which is ironic, considering that it is being discussed in the CAF forum called Social Justice.
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When he speaks in this area, he is speaking only as one man and not as a representative of the Church.
Sure he does. He represents those who stand for the timeless traditional teachings of the Church that he and many other churchmen and laity believe are under assault by secular society, but also from those within the Church itself.
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Vigano has a long history of sensational rhetoric…

When he speaks in this area, he is speaking only as one man and not as a representative of the Church. His opinion should be given no more weight than those of Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson,
I know who Archbishop Carlo Mario Vigano is. You may disagree with his conservativism and his views but he has a long history in the Catholic church working very closely with many in the Vatican, including the Popes, before his retirement in 2016. To say he should be given no more weight than Sean Hannity (who was never a priest, cardinal or bishop, never worked for the Vatican and has left the Church) or Tucker Carlson (who is not Catholic), is neither charitable to the Archbishop or the Church and all of our working and retired priests, bishops and cardinals, especially those fighting the good fight against the attacks on the Church.
The Great Reset, as outlined by the World Economic Forum, and properly interpreted, is not nearly as nefarious as Vigano, etc., try to make out. It is a knee-jerk reaction to anything with the word “social” in it, which is ironic, considering that it is being discussed in the CAF forum called Social Justice.
The Great Reset is an opportunistic movement that has it’s roots in the U.N. 2030 Agenda. Not just a knee jerk reaction.

Socialism and Catholic social justice are not the same thing at all. Totally different, so do not think that when you hear Catholics talk about social justice they are talking about socialism. They are not.
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Has anyone actually seen AB Vigano lately? I’m seriously wondering if he’s been kidnapped and the crazy conspiracy theorists are using his name without permission.
He just recently gave an hour plus long video talk at a Catholic conference.
He said he is doing very well.
Vigano has a long history of sensational rhetoric. He has been quite vocal in calling for Pope Francis to resign. He is well-known for outspoken advocacy for right-wing political causes. When he speaks in this area, he is speaking only as one man and not as a representative of the Church. His opinion should be given no more weight than those of Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson, whose styles and view are similar. The fact that he retains his position in the Church is a testament to the big tent that is the Catholic Church, which accepts both Archbishop Vigano and Father James Martin.

The Great Reset, as outlined by the World Economic Forum, and properly interpreted, is not nearly as nefarious as Vigano, etc., try to make out. It is a knee-jerk reaction to anything with the word "social" in it, which is ironic, considering that it is being discussed in the CAF forum called Social Justice.
There is also a whole lot included in the term “social justice”, not all of it legitimate. The problem with “big tent” ideologies like the modernist heresy is the distinct lack of any commitment to what is true and what is false. Anything goes, so to speak, in the rush to include everyone in the “big tent” and make that watery murkiness the new “testament.”

I’ll just note in response to @umamibella’s concerns about criticizing people that besides attaching a lot of labels to what you characterize as Vigano’s “ideas” and “sensationalist rhetoric” you haven’t actually given any examples of those. You are content to characterize his views at a general level but you have not taken the step of assessing the fine points of what he says other than implicitly reject everything he has to say on the basis of his being “right wing,” as if that is the greatest sin anyone can possibly commit. What is it about being right wing that is intrinsically pernicious? Perhaps it is self-evident as far as you are concerned, but I am not seeing the intrinsic truth in your premise.
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Vigano has a long history of sensational rhetoric…

When he speaks in this area, he is speaking only as one man and not as a representative of the Church. His opinion should be given no more weight than those of Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson,
I know who Archbishop Carlo Mario Vigano is. You may disagree with his conservativism and his views but he has a long history in the Catholic church working very closely with many in the Vatican, including the Popes, before his retirement in 2016. To say he should be given no more weight than Sean Hannity (who was never a priest, cardinal or bishop, never worked for the Vatican and has left the Church) or Tucker Carlson (who is not Catholic), is neither charitable to the Archbishop or the Church and all of our working and retired priests, bishops and cardinals…
…most of whom do not share his radical views. But it not an uncharitable remark. It is just true that political opinions of clergy do not necessarily represent the Church, but only represent them as individuals. I recall that when Pope Francis made his statements about Climate Change, there were many conservative voices here who were saying much the same thing about him - that his views on Climate Change are not binding and did not represent the Church as a whole, but just represented him as an individual in a field where he is not an authority. Were those conservatives being uncharitable toward Pope Francis by doing that? Did you call them out for being uncharitable? In fact I was quite charitable toward Vigano, putting his private views on the same level as two other conservative voices that you probably respect too.
The Great Reset is an opportunistic movement that has it’s roots in the U.N. 2030 Agenda. Not just a knee jerk reaction.

Socialism and Catholic social justice are not the same thing at all. Totally different, so do not think that when you hear Catholics talk about social justice they are talking about socialism. They are not.
Actually it is not socialism that is being promoted by the World Economic Forum. You may have gotten that impression from the statement that we need a Reset to Capitalism. But that is actually in line with the Catechism, which states:
CCC 2425:
She has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of “capitalism,” individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor. Regulating it [the economy] solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for “there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market.” Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended.
This could be taken as sometimes calling for a “reset” on capitalism if it gets too far off balance, which is essentially the same thing that the WEF is saying.
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I have actually not seen it as an opportunistic attempt to impose socialism; but I have seen it as an opportunistic attempt to impose all-out technology on the educational system, which has been headed in a technological direction anyway. I think this virus has accelerated the process, and I have my doubts that we will ever fully return to in-person teaching. I do hope I am wrong. However, I have no doubt about the existence, the spread, and the fatality of this virus.
I had no doubt that it would make perfect sense to you.

You do realize that during the pandemic the rich got richer and the middle class got much poorer? So the gap was made larger but still you will deem it as supportive of the system and somehow gerryrigged into your system making “perfect sense.”
Yeah I know that, do you know what might help? Making the rich pay their fair share of taxes.
Oh please.

We live in a time of history we have more freedoms that ever before. Free speech, healthcare and travel for example is a VERY recent phenomenon.

The government (use to be monarchy or church) has always had a certain power or monopoly on the populations movements and rights. This is not new and is standard in any socially cohesive group.

Currently we are in an epidemic, which the world has experienced before. This is not new and society as always reacted. Luckily we now have a better understanding of virology so can make better protocols to overcome it.
Remind me, what were Amazons profits and how much federal income tax did they pay last year? You think that amount seems fair?
Remind me, what were Amazons profits and how much federal income tax did they pay last year? You think that amount seems fair?
You are not answering my question. Why not look up that information and let us know what portion “Amazon” should pay?

While you are at it you can look into all of their accounting practices and let us know if they are paying what they should by law. If so then you can break down where you think the law is unjustly letting Amazon get away with not paying taxes when they should.
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