The Immorality of Social Security Cuts

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Dearly beloved friends,

Cordial greetings and a very good day.

Most good and decent people living in Britain today are sickened and indignant at the governments assault on the welfare state, which has pivoted around the issue of benefit fraud, gross mischaracterisation and downright untruths. The coalition’s draconian and outrageously unfair cuts that have unrelentingly hammered down upon the sick and poor are nothing short of immoral, especially in a civilised country of the West which boasts of being the seventh richest world economy.

The usual justification for these iniquitous cuts is that the Social Security spend is no longer sustainable over the long term and that even national bankruptcy will result if drastic measures are not taken. This, dear friends, is simply a downright lie emanating from the Conservative propaganda machine, but it is, nonetheless, a lie which has duped many of my fellow British citizens. Incontrovertibly, the driving force behind the Social Security cuts is electioneering and courting the middle-class vote. Politicians know fully well which buttons to press and thus they focus their efforts on persuading swing voters, who are middle-earners, so they can win elections. Moreover, they must secure the vote of the elderly, generally unsympathetic to the plight of the poor and sick, since they now make up a large bulk of the voting public. Whatever happened to convictional politicians such as the late Anthony Wedgewood Benn?

What is so very disgraceful is that the politicians are covering up their decisions by scapegoating the sick and jobless. Alas, all political parties are guilty of this, including the Labour Party, which ought to know better. Indeed this is the motive behind the shameful rhetoric of ‘strivers and shirkers’, ‘alarm-clock Britain’ and the so called ‘squeezed middle’. Sadly, owing to our fallen nature, men like to find someone else to blame for their problems as this helps give them a feeling of moral superiority. However, when one looks at the facts behind on this extreme right-wing rhetoric, one soon discovers that it is all utter nonsense, intended to demonize some of the most vulnerable members of society. The fact is that the sick and jobless did not create the current economic crisis, yet it is they who are paying, by far, the highest price for it. Let us be under no illusions, it was the Bankers, CEO’s and the reckless credit card spending of *working *people that engendered the financial mess in which we now find ourselves. It is a national disgrace that the poor and sick are targeted in this fashion, given that we are supposed to be a country of decency and fair play. Why have we allowed this to happen and where is the condemnation from the Left, especially given that there is an important election in May 2015? Both Ed Milliband and Rachel Reeves are conspicuously silent regarding the wicked welfare cuts and the so called ‘reforms’.

Social Security expenditure is more than affordable in Britain, notwithstanding what some Conservative ideologues and ultra right-wing commentators may say to the contrary. These are all jolly adept at peddling misleading myths about Social Security and benefits. For example, dear friends, when politicians tell us that the ‘benefits bill is just too big’ they conveniently add together pensions and Social Security benefits and come up with the figure of £180 billion, which admittedly does sound like a great deal of money. However, £155 billion of all of those benefits - pensions and Social Security - are paid back to the government as taxes. In actual fact the net cost of Social Security benefits and pensions together is only £25 billion, that is 2.5% of our national income - a tiny figure in the grand scheme of things.

Notwithstanding all the sensational stories about unique cases of fraud which no man would defend, the official figures show that benefit abuse is a very minor issue. Benefit fraud is £1 billion, illegal tax fraud (not tax evasion) is £15 billion whilst tax evasion has been estimated at £70 billion. Actually, £17 billion of Social Security benefits go unclaimed because the whole system is so confusing and stigmatizing - indeed we could term this government fraud. Finally, the cuts to Social Security benefits amount to £22 billion and there are even more planned if the Conservatives win the 2015 General Election. How this shameful oppression of the poor and sick can possibly be defended in a civilised society is beyond me. The genuine maths evinces quite clearly that the Social Security expenditure is more than affordable and sustainable over the long term, contrary to popular belief.

Finally, dear friends, let remember that none of our present economic troubles were created by our modest spending fighting poverty. On the contrary, the economic crisis was engendered by a housing price bubble, far too much borrowing by greedy home owners and far too much lending by the banks. The fact is that the poor, the jobless and the sick are bearing the brunt of policy mistakes by the rich and powerful. This is a grave social injustice and must be condemned in the strongest terms by the Catholic faithful. It appears to me that nobody is defending the cause of the poor and sick in British society - all of the political elites are woefully failing the most vulnerable and those in greatest need. All of the parties are falling into the trap of scapegoating the very people who are not responsible for our present financial crisis.

A nations true greatness is always measured by its treatment of the poor and sick, since they are the vulnerable members of society and neither will a country ever attain lasting peace if its government imposes unfair and harsh measures against God’s poor and the sick in mind and body.

