I remember a relative of mine, back in the early 1990s, he used to always say " no matter how much trouble you get into, they can never take away training or education", I was in a wild time in my life at that time, I was partying alot, not really doing illegal things, but heading down a bad road with alcohol, girls, drugs, etc. He was trying to tell me, if I ever got into legal trouble, if I had some kind of training or education, getting a decent job would never be a problem.While I feel that providing a college education may be seen as unfair, providing vocational schooling, literacy lessons and teaching trades all seem like sensible policies (though the jobs outside of prison have to exist).
However this was before background checks, while it is true, they cannot ever take away ones schooling or training, if you learn to repair big trucks, you will always have this knowledge…BUT, they have found a way to take away ones ability TO USE that training, so even though you know how to repair big trucks, because you got convicted of something 15 years ago, no company will ever hire you to do that work, thats pretty low and sneaky imo.