The Incest Argument and Same Sex Marriage

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Strawmen set ablaze throughout. “Identify” as Christian means nothing. Given the Torah, the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament are filled with prohibitions against homosexuali acts, one of the few called an abomination, that members of the APA might (and do you have any support for your theory?) might self identify as Christian but their vote to support homosexuality as normal behavior indicates their faith did not inform their consciences. Nor does biology seem to inform their consciences but then I maintain psychology is a soft “science” at best.

Further most of the “gay marriage” laws have not been voted on deomcratically. In fact the democratic process has resulted in “gay marriage” being specifically disallowed. It has been the action of unelected judges, bureaucrats and politicians who have forced “gay marriage” despite this thwarting the will of the people.

As to giving everyone the same “rights” you actually prove the slippery slope theory in saying that once marriage no longer requires a man and a woman, then all parties can call whatever arrangement they wish “marriage.” It has been rendered meaningless in the secular or contractual context. There has never been a right for anyone to marry “whom they love” without other constraints or restrictions. Homosexualists have simply tried to carve out a sympathetic approach in order to foist the charade of equivalence upon a compassionate but ill informed public.
When this was on the ballot, the majority of the people rejected it - twice in California. People do not like to be forced, so this will not go as planned, legal or not. A handful of judges and politicians are much easier targets than millions of people.

Your history is incorrect. Radical gay activists and closeted gays in the APA arranged everything. It’s all here:

This was repeated with Transgered persons:

"BOSTON — The term “gender identity disorder” has been eliminated from the new edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s official guide to classifying mental illnesses, known as the DSM-5.

“Whereas previously a man who “self-identified” as a woman (or vice versa) could have been classified as mentally ill, now the DSM-5 uses the term “gender dysphoria,” which means it is only a mental illness if you’re troubled by this self-identification. Elated activists in the “LGBT” community had lobbied the APA for the change for years.”

Read more:

Lobbying is not a scientific way to change a diagnosis.

Ed thank you for responding. As noted previously, the removal of homosexuality from the DSM resulted from an activist cohort with a particular agenda. Homosexuality was only a disorder to the extent the person believed it caused him or her problems. Then it was removed completely as I understand. I fully expect “transgender” will be completely scrubbed from the ranks of the DSM as well.

Ironically by all other measures, engaging in homosexuality predicts a shorter lifespan, a greater likelihood of other emotional and psychological problems, higher drug use, greater promiscuity among males, and rates of suicide. Seems like these associated pathologies might indicate homosexuality actually does result in psychological issues but it’s obviously not PC to say so.
Yes it has. Why shouldn’t an adult brother marry his adult sister? In this case, judges wouldn’t stop them. The slippery slope is gradually deforming the reality regarding marriage. And it’s been in the planning and implementation stages for a while.

Another bit of irony is that when gay activists are challenged on the slippery slope theory that opening up the term “marriage” to same sex couples renders objections to plural marriage or incest meaningless, they claim that “of COURSE this will not happen” although as you said, it already has happened. Further the complete detachment of the term ‘marriage’ from its natural and unique state means that any couple (or group) can be “married” for any reason whatsoever. Gay activists were apparently outraged when a pair of platonic male friends “married” for the purpose of entering some contest limited to “married” couples (gay or straight). Did they truly think that rendering marriage meaningless would have no consequences?
Family units have for millenia and in all societies, been based on man/woman = children.
False. As discussed numerous times before, all sorts of cultures throughout history have had family groupings other that 1 man and 1 woman. Including same sex marriages.🤷
To claim that same sex partners have traditionally created a family unit is to ignore basic biology.
And yet same sex couples, now and throughout history, have had children. With outside help, sure, but why should the state care about that? :confused:
As to the EWWWW factor, the state has no capacity to feel disgust
But individuals do. And these days they mainly feel disgust towards those they perceive as ‘homophobes’, not homosexuals. So this is a catastrophically bad time for you to be pushing the ‘EWWWWW factor’ as an excuse for legal discrimination. 🤷
Presumably you are down with incest, polygymy, polyandry, and removing all other impediments to sanctioning a sex life and calling it “marrige.” We must be consistent after all…or is it all relative;)
Have you not read my posts, or are you having trouble understanding them? :ehh:
What evidence do you have that such people exist? People who can
only fall in love with family members?

