The Great Reset

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This could be taken as sometimes calling for a “reset” on capitalism if it gets too far off balance, which is essentially the same thing that the WEF is saying.
This idea is being promoted by the biggest capitalists in the world.

Like putting foxes in charge of the henhouse.
Once this election is over then we will start to see real facts in the media
According to analysis…

According to the Journal , taxpayers with income over $100,000 a year earn 60 percent of the nation’s income and pay 95.2 percent of the income taxes in the United States. If we consider all federal taxes paid (income, payroll, and excise taxes), those making over $100,000 (a little over 20 percent of taxpayers) pay for 75.7 percent of total federal taxes (this excludes the burden on corporate and investment taxes).
If we break this down further (as in the chart below), the level of progressivity in the tax code becomes even clearer. Those making over $200,000 comprise just over 5 percent of the nation’s taxpayers, earn 32.3 percent of the income, but pay 46.7 percent of total federal taxes and 70 percent of federal income taxes.
  1. …a little over 20 percent of taxpayers pay for 75.7 percent of total federal taxes
  1. …over 5 percent of the nation’s taxpayers, earn 32.3 percent of the income, but pay 46.7 percent of total federal taxes and 70 percent of federal income taxes.
That is “not fair” according to you?
This could be taken as sometimes calling for a “reset” on capitalism if it gets too far off balance, which is essentially the same thing that the WEF is saying.
This idea is being promoted by the biggest capitalists in the world.

Like putting foxes in charge of the henhouse.
Unless they are capitalists with a conscience. Who else can really change anything but those with the power? I don’t understand just wanting to keep the status quo when we know the awful statistics.


There is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet.

About 690 million people worldwide go to bed hungry each night.

Small farmers, herders, and fishermen produce about 70 percent of the global food supply, yet they are especially vulnerable to food insecurity – poverty and hunger are most acute among rural populations.

Conflict is a major driver of hunger: The UN estimates that 122 million of 144 million stunted children live in countries affected by conflict.

An estimated 14 million children under the age of five worldwide suffer from severe acute malnutrition, also known as severe wasting, yet only 25 percent of severely malnourished children have access to lifesaving treatment.

As I said I can’t fathom why people don’t want something to change. Imagine if the roles were reversed and our families were among that 690 million who aren’t getting enough to eat each day. Why is feeling that suffering just batted away as ‘bleeding heart liberals’?
This could be taken as sometimes calling for a “reset” on capitalism if it gets too far off balance, which is essentially the same thing that the WEF is saying.
This idea is being promoted by the biggest capitalists in the world.

Like putting foxes in charge of the henhouse.
Are you assuming that capitalists have no conscience? That is not very charitable toward capitalists. Just because someone is rich and active in capitalism that does not mean they must be evil. (I see that @Motherwit beat me to it with the same idea.)
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  1. …a little over 20 percent of taxpayers pay for 75.7 percent of total federal taxes
  1. …over 5 percent of the nation’s taxpayers, earn 32.3 percent of the income, but pay 46.7 percent of total federal taxes and 70 percent of federal income taxes.
That is “not fair” according to you?
It seems a tad “unfair” but probably not in the way that he was thinking.
most of whom do not share his radical views.
that is not the point.
but only represent them as individuals. I recall that when Pope Francis made his statements about Climate Change, there were many conservative voices here who were saying much the same thing about him - that his views on Climate Change are not binding and did not represent the Church as a whole, but just represented him as an individual in a field where he is not an authority.
Yes, it is true that a priest, pope or bishop’s opinions are his own and do not represent the Church, nor are they infallible, so no we do not have to agree with them but a priest, pope or bishop do speak on moral issues taught to them by the Church and if they are faithful to the Church then they should have more weight in the moral sphere than a news broadcaster and hopefully by Catholics do not get put in the same category as news broadcasters.

I will admit there are those priests and bishops who do not teach in line with the Church.
it is not socialism that is being promoted by the World Economic Forum.
Socialism has rarely been called socialism for quite a long time. New names are liberalism and progressivism. The word socialism is just starting to rear it’s ugly head but the ideology has been spreading for quite a long time. Watch A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing EWTN. The world powers that be are not interested in promoting capitalism, even in a limited good way.
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Socialism has rarely been called socialism for quite a long time. New names are liberalism and progressivism. The word socialism is just starting to rear it’s ugly head but the ideology has been spreading for quite a long time. Watch A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing EWTN. The world powers that be are not interested in promoting capitalism, even in a limited good way.
Is it your position that there is no fault in today’s capitalism that needs bridling?
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Yes, it is true that a priest, pope or bishop’s opinions are his own and do not represent the Church, nor are they infallible, so no we do not have to agree with them but a priest, pope or bishop do speak on moral issues taught to them by the Church…
But that’s the problem right there. Vigano spoke on a lot more than the moral issues. I have no problem with the moral precepts he mentioned. But I do have a problem with his opinions on the seriousness of the covid-19 pandemic, the best way to treat it, the wisdom of taking vaccines, and the motivations of people whose heart he can only guess at. These are not moral issues. They are questions of science, medicine, and other things he knows nothing about. That comprised the bulk of his rant against the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates, etc.
Socialism has rarely been called socialism for quite a long time. New names are…
So you say. That those things are socialism is just your opinion, and quite faulty one at that.
Watch A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing EWTN.
Has that film been promoted by the Catholic Church? Why should I give that film any more credence than any other film as far as identifying socialism?
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Do you believe that the current system is a fair one and shouldn’t need to change in any way?
It isn’t very clear to me that the solutions to the unfairness are material ones and not spiritual.