God bless and thankyou for your time.

Warmest good wishes,


In Christos
Most good and decent people living in Britain today are sickened and indignant at the governments assault on the welfare state, which has pivoted around the issue of benefit fraud, gross mischaracterisation and downright untruths. The coalition’s draconian and outrageously unfair cuts that have unrelentingly hammered down upon the sick and poor are nothing short of immoral, especially in a civilised country of the West which boasts of being the seventh richest world economy.
Has there really been any cut in British welfare spending or has it grown exponentially?

Is it cruel to expect the able bodied to take a job rather than continue on welfare benefits?

Britain has rather rapidly dropped from the largest economy in the world to seventh. Do you think that Socialism has played a role in this?
I cannot speak to the issue directly as I do not have enough info. However, here in this country, Welfare aid has changed from being a “hand up” to an entitlement. This thinking not only draws down the entire society but places the recipient at a distinct disadvantage.

As an example, an unmarried mother of two, one boy & one girl, applies for housing assistance. Because of her situation, she qualifies for a three bedroom apt. ( Children of opposite sex can’t sleep in the same room and the parent is to have her own room ). Under Section 8 housing, this is about 1300 a month. Add in at least 500 for food stamps and another 200 for LIHEAP ( assistance for utilities ) and your up to 2000 a month. Now where is this person supposed to find a job to replace these benefits. And why am I supposed to pay for it? And so the vicious cycle will repeat itself with the next generation. What the OP fails to accept is that sooner or later we will run out of OPM (other people’s money)
We say Great Britain is “rich”, but also consider the amount of debt.

Up to now, many countries have been spending more than they make. If a business were run like many governments, they wouldn’t be in business very long.

The governments often take a credit card-type approach to spending, leaving the debt for future generations to pay. At some point, there needs to be some kind of fiscal responsibility and cuts, somewhere.

Many countries haven’t had a balanced budget in years.
Now where is this person supposed to find a job to replace these benefits. And why am I supposed to pay for it? ,…sooner or later we will run out of OPM (other people’s money)
Well, let’s keep this in the context that this is a Catholic website.

With that said, I might ask:
  1. how do you figure you are paying for it.
  2. what is “other people’s money”?
Don’t we, as Catholic Christians believe that all things belong to God, and we are but stewards rather than owners of all he has bestowed on us?

So, I am not paying for anything, and I do not own anything (including money) that I possess. All belongs to God, and whatever He wills will be done.

Peace and all Good!
Well, let’s keep this in the context that this is a Catholic website.

With that said, I might ask:
  1. how do you figure you are paying for it.
  2. what is “other people’s money”?
Don’t we, as Catholic Christians believe that all things belong to God, and we are but stewards rather than owners of all he has bestowed on us?

So, I am not paying for anything, and I do not own anything (including money) that I possess. All belongs to God, and whatever He wills will be done.

Peace and all Good!
YOU pay for it through your tax dollars which to the recipients is OPM (other people’s money). We were told that “the poor will always be with you” and Paul. in Thessalonians advised us that “he that shall not work shall not eat”. I do do charity work, I do try to help those that are in dire straits. It is those that make no or only feeble attempts to help themselves that get my goat and I feel no requirement, other than the tax man, to help.
I can’t say I have direct knowledge of the UK system, but Social Security here in the USA was always a Ponzi scheme destined to collapse, but it’s demise has been dramatically hastened by the baby bust that occurred after the Boomers.

I predict the entire system will either collapse or will be gradually eliminated by abolishing the cost of living adjustment before the last Boomer dies.

I’ve always planned for retirement with the expectation that I’ll effectively get nothing back for all I’ve paid in. 😦
… in Thessalonians advised us that “he that shall not work shall not eat”. .
No need to convince me, brother, you just need to convince the Father.

However, I think it is fair to point out you may seem to be cherry picking scripture by taking it out of context and literally.

However, don’t take my word for it. St. Augustine said of the verse (2 Thessalonians 3:10):

They [the Apostles]insist, therefore, that we ought to understand the passage:** ‘If any man will not work, neither let him eat,’** as referring to spiritual works

Augustine of Hippo. (1952). The Work of Monks. In R. J. Deferrari & H. Dressler (Eds.), M. S. Muldowney (Trans.), Treatises on Various Subjects (Vol. 16, p. 332). Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press.
2 Thesalonians 3 7-12
For you know how one must imitate us. For we did not act in a disorderly way among you, 8nor did we eat food received free from anyone. On the contrary, in toil and drudgery, night and day we worked, so as not to burden any of you. 9Not that we do not have the right. Rather, we wanted to present ourselves as a model for you, so that you might imitate us.e 10In fact, when we were with you, we instructed you that if anyone was unwilling to work, neither should that one eat.f 11We hear that some are conducting themselves among you in a disorderly way, by not keeping busy but minding the business of others.g 12Such people we instruct and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to work quietly and to eat their own food.