If they exist, then banning incestuous marriages is denying them a loving, genuine marriage. Which requires justification.

Produce these people and we will talk.

Prove it. Objectively

Incest is a violation of the roles of the two. Family members are not supposed to be sexually attracted to each other. Homosexual actions violate the natural order of things. Heterosexual sex has an end, procreation. Even infertile couples are still participating in the natural act even if the end does not happen
So… no evidence, no proof, just more unsupported assertions?

Do you really think your post has advanced the anti-gay marriage cause at all?
And, particularly in parenting, what would justify force?
Paternalism in parenting is a huge topic, requiring at least a thread to itself - or even better that you go read a textbook on moral philosophy including a chapter at least on this. Why is this relevant?
That those who survive such relationships often report that they were, in fact, being abused against their will? 🤷
I have made the assertion, and you have agreed with it. Indeed, you phrased it as “Well, duh” implying that you felt the assertion to be self evident.

But I have yet to provide specific evidence for this claim - although unlike you I have referenced a number of my claims - as you have shown no interest. Despite the title of this thread, so far you seem more interested in attacking gays and their marriages than understanding secular arguments against incest.🤷
Oh, I don’t know. You feel the need to criticise the existence of a supposedly non-existent Being. Why not also take shots at a supposedly non-existent demographic?
In what way do I ‘criticise the existence’ of God, apart from not being convinced of it? How is this relevant? Why push for rights to incestuous marriage if you cannot find any incestuous couples who want to marry?

In any case, the point is that lacking any incestuous couples who want to marry we have no way to evaluate the health of their relationship. So your argument lacks yet another keystone.
Furthermore, from a purely philosophical point of view, if your argument is that you have
no argument against incest, and so should be allowed to ban any arbitrary behaviour without justification, as the requirement for justification would prevent you from banning incest, then you have no argument.

Oh, that wasn’t my argument.
Well, it is the only one you have presented so far. If you have another one, maybe you should shift to that?
But what I am saying is that modern, secular society has no argument against it, except for capricious popular opinion.
You don’t see a secular argument, which is a massive lacuna in your education in my opinion. I’ve outlined a couple here already. 🤷
My argument against incest goes back to the Resurrection and to the Church.
In other words it is a personal subjective view you want to impose on society. Yet you would object to others imposing their subjective views on you.
Those things never last long;
Ninety-year-old gay couple marries in Iowa after 72 years together
Seems like ‘lasting long’ to me.

Doc, I expected better from you.
You made a specific, very explicit claim - that homosexual relationships never last long. I provided a concrete, referenced example of a homosexual relationship that has lasted 72 years!. How many counter-examples do you think are required to disprove an unsupported assertion? :rolleyes:
The link between the two is this question: “what exactly is marriage supposed to mean?”.
That is not a link - you are just ignoring my point that banning same sex marriage imposes a greater burden on far more people than does banning incestuous marriage. For less reason. 🤷
So, in your mind, Doc, what is that word supposed to mean?
“Two or more people coming together to form a new family unit, or the social, legal or religious recognition of that union.”

‘Marriage’ again coming from a term originally coined by the state long before christianity, so if anyone has first dibs on the word it is not you lot!
Exactly what I’m asking for in the case of an incestuous brother and sister. You have provided none at all.
I have, and you agreed with at least one! Namely that incestuous relationshps tend to be abusive. Is that not a good reason to discriminate against them?:confused:
All of this assumes that marriage is a privilege given to us by the state. It also assumes marriage, as you understand it, is any of the state’s business.
As originally defined, which was done by the state, it is both of those.