Unless you think all the talk of sin and such in Scripture has been so much noise I doubt that any subscribers to materialistic principles have any real solutions precisely because they don’t look to principles of the Kingdom and don’t appear to look to God for much in the way of guidance or grace.

I suspect any radical solutions imposed from the top down will end up being worse for everyone in the end - kind of like the communist revolutions progressively impoverished everyone starting from the nobility to the kulaks and so on down.

Personally all talk of “revolution” or radical change is suspect, especially when all the small improvements over the past five decades have been minimized and very likely reversed by the thoughtless actions of many of the elites currently in charge.

You appear to have this strange notion that the wealthy elites who have been unjustly rewarded should now be put in charge of the world to rectify everything all at once.

My position is that most of those who happen to control the wealth have arrived there mostly by fortune and being in the right place at the right time to reap the benefits. I doubt very much that putting them in charge of a reset will bear good results. I am more hopeful of grass roots improvements and slow change than sudden lurches towards utopia.
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Actually it is not socialism that is being promoted by the World Economic Forum. You may have gotten that impression from the statement that we need a Reset to Capitalism. But that is actually in line with the Catechism, which states:
CCC 2425:
She has likewise refused to accept, in the practice of “capitalism,” individualism and the absolute primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor. Regulating it [the economy] solely by the law of the marketplace fails social justice, for “there are many human needs which cannot be satisfied by the market.” Reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good, is to be commended.
This could be taken as sometimes calling for a “reset” on capitalism if it gets too far off balance, which is essentially the same thing that the WEF is saying.
It can only be taken as “essentially the same thing” when the details of what the Church means by “…reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good,” are explicated and compared to what the WEF means by a “reset on capitalism” and how that is to be carried out.

We can’t just accept that they are “essentially the same” until we know with clarity the specific outcomes that would be realized by each, abstract verbiage notwithstanding.
It can only be taken as “essentially the same thing” when the details of what the Church means by “…reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good,” are explicated and compared to what the WEF means by a “reset on capitalism” and how that is to be carried out.

We can’t just accept that they are “essentially the same” until we know with clarity the specific outcomes that would be realized by each, abstract verbiage notwithstanding.
I agree with you. And I am waiting for someone to do exactly that before they proclaim that the WEF goals are contrary to the Catechism.
I have no problem
But I do have a problem
So, in all charity disagreeing with him is just your opinion also.
That those things are socialism is just your opinion, and quite faulty one at that.
As this is all your opinion also.
Has that film been promoted by the Catholic Church?
If you are asking if the film was put out by the Pope and declared infallible, you would be correct it is not and it is your choice or your opinion to discredit it. I could tell you what it is about, who speaks in it and more but you have already made up your mind so…

in all charity, we will just have to agree to disagree because we have different opinions.
LeafByNiggle said:
Seems to me, Vigano does.
In all charity, your opinion

God Bless. 🙂
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It can only be taken as “essentially the same thing” when the details of what the Church means by “…reasonable regulation of the marketplace and economic initiatives, in keeping with a just hierarchy of values and a view to the common good,” are explicated and compared to what the WEF means by a “reset on capitalism” and how that is to be carried out.

We can’t just accept that they are “essentially the same” until we know with clarity the specific outcomes that would be realized by each, abstract verbiage notwithstanding.
I agree with you. And I am waiting for someone to do exactly that before they proclaim that the WEF goals are contrary to the Catechism.
Wait a minute. You proclaimed that the two are “essentially the same” to make your point, but now the burden is on someone else to disprove YOUR point despite that YOU haven’t proved it?
This could be taken as sometimes calling for a “reset” on capitalism if it gets too far off balance, which is essentially the same thing that the WEF is saying.
I submit that no one needs to even consider YOUR point to be true because you haven’t given us a reason to think that it is.

I am quite content to leave it in your court since you aren’t even willing to defend it.

I feel no compulsion to do your work for you since I have no reason to think WEF goals have anything to do with Church teaching.
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I’ve read conspiracy theories linking the Swiss Guards, Switzerland and the Knights Templar who people say are alive and well and running the world secretly.

There’s always this shadowy, secret cabal of evil people in every conspiracy theory.
Yep, every conspiracy theory seems to be getting an airing atm. Makes good profit margins in the press. Roll on 2021.
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Is it your position that there is no fault in today’s capitalism that needs bridling?
I believe there are issues but I agree with @HarryStotle that the solution to the unfairness is more spiritual than material and the powers that be are not looking to God or the Catholic church for solutions and guidance, nor are they consulting the Catholic catechism.

and without God the solutions will only end up being more harmful as seen by past similar decisions.
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I have no reason to think WEF goals have anything to do with Church teaching.
I’m content to leave it at that. It has nothing to do with Church teaching, either pro or con.

And you are right about my comments being my opinion, as are 99.9% of comments you read in this forum. (That figure, 99.9%, is also just my opinion.)
HarryStotle said:
No one subscribes to conspiracy theorizing.
Seems to me, Vigano does.
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I’ve read conspiracy theories linking the Swiss Guards, Switzerland and the Knights Templar who people say are alive and well and running the world secretly.

There’s always this shadowy, secret cabal of evil people in every conspiracy theory.
Yep, every conspiracy theory seems to be getting an airing atm. Makes good profit margins in the press. Roll on 2021.
Must be why much of the press is going broke these days. No one subscribes to conspiracy theorizing. 🤔
It is just of matter of how much or little government you want to rule you.

0% is no government and 100% is total governmental control. What as a form of government where would this “The Great Reset” be on this number line from 0 to 100?

I am not talking about any utopian fantasy government. You have to apply the true human conditions. Love, hate, sacrifice, greed, hard work, laziness and more.
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