"The Homosexual's Search for Happiness"

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What is the best way to get them to repent, to get healed of their gayness and come to Christ?
Well, I’d get it in the right order. First, they need to be brought to faith in Christ so they can repent and be healed of their homosexual (NOT gay) attractions (which is a process).

You bring them to faith in Christ the same way you do to any other sinner. In the case of the person with homosexual attractions, you stick to what the Catechism says on the issue and don’t add to it or subtract to it. To emphasize one part over the other. People who are straight get so stuck on the “instrinsic disorder” and “objective disorder” that it becomes the prime focus of all three paragraphs. The ACTS are intrinsically disordered and the INCLINATION is objectively disordered. The PERSON is a sinner who has concupisence just like you do and can be saved JUST LIKE YOU CAN.

You speak to the person with a spirit of charity and an attitude of compassion and understanding. You listen to them and their issues and be Christ to them. That’s what will draw more people than “GOD HATES FAGS” and other stuff that I’ve seen posted on this site.
RC Traditional:
I would remind them that it is a state of mortal sin objectively as it one of the 4 sins that cry out for God’s vengeance, it is an abomination and the direct result of drug use as well as an immoral life. Then I would say repent, avoid the occasion of sin and go on a retreat preferably an Ignatian retreat with a retreat master who is an expert in guiding souls to Christ’s forgiveness, mercy and love shown through the sacraments he lovingly instituted. These Spitritual Exercises are available from SSPX priests which I had the privilege of attending 7 times in the last 15 years. Deo gratias! Oh and if you have a history of homosexuality you will be blocked from being accepted in the religious orders or priesthood through the SSPX. They do have a VERY thorough application process.
How is the homosexual condition (note- just the condition- not acting on it or lust or anything that requires a conscious decision) mortally sinful, and how can this be reconciled with the CATHOLIC doctrine that we have free will? Also, how does drug use CAUSE homosexuality? I see no correlation here whatsoever- only a weak attempt to push an eletist agenda. I would not go to any retreat or any function run by the SSPX- they are a schismatic organization, and the confessions their priests hear are invalid (read- not just illicit- invalid- only at the point of death are they valid) and any good retreat would include confessions. There are plenty of groups in communion with Rome that give Ignatian retreats.
I would remind them that it is a state of mortal sin objectively as it one of the 4 sins that cry out for God’s vengeance,
Actually, there are 5 sins that cry out to heaven. Which one did you leave out? Most Americans have no problem with two because they are deeply engrained in the culture (and the sin of the sodomites isn’t one of them) as part of doing business…but I digress.
it is an abomination and the direct result of drug use as well as an immoral life.
Ignorant much? Homosexual attractions are usually a case of deep-seated gender-identity issues. Many people who are homosexually attracted are not druge users and haven’t even tried drugs. The ACT is an abomination and a mortal sin. The attraction is just that…an attraction. It must be dealt with through the practice of chastity and frequent reception of the sacraments of Confession and the Eucharist.
Then I would say repent, avoid the occasion of sin and go on a retreat preferably an Ignatian retreat with a retreat master who is an expert in guiding souls to Christ’s forgiveness, mercy and love shown through the sacraments he lovingly instituted.
You almost had me until you brought up a specific kind of retreat. A retreat is definitely useful but it’s not going to solve the problems that are the root cause of homosexual attractions.
These Spitritual Exercises are available from SSPX priests
Oh, that reduces the credibility right there.
which I had the privilege of attending 7 times in the last 15 years. Deo gratias!
Good for you.
Oh and if you have a history of homosexuality you will be blocked from being accepted in the religious orders or priesthood through the SSPX. They do have a VERY thorough application process.
Well, I wouldn’t want to be involved in an organization that is in formal schism from and in blatant disobedience against the Pope.
This is yet another of the endless threads about gay men. And yes, all the gay threads have been about men in the long run. I guess it’s more scary for straight guys. I’m gay. I’m a man. I grew up catholic. Reading the threads here, I can understand, if not sympathize, that good Catholics have problems with us gay men. Ok. I’m not in your club and don’t want to be.

But, us gay men in the US are also American citizens. Even if u don’t want us in your club, we’re still your fellow Americans. And I haven’t seen decent respect as fellow citizens for us gay men here in the catholic forums. Some posters threatened to beat up gay men if we are around their kids. How can you tell if we are? Do we glow pink? And why do you think if you good Catholics hit us because we venture in public that we will not hit back? Others want us gay men out of American public schools. Gay Americans go to public school. And our kids do too. We pay taxes. I think several Supreme Court decisions settled the fact that all Americans can attend public schools.

All religions have problems with different folks. But in the US, all religions have to put up with non-believers. I suggest you cope.
maria goretti grl

The bottom line is that we’re all miserable sinners. None of us have any right to say that a homosexual person’s sins are worse than our own.

No. The bottom line is that, so far as acknowleding our sins is concerned, the homosexual should be ready to take his lumps right along with the rest of us.

For your information, the CCC teaches that there are mortal sins and there are venial sins. This means that when we are exposed to our own sins and to the sins of others, we have to be aware of, we have to JUDGE whether our sins and the sins of others are serious or not serious. And then we have to admonish ourselves, and ought to admonish others, to reform and find Christ in our hearts.

And before you talk about casting the first stone, look up Matthew 18:6. I wish to God the American bishops had done so long before the scandal broke. They needn’t have taken Jesus literally, but they could at least have ripped the collars from those priests’ necks.
Just admit it. There are a bunch of catholics on this message forum and in real life especially who are just outright rude, unkind and provoking with quoting scripture and who knows what else. I mean can’t you just go to the Ten Commandments and follow the one that says, Love your neighbor as yourself. It’s supposed to be the 2nd most important after Love your God with your whole heart, soul, and mind. Just because you know a person is homosexually oriented doesn’t mean they are actually in a state of sin and you must be like a watch dog and tell them about it and strip them of any decency given to any human being. Even with the John Kerry thing and receiving Holy Communion it went all the way to Rome and they could do nothing there. They stated don’t receive communion if you vote pro-abortion and and he was on the television set but they knew it was a touchy subject. I mean it is the same thing. If a priest or bishop is not allowed to do this even though it is caught on live tv and you know the agenda of the politician why do those other catholics do it. I think it has gone too far. We know we are catholics and what we teach in terms of chastity and celibacy. You don’t have to preach it. And the people who post here are saying they want to be celibate and maybe in the past they weren’t but so are the heterosexuals who were not virgins before the marriage in the church. Both of them man and woman. Just admit it there truly are some catholics who are self-righteous and no matter what their “works” or how many God would first like you to be kind and Christ-like. “Works” by the way do not get you into heaven. They help and are very good, but it does not guarantee you heaven. Showing mercy and the Father in heaven will show you mercy.
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