You do realise that the Bible was originally written in neither english nor latin, so used neither the word ‘marriage’ nor its root?
False. As discussed numerous times before, all sorts of cultures throughout history have had family groupings other that 1 man and 1 woman. Including same sex marriages.🤷

And yet same sex couples, now and throughout history, have had children. With outside help, sure, but why should the state care about that? :confused:

But individuals do. And these days they mainly feel disgust towards those they perceive as ‘homophobes’, not homosexuals. So this is a catastrophically bad time for you to be pushing the ‘EWWWWW factor’ as an excuse for legal discrimination. 🤷

Have you not read my posts, or are you having trouble understanding them? :ehh:
Oh I understand you perfectly. I simply disagree with you. Don’t mistake opposing arguments for confusion. You are very clear as to your agenda. The problem with your argument is that you don’t provide any compelling evidence, just your opinion. Toss in a strawman or two, an ad hominem and voila…it must be ME who doesn’t understand. Interesting twisting of the issue but an oft used tactic by gay activists. Hint: we’re on to you and that dog don’t hunt.

As to your arguments, the exception doesn’t make the rule. I believe a Roman emperor or two married his HORSE. Thus from your argument above, marrying an animal is as valid as man woman marriage. How silly is that? Yes there have been a few, and there still are a small number, of same sex couples who have somehow acquired children. So? Again the exception doesn’t make the rule. The state has an interest in not only its survival, its continuance and its present state of prosperity and stability. Hence the state has an interest in supporting Natural Marriage in that again, for the majority of such unions, there are children as a result. No one has provided any evidence opposing the reality that the BEST place for a child to be raised is within a Natural Marriage with a Mommy and a Daddy.

The problem with your side is that it’s completely self centered and adult centered while Natural Marriage is based on the family unit for benefit of children. Gays/Lesbians want “marriage” for a variety of reasons from wanting state benefits to believing that if they call their relationship “:marriage” it will lose its stigma or maybe they just want a fun party. But it is biologically impossible for gays/Lesbians to have a marriage as the Church defines it. You can’t fight biology with straw man arguments or name calling.

Once again, the EWWWW factor is brought up as a hat tip to the gay activists who have been able to couch their arguments in everything but the truth. It’s about “love” not about having the state sanction non-procreative sex right? The state has ZERO interest in promoting your sex life (I realize you aren’t in America and apparently are not American). But with the flowery language and completely ignoring the realities of particularly gay male sex, they have basically bamboozled the public into thinking there is “nothing wrong” with legally sanctioned sodomy.🤷 As I said, a hat tip to your side, your arguments have gained traction with the secular public even as they fail utterly to those who accept the Church and Natural Law
The state has ZERO interest in promoting your sex life…

…they have basically bamboozled the public into thinking there is “nothing wrong” with legally sanctioned sodomy.
I think you are getting close to the reason why you are fighting a losing battle.

If I said I was going to send you a pm with details of my sex life, I’d guess your response would be along the lines of: Forget it, buddy. I have zero interest in what you and your partner do in bed!

That would be an entirely reasonable response. One that almost all reasonable people would make. Yet you do seem to have a particular interest in what gay people do. Particularly, it seems, gay men.

So you are shouting out: Look! Legally sanctioned sodomy! Ewww! And most reasonable people are saying: Lady, we are really not interested…

You’re going to end up like the guy pacing endlessly up and down the high street with a placard reading ‘The End Of The World Is Nigh!’ Only your placard will have something to do with other people’s sex life.
I think you are getting close to the reason why you are fighting a losing battle.

If I said I was going to send you a pm with details of my sex life, I’d guess your response would be along the lines of: Forget it, buddy. I have zero interest in what you and your partner do in bed!

That would be an entirely reasonable response. One that almost all reasonable people would make. Yet you do seem to have a particular interest in what gay people do. Particularly, it seems, gay men.

