For once, I do agree with you, far too many people have reached the point where they completely rely on the Govt for their existence and survival…how do they reach such a point? Why would someone want to rely solely on Govt for such a thing anyway?
To my knowledge, there is nothing in the US Constitution that says the Govt MUST take care of and provide for its citizens financially at ANY point in their lives.
Dear mikekle,
Cordial greetings and a very good day.
It admits of no doubt that there are those who have come to depend upon Social Security benefits, but they are actually an infinitesimally small in number in reality. Most of those who are long-term unemployed or who have never been able to down a job have severe mental or physical health problems, sometimes a combination of both, which preclude them from being a part of the workforce. In the interests of fairness and justice we must distinguish between those who
will not work owing to indolence and those who
cannot work owing to genuine ill-health - there is a huge difference which sadly some people are wont to ignore. The sick and vulnerable have no option but to depend upon Social Security entitlements for their daily survival; rents, food, utility bills and mobility needs must be paid for week in and week out. Certainly, friends and family, assuming there are any, will help if they are able, but it is naïve to think that the cost of all these essential needs for all of these people can be met on a regular basis by public charities or individual charitable giving. Thus unless there is continual state support many of our most sick and vulnerable citizens will certainly face homelessness and it is next to certain that their health will rapidly deteriorate, especially where there are severe mental health issues involved. In a civilised society can we allow our sick and vulnerable to suffer such inhumane indignities, depriving them of such very basic needs? By way of response some will no doubt plead that governments cannot afford this long-term care of the sick and vulnerable any longer, but can they afford not to afford it and still remain a civilised society? However, as I said in my OP, those on the extreme right-wing are jolly adept at peddling myths as regards Social Security expenditure, both here and in America. Thus, in Britain, the net cost of Social Security benefits *and *pensions together is only £25 billion of our national income - a rather tiny figure in the grand scheme of things. Social Security for our nations poor and very sick citizens is sustainable over the long term.
Unfortunately, dear friend, the existence of a very small number of bogus Social Security claimants has been allowed to infect the whole narrative around welfare. Much effort is expended, especially by the fanatical right wing press, to find Social Security claimants who fit the stereotype of feckless ‘benefit scroungers’ who are plainly swinging the lead. Thus, for example, the *Daily Mail *or some bias television documentary, will report on an unshaven man wearing a vest, beer can in hand and bragging about having fathered 30 odd children from multiple wives since the age of fifteen. Now the fact that they have to look jolly hard for these colourful and singular benefits claimants actually shows just how uncommon they really are. Thankfully, they do and always have represented a small minority of hardcore bogus benefit claimants, who have disgracefully chosen welfare as a life style choice. However, these rare occurrences are routinely used by the Right to encourage the demonization of all sick and jobless persons and to justify ever more harsh and immoral cuts to the Social Security budget. People have sadly bought into all of the ultra right-wing rhetoric emanating from the sensational tabloid press and biased television programmes, which is why we have witnessed such a hardening of attitudes in recent times. This all contrary to the traditional British sense of fair play, especially for the underdog. What has happened that we stooped to such a low level, targeting the poor and sick who did not even engender the financial crisis in which we now find ourselves?
The present British government under Mr.Cameron and his minister for Social Security, Mr. Iain Duncan Smith, has succeeded in stirring up much hostility towards the the sick and unemployed and being the occasion of much mental anguish, fear and hardship. Never in all my life have I been so terribly ashamed to be a British citizen and I forsee increasing social division and the prevalence of Darwinian survival of the fittest society. As Catholics do we really want this for our children and grandchildren? Without solidarity there can never be a happy and civil society. If, dear friend, we are all indeed our ‘brothers keeper’ then an injury to one is an injury to all - in the words of the old trade unionsist slogan: ‘United we stand, divided we fall’. Saving a few billion pounds to the Social Security budget can come at too high a price.
God bless.
Warmest good wishes,
In Christos