Seems pretty clear he was referring to physical work so as not to burden others.

However, the government has no money of it’s own, what it has is what it takes from its people and dispenses. So, it is always a matter of how much is fair to take from someone, how much of the fruit of their labors.

Entitlements reduce acts of charity, it starts to absolve those who should give from the responsibility-- hey, that’s the governments job, not mine!!!
And it erodes the rightful gratitude that should be shown to receiving charity by the recipient. Acknowledgement that it comes from the hard work of others.

Social security is a bit different in the US (not familiar with the UK system) since it supposedly is the return on the investment a worker made throughout their productive years. It wasn’t presented as the sacrifice of others or charity but simply the return of funds with interest that the worker invested (along with the employer’s contributions which were taken by the government for that worker).

Problem is, the folks managing the money didn’t treat them as investments. They didn’t bank the money, invest it to obtain increases-- they paid today’s recipients with the ‘investments’ of the future generations. As someone else said, it’s a Ponzi scheme from the outset. It was always shifting the burden onto future generations and eventually the math stops working. You can’t take in enough from the current workers to pay the retired workers and something has to give.

Either we fix it now and place burdens on ourselves. Think folks who have a good pension/retirement or multiple pensions who will also receive Social Security. I’ll take some cuts if it’s part of an overall plan that gets our financial house in order. Or we place the burden on our children, grand-children and great grand-children. You know, people who had no part in the decisions leading up to this, won’t receive any of the benefits, but to whom we’ll hand the credit card bill.

The longer we wait, the harsher the adjustments will be. The less flexibility to support the truly needy (i.e. folks on SSI who never even put into the system but receive the benefits).
Regarding the “Is SS a form of Socialism”

Social Security is a gray area because at least there is the possibility of getting the money you paid in back and if you don’t pay into it then you don’t get anything, but they are both government programs with mandatory taxes that only pay back the alleged owner of the money if the beneficiary survives long enough and qualifies for “reimbursement”. If you can’t withdraw your money from your account then it isn’t really yours. If you die before you can get it back and it is not considered as part of your estate but remains with the government then it never was yours to begin with. If the money in the program is never really yours but is collected as a tax from the whole population and then doled out by the government based on your qualified need, then it is socialism.

It is worth noting that Social Security was argued as unconstitutional before it was passed, but the Supreme court backed down because FDR threatened to simply appoint as many judges as needed to get the verdict he wanted. It is still unconstitutional as is Medicare, but the court hasn’t concerned itself much with adhering to constitutional limitations on government in the last century. Oh, and for all you ignorant people who insist that it is by calling it a “tax, the reason for that tax is not enumerated anywhere in Article One of the Constitution and the Tenth Amendment states that any power not explicitly given to the federal government through the Constitution is a power that is retained by the states and the people.
However, the government has no money of it’s own,
Back to my original premise (and I promise, I’m done)…

No, the government has no money of its own. Neither do we. Money is just one of the many blessings from God, that we are to be stewards over.

So if the money we have been blessed with, by the divine hand of God, is guided to those He feels are more in need, we have no complaints, because we, like the government, have no money of our own!

God’s justice is perfect.

Peace and all Good!
I can’t say I have direct knowledge of the UK system, but Social Security here in the USA was always a Ponzi scheme destined to collapse, but it’s demise has been dramatically hastened by the baby bust that occurred after the Boomers.

I predict the entire system will either collapse or will be gradually eliminated by abolishing the cost of living adjustment before the last Boomer dies.

I’ve always planned for retirement with the expectation that I’ll effectively get nothing back for all I’ve paid in. 😦
I think that anyone receiving a government pension ( federal civilian or military, maybe even state/city pensions) will end up seeing reductions in their SS. Government will probably either establish a graduated scale for SS depending on other income/savings, or more heavily tax higher income folks receiving SS. In order to preserve at least something for folks who either out of poor planning or circumstances beyond their control have no other source of income. A lot of the higher income folks who contributed the max for most of their working careers will get nothing. The system will shift from being a part of everyone’s retirement to an insurance policy for worst case situations.

The long term solution will have to involve the government actually setting up SS as a trust where the funding actually is held by the government and invested with no borrowing against it, vice just being used in the general fund. If it’s to go back to something everyone who contributes can count on being there.