So you are shouting out: Look! Legally sanctioned sodomy! Ewww! And most reasonable people are saying: Lady, we are really not interested…

You’re going to end up like the guy pacing endlessly up and down the high street with a placard reading ‘The End Of The World Is Nigh!’ Only your placard will have something to do with other people’s sex life.
Actually I have no interest in others’ sex lives and that’s my objection to gay activism, gay “pride” parades, the demands that this be taught at the grade school level, or the claims that gays/Lesbians receive state sanction for their non-procreative sex lives. It’s the disordered desire to make public their private life, demanding that we not only accept gays/Lesbians’ sex lives but in fact we are to celebrate them and place them on par with Natural Marriage.

As to gay “marriage” what is being asked but to recognize their sexual activity and somehow place it on par with male/female marriage? A straight couple’s sex life is a concern of the state since such marriages traditionally result in children. Gay “marriage” will never result in children so why do they want to “marry?” The contractual obligations existing in a marriage can easily be structured. No one cares if you are living in the same house, sharing a bank account, or household chores. The only reason the state cares about your sex life is if it results in children and a gay/Lesbian relationship is by definition sterile. Why should the state have any interest in that?
No one cares if you are living in the same house, sharing a bank account, or household chores. The only reason the state cares about your sex life is if it results in children and a gay/Lesbian relationship is by definition sterile. Why should the state have any interest in that?
Beats me. And it beats me why you are so very much interested in other people’s sex lives as well. You don’t care about bank accounts or chores but you are constantly, and I mean constantly, referring to sex in all your posts.
Natural marriage was never based on such a frivolous idea as “love” which in the usual sense means companionship with some kind of sexual attraction.
This shows why you really don’t understand the situation you are finding yourself in. Like the song says, love and marriage go together. To have you write that basing marriage on love is ‘frivolous’ is an eye opener. Here are some synonyms for the word: inane, fatuous, shallow, thoughtless, superficial, non-serious.

Mum, Jack and I want to get married. We love each other so much.
Oh, don’t be so shallow, dear. What an inane and fatuous suggestion.

Let’s hope that Jack is not short for Jacqueline.
Beats me. And it beats me why you are so very much interested in other people’s sex lives as well. You don’t care about bank accounts or chores but you are constantly, and I mean constantly, referring to sex in all your posts.

This shows why you really don’t understand the situation you are finding yourself in. Like the song says, love and marriage go together. To have you write that basing marriage on love is ‘frivolous’ is an eye opener. Here are some synonyms for the word: inane, fatuous, shallow, thoughtless, superficial, non-serious.

Mum, Jack and I want to get married. We love each other so much.
Oh, don’t be so shallow, dear. What an inane and fatuous suggestion.

Let’s hope that Jack is not short for Jacqueline.
The THREAD is about sex and thus the posts reflect it. Were the thread about people demanding public acclaim for their bank account choices perhaps the posts would discuss bank accounts. I suggest if you don’t want to address the topic of the thread or read other on topic posts, find another thread.

Since you are apparently not a Catholic, you don’t have the perspective as to the meaning of marriage within the Church. To me as a Catholic, the term “marriage” when used in the context of two males or two females is an oxymoron. They SS couple cannot by definition enter into a valid marriage. That they claim they “love” each other is irrelevant. One may not be able to or want to marry someone simply because you have a sexual attraction to them…

You have yet to address the actual topic and that is “the incest argument and same sex marriage.” A number of posters have indicated if SSM is accepted by the state and the courts is there any valid reason not to accept any other arrangement as long as the parties profess they “love” each other? I believe once “marriage” no longer has a unique meaning with unique and limited parameters (one man and one woman) then the state has no grounds to deny incestulous marriages, plural marriages or any other arrangement. That in my opinion is not a good thing for children, society or even the parties themselves.
Paternalism in parenting is a huge topic…Why is this relevant?
The relevance is in that, I assume, you and I both think human sexuality serves a purpose. I want to see where you and I diverge, and if, by any chance it might have some relevance to the topic at hand.

