Well, I’d get it in the right order. First, they need to be brought to faith in Christ so they can repent and be healed of their homosexual (NOT gay) attractions (which is a process).What is the best way to get them to repent, to get healed of their gayness and come to Christ?
You bring them to faith in Christ the same way you do to any other sinner. In the case of the person with homosexual attractions, you stick to what the Catechism says on the issue and don’t add to it or subtract to it. To emphasize one part over the other. People who are straight get so stuck on the “instrinsic disorder” and “objective disorder” that it becomes the prime focus of all three paragraphs. The ACTS are intrinsically disordered and the INCLINATION is objectively disordered. The PERSON is a sinner who has concupisence just like you do and can be saved JUST LIKE YOU CAN.
You speak to the person with a spirit of charity and an attitude of compassion and understanding. You listen to them and their issues and be Christ to them. That’s what will draw more people than “GOD HATES FAGS” and other stuff that I’ve seen posted on this site.