Of course, none of that matters if the government continues going into debt with all its other spending. Eventually, SS is just part of the whole financial situation.
Back to my original premise (and I promise, I’m done)…

No, the government has no money of its own. Neither do we. Money is just one of the many blessings from God, that we are to be stewards over.

So if the money we have been blessed with, by the divine hand of God, is guided to those He feels are more in need, we have no complaints, because we, like the government, have no money of our own!

God’s justice is perfect.

Peace and all Good!
I agree from a Catholic perspective-- everything I have is a gift from God. I am called upon to share what I have. What I am not called to do, is be envious of what others have acquired through their labors and dictate what they should do with it.
Has there really been any cut in British welfare spending or has it grown exponentially?

Is it cruel to expect the able bodied to take a job rather than continue on welfare benefits?

Britain has rather rapidly dropped from the largest economy in the world to seventh. Do you think that Socialism has played a role in this?
Britain’s vast wealth was predicated based on exploitation and pillage, once it ran out of people to exploit and pillage from she had to pull her own weight. It is not at all surprising that some more populous countries have surpasses the UK in terms of GDP.
I think that anyone receiving a government pension ( federal civilian or military, maybe even state/city pensions) will end up seeing reductions in their SS. Government will probably either establish a graduated scale for SS depending on other income/savings, or more heavily tax higher income folks receiving SS. In order to preserve at least something for folks who either out of poor planning or circumstances beyond their control have no other source of income. A lot of the higher income folks who contributed the max for most of their working careers will get nothing. The system will shift from being a part of everyone’s retirement to an insurance policy for worst case situations.

The long term solution will have to involve the government actually setting up SS as a trust where the funding actually is held by the government and invested with no borrowing against it, vice just being used in the general fund. If it’s to go back to something everyone who contributes can count on being there.

Of course, none of that matters if the government continues going into debt with all its other spending. Eventually, SS is just part of the whole financial situation.
It was originally set up to safeguard the elderly from destitution.
Dear Portrait,

I watched as fictional things occurred right before the global financial crisis: home valuations rising to infinity, and the creation of Credit Default Swaps. Only in the last few years have those who caused this global crisis been brought to a form of justice. Globally, banks, and others, are finally paying fines and other penalties. In the US, the bailout of institutions deemed “too big to fail” fell to the common man. In the UK, I’m watching as interest rates are at near US lows. The budget for the police force has been cut. The Eurozone was in trouble but now the Ukraine Crisis has created uncertainty.

All that said. It may take just one man to bring the facts you’ve presented to light directly to the proper agencies in a well-documented way, with a request for answers. One of the problems facing the global aging of the population, with women choosing to not have children, is who will care for them? Then we have pensioners, which some in the US look at as a meddlesome cost that was not dealt with properly. Monies for pensions were diverted to “other” things with the promise that the coffers would be refilled later, by the time they were needed. This has not happened in some cases.

So, here we are. But we must look for answers while petitioning those ‘in power’ to do something. In the US, the word among the wealthy is the average man is being a bit frugal now, hurting sales and stock prices. Gasoline just went up by 20 cents per gallon today for no particular reason.

Fortunately, I was raised to save, prepare, and if necessary, cut spending to ‘essentials.’ This present crisis was not our creation but we must learn to present our grievances in a way where no one can accuse us of confrontation. We must tell others.

If we can organize, we might make a difference. We are guaranteed to fail to make progress if we do nothing.

Finally, the alarmists are out there, right now. They act as if nothing can be done, but in the end, financial interests are looking for gain. Wisdom is required.

I hope you found my comments helpful.

God bless you, dear brother,

We say Great Britain is “rich”, but also consider the amount of debt.

Up to now, many countries have been spending more than they make. If a business were run like many governments, they wouldn’t be in business very long.

The governments often take a credit card-type approach to spending, leaving the debt for future generations to pay. At some point, there needs to be some kind of fiscal responsibility and cuts, somewhere.

Many countries haven’t had a balanced budget in years.
The same thing is true with the US as well, many people think the US is the richest nation on earth, but in reality the Govt is up to their ears in debt to China, and I think if they released the ‘real’ figures, most people would panic! They have been fudging the numbers for decades, but this cant go on forever, eventually nations reach a point when the bottom drops out, the US is getting extremely close to this happening, and once it does, America will be a totally different place from then on.

Plus social security here wont be around forever either, this generation will probably be out of luck when they get close to retirement, then they are going to have some real bad things start to happen here! Im 40 yrs old and am pretty fearful about the future here.
No need to be fearful. Long before Social Security, people saved money. They worked and lived modest lives. In modest homes. I was taught those things.