I guess what I’m really asking, if you want out with it, is: what do you think the restrictions on human sexuality should be, and why?
… so far you seem more interested in attacking gays and their marriages than understanding secular arguments against incest.🤷
Do not confuse me with Lisa and cena. I’m not attacking same-sex marriage only. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot more discrepancy between modern culture and Catholic teaching than just incest and gay marriage. Gay marriage, and the lack of arguments against incest, are just two manifestations of this among many.

And I wonder why this is, and if there’s any reconciling the two. Any common ground by which we might overcome the rift. This sort of response makes me think that, at least, you as dogmatic and rigid as what you think Catholics are. 😦
In any case, the point is that lacking any incestuous couples who want to marry we have no way to evaluate the health of their relationship. So your argument lacks yet another keystone.
I repeat, again, I’m not. I’m trying to find arguments against such a movement should it ever come up. Even if it never practically does.

If there is a real argument against incestuous marriage, it ought to rest on something other than pragmatism. Practicality and utilitarianism do not work well by themselves.
You don’t see a secular argument, which is a massive lacuna in your education in my opinion. I’ve outlined a couple here already. 🤷
If you could please repeat them, clearly and succinctly? I’m sorry, I’m a bit thick.
In other words it is a personal subjective view you want to impose on society. Yet you would object to others imposing their subjective views on you.
It may not be true for you. But it’s true for me that, objectively speaking, Christ rose from the dead. 😛 It’s a topic for another thread, Doc.
You made a specific, very explicit claim - that homosexual relationships never last long.
Alright. Because I should know better than to expect you to have common sense, let me rephrase that:

It is statistically improbable for a marital relationship of any kind, homosexual or heterosexual or bisexual or pansexual or whatever, based on “love” - meaning emotional and sexual attraction - to last as long as 10 years, much less the span of a human lifetime.

Happy? 😃

I also assume you have no response to the data on divorce, nor to objectum sexuality. Moving on.
you are just ignoring my point that banning same sex marriage imposes a greater burden on far more people than does banning incestuous marriage. For less reason. 🤷
And I could accuse you of refusing to acknowledge the feelings of both presently infatuated incestuous couples and of presently infatuated homosexual couples. In fact, you’re not even considering the feelings of presently-infatuated heterosexual couples. Should two straight people be allowed to marry each other just because they have an emotional and sexual “chemistry”, or attraction?

I say “no”. Wanna guess why?
“Two or more people coming together to form a new family unit, or the social, legal or religious recognition of that union.”
OK. Thank you for the clear, concise answer. 🙂 I mean that, now.

Now, what is “love”? Has the description I’ve been giving it, that is what I think the modern definition of it is within this context - that is, a chemical, emotional, and sexual attraction between two people - is sufficient?
‘Marriage’ again coming from a term originally coined by the state long before christianity, so if anyone has first dibs on the word it is not you lot!
Al Borland says: I don’t think so, Tim.

I am only, only using these links to show that, even though they would probably disagree with me as to the conclusion of what a marriage is, from what I’ve read they seem to agree marriage predates government and therefore laws. It’s an organic, one might even say natural part of human existence. Variants of it exist in other species, such as the polyandry of the queen bee, or the polygamy of the horse, or the lifelong monogamy of the swan.
I have, and you agreed with at least one! Namely that incestuous relationshps tend to be abusive. Is that not a good reason to discriminate against them?:confused:
Yes, but we have not defined what “abusive” means. We have in some cases, such as the parent forcing itself on a child. And that’s because it does psychological violence to a child, which is bad. But we have not established what that violence is, or whether any other activities that we would otherwise consider acceptable lead to that kind of violence. (For example, is precocious puberty a violence against a child?)

We also have not established that a consensual relationship, such as between an adult brother and a sister, or between first cousins, is abusive.

I am asking, not for a mere agreement, but something solidly logical to back up the emotions that tell us incest is wrong.

To your final “point”, once again, no, marriage pre-exists government. Actually, governments probably developed from marriages. From a small, primitive thing, to a bigger, more elaborate thing. Or didn’t you know I believe in evolution? I certainly never took you for a creationist, Dr. Taffy.
Paternalism in parenting is a huge topic, requiring at least a thread to itself - or even better that you go read a textbook on moral philosophy including a chapter at least on this. Why is this relevant?

