At this point, we hit a wall. What is the “reason” you rely on revelation?
Many things that Christians believe can not be discovered via human reason alone. e.g. the Trinity or the Incarnation… Now with respect to such dogmas, I can give you reasons for believing in such, but ultimately my belief rests on faith. Reasonable faith, though.
Traditionally, Christians hold that we can discover that God exists and some of his attributes by reason alone. But that’s it.
The universe, could be the GCB. It is meaningless. The real question, is why would you chose one revelation(christianity/judaism) over another?
There are lots of different religions, each with its own distinctive truth claims. As between Judaism and Christianity, it boils down to whether Jesus is the Messiah. See guys like C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell and Peter Kreeft.
As between Christianity and Islam, we know too much of Muhammed’s history to take him seriously as a real prophet of God.
As between Catholicism and Protestant denominations, after much study I have concluded that the Catholic Church is where the fullness of truth subsides. Also, the whole sola fide and sola scriptura things never resonated with me.
As between Catholicism and Mormonism, I am not into polytheism. Read too much Anselm, I guess.
As between Christanity and eastern religions, …
And why…would you believe that God, had any desire to be revealed? Why would he? Because WE want him to do that?
I only know what Sister Mary What’s Her Name told me in 3rd grade: “God the Father loved the Son so much, and God the Son love the Father so much, that their love is so real that it exists as the third person of the Holy Ghost. And the Trinity just wanted to share this love so God created us.”
Frank, your logic is good, but what are you trying to achieve?.The OA, is only good, for those that already believe what you do. It’s meaningless to the rest of us. It seems to be an intellectual argument to drive people to admit they are thiests.
I still can’t quite decipher, why you think it’s important in an argument with those that don’t have faith.
I am enthused about metaphysical inquiry because it lays a good foundation for theology. Once you get into it, you are left with the conclusion that this much must be true:
- God exists. Theism is the only rational option.
- There is a transcendent reality. Reality is more than the physcial universe. At a minimum, metaphysics makes a very good case for panentheism.
- There are necessary truths.
Then, all the other proofs and arguments come into play. They further bolster the case for a transcendent creator God.
A very good source is the Christian Handbook by Kreeft and Tacelli.
To sum up, the OA helps us get our thinking straight about God. Of course God exists. All the other arguments help us understand and grasp that He is personal God.
I’ve run out of time and have to get ready for an evening appointment.
BTW, it’s “anudder luffly day in Nordakoda.” -22 degrees. The dog’s walks are very short on days like this. Where the heck is my Global Warming!!!
God bless you and your kin.
da Schnobbel