God bless,
Has there really been any cut in British welfare spending or has it grown exponentially?

Is it cruel to expect the able bodied to take a job rather than continue on welfare benefits?

Britain has rather rapidly dropped from the largest economy in the world to seventh. Do you think that Socialism has played a role in this?
Dear PaulfromIowa,

Cordial greetings and a very good day. Thankyou for your response.

The recent Social Security cuts have incontrovertibly plunged many individuals and households into poverty. Moreover, staff who work at the labour exchanges are now put under enormous pressure to find any excuse to withhold people’s Social Security payments for weeks at a time. Of course the government has a duty to safeguard taxpayers money by preventing fraud and indolence, but surely something is gravely amiss when labour exchanges for the jobless become nothing more than sanctioning factories where people’s vital benefits are stopped, frequently for the most trivial of infractions. This cannot be the way forward and only serves to engender resentment and unnecessary hardship for people who already struggling to survive on meagre benefits.

It is high time, dear friend, that people in Britain treat with contempt the media misinformation respecting Social Security expenditure. Spending on out-of-work benefits is not spiralling out of control, nor is the Welfare State responsible for Britain slipping to the seventh largest world economy. It cannot be repeated often enough: most of the Social Security budget (53%) is actually spent on pensioners. That compares with a little over a quarter (26%) on those much maligned out-of-work benefits. Spending on the latter, as a proportion of the national income, has actually been jolly flat for almost three decades.

Certainly if people are able and capable then they are under an obligation to work and to provide for themselves and their families. However, dear friend, the problem here in Britain is that sick and vulnerable people are being declared fit for work by defective ‘Work Capability Assessments’, scandalously designed to reduce the unemployment figures so that the government can brag to the electorate that they are being ‘tough on welfare’ and breaking the cycle of welfare dependency in which, allegedly, multitudes are trapped.

As regards the oft quoted dictum of St. Paul, “if a man will not work, he shall not eat” (II Thess. 3: 10), this was addressed to voluntary not involuntary unemployment, that is to the idle not the sick or the genuine losers in the struggle to survive. There is, dear friend, a jolly huge difference between those who cannot work and those who will not work because they are workshy. Many people need to change their harsh and un-Christian attitudes towards the sick and jobless. Those who have been schooled in the values of the so called ‘Protestant Work Ethic’ (industry, honesty, resourcefulness, thrift, hard work etc.) have a tendency, now more than ever, to despise those who are losers in the struggle to survive, as if it were their fault. Undoubtedly there a few malingerers who do not want a job and who prefer to sponge on the community, but they are and always have been a tiny minority. The great majority of jobless people desperately want to secure employment and work for their living.

The truth is that the austerity fanatics and deficit fetishists on the right wing are not that troubled by Social Security expenditure *per se *- only by the billions that go to the poor rather than the wealthy. They resent it being channelled to social programmes, disability benefits, housing for the homeless and job-guarantee schemes, rather than to the greedy shareholders of multinational corporations and other financial institutions.

Finally, no one is suggesting that Social Security benefits should be dished out to everyone indiscriminately. Rather the argument is about people who believe that these cruel cuts are not about countries running out of money, but about an extreme right wing ideological attack on sick and jobless to ingratiate government to the middle-classes and ‘hard working families’. These draconian attacks will produce nothing but suffering, resentment and social division - it will only result in a more uncivil and unhappy society dominated by a survival of the fittest mindset. Do the Catholic faithful really wish to see that?

It may not be fashionable to say this, dear friends, but I am firmly of the opinion that the present British government is deliberately framing the debate around Social Security in away that distorts the issues at hand and creates rather than reflects a perception of a ‘broken benefits system’ that is no longer affordable.

God bless and thankyou for all of your replies thus far. May wish you all a jolly splendid and relaxing weekend. Goodbye for now.

Warmest good wishes,


In Christos
Portrait, as you can see when you bring up topics like Social Security, and Welfare. You get a series of Far-Right- Rhetoric. Mostly the same kind of thing you get in the UK. The things people will say to defend their greed saddens me.

When someone like Neofight puts our faith up as an example of how we should consider things. Someone will try to twist it. There is no end in sight for this. Because sin, like the poor will always be with us.

I believe that Governments should not be run like businesses. Here in my home state of Michigan we elected an actual accountant to run the state. Our reward for this is 4 out of 10 households struggling to make ends meet. That’s 40% for the bean counters. Not the sort of success they claimed we’d see.

The war on poverty has turned into a war on the poor.

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