I have made the assertion, and you have agreed with it. Indeed, you phrased it as “Well, duh” implying that you felt the assertion to be self evident.

But I have yet to provide specific evidence for this claim - although unlike you I have referenced a number of my claims - as you have shown no interest. Despite the title of this thread, so far you seem more interested in attacking gays and their marriages than understanding secular arguments against incest.🤷

In what way do I ‘criticise the existence’ of God, apart from not being convinced of it? How is this relevant? Why push for rights to incestuous marriage if you cannot find any incestuous couples who want to marry?

In any case, the point is that lacking any incestuous couples who want to marry we have no way to evaluate the health of their relationship. So your argument lacks yet another keystone.

Well, it is the only one you have presented so far. If you have another one, maybe you should shift to that?

You don’t see a secular argument, which is a massive lacuna in your education in my opinion. I’ve outlined a couple here already. 🤷

In other words it is a personal subjective view you want to impose on society. Yet you would object to others imposing their subjective views on you.

You made a specific, very explicit claim - that homosexual relationships never last long. I provided a concrete, referenced example of a homosexual relationship that has lasted 72 years!. How many counter-examples do you think are required to disprove an unsupported assertion? :rolleyes:

That is not a link - you are just ignoring my point that banning same sex marriage imposes a greater burden on far more people than does banning incestuous marriage. For less reason. 🤷

“Two or more people coming together to form a new family unit, or the social, legal or religious recognition of that union.”

‘Marriage’ again coming from a term originally coined by the state long before christianity, so if anyone has first dibs on the word it is not you lot!

I have, and you agreed with at least one! Namely that incestuous relationshps tend to be abusive. Is that not a good reason to discriminate against them?:confused:

As originally defined, which was done by the state, it is both of those.

You do realise that the Bible was originally written in neither english nor latin, so used neither the word ‘marriage’ nor its root?
“Health of their relationship” I don’t know what that means. How do homosexual couples check the health of their relationships?
Well homosexual sex often results in someone getting AIDS or an STD is that not a good reason to discriminate them? Homosexual relationships or really any relationship can be abusive.

Even in Ancient Greece where homosexual sex between men and boys was normal marriage was between a man and a woman. They valued marriage so much someone who committed adultery could receive the death penalty whereas a rapist would get a fine.
I believe once “marriage” no longer has a unique meaning with unique and limited parameters (one man and one woman) then the state has no grounds to deny incestulous marriages, plural marriages or any other arrangement. That in my opinion is not a good thing for children, society or even the parties themselves.
It will still have a unique meaning. Except it won’t be the one that you want. And it won’t be the one that your church recognises (although it will be, as it is now, recognised by a majority of its members).

That unique meaning will be a lifetime commitment made by two people (as opposed to a man and a woman) just the same as it is now. Except maybe they won’t describe the reason for their marriage as fatuous or thoughtless or inane (I still can’t believe you wrote that).

The unique meaning of marriage will still exclude close relatives (for reasons already given, although I’m sure you’d have a few of your own), people wanting to marry their pets (of whatever sex) or even fluffy toys or sex dolls or any other inanimate object.

Marriage used to be called holy matrimony. It was the joining together of two people in the eyes of God. Church wedding, virgin all in white, nervous groom, vows, promises to obey and a couple of relevant hymns.

Now, I don’t know where you’ve been these last few years, but things have changed. People get married at home, in parks, on boats, on the beach and (you’ll find this difficult to believe), there is no mention of God whatsoever!

Some people even get married who can’t have sex. Some people get married after they have had children. Some people are lifelong partners who never actually did get married.

At any one point during this process of the meaning of marriage changing, did you at any time cry out that this was just the start of that ol’ slippery slope? Did you at any time threaten that pretty soon, there would be polygamy, incest and bestiality rampant throughout Western Civilisation? Is there anything you can point to that might show us your concern for the traditional way of life at that time?

