Wait, if the FSM is my Mommy, does that make me the Pastafarian Messiah?
…or just a very naughty boy?
I don’t think anyone here needs proof that
forced incest is wrong. We all agree that Rape Is Bad.
The point is that even aparently
consensual incestuous relationships often turn out to have an abusive side.
Hence the call for any alleged incestuous couples who want to be allowed to marry to step forward and be counted. Just as same sex couples have stepped forward and shown that the accusations that they were more likely to abuse their children (for example, which would arguably have excused discriminating against them) were so much bigoted nonsense.
You carefully trim out my point - added back in in red. While both cases are comparable in that you are being prevented from marrying the
one you love and want to marry
at that point in time, they differ in that
only the homosexuals are prevented from marrying
anyone they might ever find attractive or be in love with.
The incestuous couple can go off and find someone else with whom they can have a relationship, and arguably a healthier relationship and healthier children, to the benefit of everyone involved. The homosexuals can only be pushed into shallow short term promiscuous relationships, to nobody’s advantage.
In other words, while you must consider the
benefit of a proposed restriction of liberty, you must also consider the downside. Banning gay marriage arguably has a much bigger downside than banning incestuous ones.
Lacking such stats, it is a non-argument.
The APA says that:
Quite a few.
Start with one study that actually supports the idea that same sex parenting has negative results:
High school graduation rates among children of same-sex households
Douglas W. Allen
While dissenting, it has the honesty to start by listing more than 50 studies that argue that same sex couples do just as well as opposite sex ones at raising kids.
And the following quote:
Or there is this more recent review article:
Child Well-Being in Same-Sex Parent Families: Review of Research Prepared for American Sociological Association Amicus Brief
Wendy D. Manning, Marshal Neal Fettro, Esther Lamidi
The other oft-cited anti-gay parenting study is of course the
Regnerus study. Cited for completeness, you are probably already aware of the criticisms!