The Great Reset

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Its a ruse. The same people talking about taxing the wealthy at 90% are the ones receiving vast amounts from those same wealthy elites in campaign donations.

Doesn’t that strike you as just a little odd?

Why would Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook, & Co work so hard and spend so lavishly on candidates that are threatening to tax them at exhorbitant rates?

Not even a little puzzled by that?
Actually it makes perfect sense to me.

The like of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos et al support the likes of universal healthcare and higher tax rates on themselves because it maintains the current system. In essence if the gap between the rich and the rest of us gets too large then the system can come crashing down.
I had no doubt that it would make perfect sense to you.

You do realize that during the pandemic the rich got richer and the middle class got much poorer? So the gap was made larger but still you will deem it as supportive of the system and somehow gerryrigged into your system making “perfect sense.”
McCarthy ruined lives because people attended meetings. That’s wholly unAmerican. Does this even need to be said?
Marxism has ruined far more lives over the years (>100 million dead) so attempting to stop its promotion might have been seen by him as necessary.

I don’t necessarily agree with the things he did but he wasn’t wrong on his basic assessment of the situation.

Some are insisting that Antifa and BLM are just “ideas” or “myths” or “movements and not organizations.” Yet streets are burning and the mayors and governors of those jurisdictions are doing nothing to stop them and even releasing the rioters and arsonists without charging them. In the meantime not wearing a mask outdoors gets you a fine of several hundred dollars. Are those “wholly American” measures?

Lives are “being ruined” by the promotion of Marxist ideologies in colleges and schools. Most of the rioters and anarchists on the streets have been groomed by their professors and instructors. I suppose it is “unAmerican” to stop the indoctrination?
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I suppose the “uniform” response to Covid doesn’t count? Or the uniform responses to legalizing abortion, same sex marriage, climate change, and soon to come open borders, euthanasia and transgender rights. All just flowery language wrapped in rainbows? No joint and swift revamping of societies going on?
Just words, nice flowery statements that mean little as there is no uniform response. There wont be either.
Do you see this as an opportunistic attempt to use COVID19 as an excuse to impose socialism?
Its an opportunistic attempt to use politics to kidnap a pandemic again. Vested interests and hidden agendas will slide away just as they did with other pandemics.

Makes great drama in the media and sells papers in the lull before the storm.
Similar to the experience in modern times of those who are made to make declarations in support of BLM
Good observation. Also an indicator of how effective the slow march through the institutions was. It is also convenient for the Marxist types to have McCarthy available as the scapegoat or model by which to demonize anyone who raises concerns about Marxism today.

Intimidation and indictrination are very clearly at work in bringing about the “desired” changes in society. That is why freedom of expression is so important and anyone who seeks to quell that freedom ought to be seriously questioned regarding their motivations for silencing others. No need for persecution but a serious need to be called to account to justify their position regarding why they ought to hold the card that silences others but not themselves being subjected to silencing.

Antifa types who want to silence the “fascists” using decidedly fascist tactics should be the first to be subject to scrutiny and not given a pass merely because they have crowned themselves the “anti-fascists.”
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I suppose the “uniform” response to Covid doesn’t count? Or the uniform responses to legalizing abortion, same sex marriage, climate change, and soon to come open borders, euthanasia and transgender rights. All just flowery language wrapped in rainbows? No joint and swift revamping of societies going on?
Just words, nice flowery statements that mean little as there is no uniform response. There wont be either.
Ironic how your response is as flowery as you want to make the draconian responses to Covid out to be. People’s lives all over the globe are being radically changed in ways that are producing far more permanent harm than Covid by itself would have.

There has been no “uniform response?” Really?
Some might argue that the EU and UN are the living embodiment of anti-Christian forces. In that light, we should do our best to oppose the evil forces of Globalism.
Throw in the Catholic Church along with the EU and UN. I know too many conservative Christian, mostly Independent Fundamentalists or Reformed Baptists, who think the Catholic Church is also a globalization force.

Think one world order and the Catholic Church with its own private army, the Swiss Guards.
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I’ve read conspiracy theories linking the Swiss Guards, Switzerland and the Knights Templar who people say are alive and well and running the world secretly.

There’s always this shadowy, secret cabal of evil people in every conspiracy theory.
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