I doubt it, because life just went on as normal. People had sex before they got married and civilisation didn’t crumble. People ignored God when they got hitched and the sky didn’t fall. No-one started printing bumper stickers saying “I LOVE MY SISTER AND I VOTE”.

You will get support (albeit dwindling) in forums such as this. But in the great outdoors, where life is lived by normal, everyday people, worried about their mortgage or the kid’s education or the cost of a pint of milk you are very soon going to be seen as ‘that woman who is always on about sodomy’.
It bemuses me to have Christians, arguing against same sex marriage, suggesting that if we allow that we must allow incestuous marriages. They invariably go on to ask why they shouldn’t be allowed, as if they didn’t have any reasons of their own.

I would certainly hope that any given person could come up with some very good reasons, not the least being that any closely related couple already have a lifetime commitment to each other. Defined by the actual relationship, be it father, daughter, brother etc. It is frankly nonsensical to say that you would like a ceremony to announce to the world that you will always love your brother/son/mother. Which is what people do at weddings. Well, all the ones that I have attended in any case.

I would also like to think that any reasonable person would understand the particular relationship existing from birth between father, daughter, brother etc. It is not one entered into voluntarily by either party. It is automatic. It is not something that you consciously attempt to develop.

Which is not the same with non-related people who are attracted to each other. Then there is a conscious decision to develop the relationship in an attempt to get closer emotionally and, believe it or not, sexually. Developing the relationship is a means to an end.

Using the existing relationship between two siblings or a parent and a child as a means to a sexual end is an abuse of the existing relationship. Certainly with siblings and to a much greater extend with a parent and a child.

I don’t think anyone would complain that a psychiatrist or a medical doctor and her patient or a teacher and his pupil have a relationship that would be abused if either of the two used it for a sexual end. It’s illegal and for very good reasons indeed. The abuse would be that much greater if the relationship between parent and child or two siblings were to be similarly broken.
Beats me. And it beats me why you are so very much interested in other people’s sex lives as well. You don’t care about bank accounts or chores but you are constantly, and I mean constantly, referring to sex in all your posts.

This shows why you really don’t understand the situation you are finding yourself in. Like the song says, love and marriage go together. To have you write that basing marriage on love is ‘frivolous’ is an eye opener. Here are some synonyms for the word: inane, fatuous, shallow, thoughtless, superficial, non-serious.

Mum, Jack and I want to get married. We love each other so much.
Oh, don’t be so shallow, dear. What an inane and fatuous suggestion.

Let’s hope that Jack is not short for Jacqueline.
I agree that love isn’t a shallow reason to get married, but I would say it seems insuficient. What I don’t understand is why everyone is so insistent on getting married. There is no difference between before and after marriage, atleast in the way most people live. They don’t see it as a necessary prerequisite for having kids. It seems like a legal trap to me, in which a man is forced to give up half his wages if things don’t work out (which is the case about half the time).
It will still have a unique meaning. Except it won’t be the one that you want. And it won’t be the one that your church recognises (although it will be, as it is now, recognised by a majority of its members).

That unique meaning will be a lifetime commitment made by two people (as opposed to a man and a woman) just the same as it is now. Except maybe they won’t describe the reason for their marriage as fatuous or thoughtless or inane (I still can’t believe you wrote that).

The unique meaning of marriage will still exclude close relatives (for reasons already given, although I’m sure you’d have a few of your own), people wanting to marry their pets (of whatever sex) or even fluffy toys or sex dolls or any other inanimate object.

Marriage used to be called holy matrimony. It was the joining together of two people in the eyes of God. Church wedding, virgin all in white, nervous groom, vows, promises to obey and a couple of relevant hymns.

Now, I don’t know where you’ve been these last few years, but things have changed. People get married at home, in parks, on boats, on the beach and (you’ll find this difficult to believe), there is no mention of God whatsoever!

Some people even get married who can’t have sex. Some people get married after they have had children. Some people are lifelong partners who never actually did get married.

At any one point during this process of the meaning of marriage changing, did you at any time cry out that this was just the start of that ol’ slippery slope? Did you at any time threaten that pretty soon, there would be polygamy, incest and bestiality rampant throughout Western Civilisation? Is there anything you can point to that might show us your concern for the traditional way of life at that time?

I doubt it, because life just went on as normal. People had sex before they got married and civilisation didn’t crumble. People ignored God when they got hitched and the sky didn’t fall. No-one started printing bumper stickers saying “I LOVE MY SISTER AND I VOTE”.

You will get support (albeit dwindling) in forums such as this. But in the great outdoors, where life is lived by normal, everyday people, worried about their mortgage or the kid’s education or the cost of a pint of milk you are very soon going to be seen as ‘that woman who is always on about sodomy’.
Little of this is consistent and most of it is irrelevant. You say marriage will be a “lifetime committment between two people.” From your non-religious perspective, that’s just so much baloney. The state doesn’t make any reference to lifetime commitment. Nor does the state require love. Nor does the state require the marriage to be consummated or the parties to be physically able to consummate the marriage… For the state, “marriage” is basically you will share your stuff and support your children (if any). Some states have community property statutes, others do not. But for the state terms like “love” are irrelevant. You simply become one economic unit that lasts until the parties decide otherwise. Apparently you are unaware of the lack of a lifetime bond requirement in state marriages. Nothing about love either. Check your state statutes.

Catholic marriage, however does make reference to those requirements. If you marry in the Church, not only must the parties pledge to remain bonded for life but the ability to consummate the marriage and the openess to having children are also required. Thus from the perspective of the Church there are unique requirements and Catholic marriage is a unique state or as we call it, a vocation. Your flippant and ridiculous description of “holy matrimony” demonstrates you are unaware of the actual meaning of the term.

Further your breezily mention two people. Why? If the state considers marriage little more than a contract with certain financial implications, why not have more parties? You’ve provided no argument to support this assumption. Can’t three people love each other and under your claim, commit for life? How about four or five? Why limit the numbers if it’s all about “love.?” Further this argument has already been successfully advanced by a party using the SSM theory. Who is the state to decide it can only be two people?

Back to incest and again you’ve failed to provide any cogent argument not to open up “marriage” as you define it to brothers and sisters, parents and children, aunts and uncles or whatever combination you wish as long as there is “love” and a “bond for life.” The theories about genetic defects are bunk, particularly in the first generation. Further if the incestuous couple cannot have children (same sex, too young, too old, sterile) that makes the whole concern completely pointless as a restriction ot “marriage.”

As to marrying of pets or roller coasters, marriage for the state is basically a contract and both parties must have the capacity to contract. A roller coaster or a rabbit does not have such capacity.

Again, I truly don’t care who winds your clock. I just don’t think there is any reason to call something “marriage” if the term has no actual unique meaning. I’ve pointed out your grand assumptions regarding your definition that are easily debunked. The same arguments for SSM can be used for incestuous couples or plural marriage. Thus marriage has even less of a meaning than it has currently. I maintain this is not a good thing for the couple, any potential children or society.
Little of this is consistent and most of it is irrelevant. You say marriage will be a “lifetime committment between two people.” From your non-religious perspective, that’s just so much baloney. The state doesn’t make any reference to lifetime commitment. Nor does the state require love. Nor does the state require the marriage to be consummated or the parties to be physically able to consummate the marriage… For the state, “marriage” is basically you will share your stuff and support your children (if any). Some states have community property statutes, others do not. But for the state terms like “love” are irrelevant. You simply become one economic unit that lasts until the parties decide otherwise. Apparently you are unaware of the lack of a lifetime bond requirement in state marriages. Nothing about love either. Check your state statutes.

Catholic marriage, however does make reference to those requirements. If you marry in the Church, not only must the parties pledge to remain bonded for life but the ability to consummate the marriage and the openess to having children are also required. Thus from the perspective of the Church there are unique requirements and Catholic marriage is a unique state or as we call it, a vocation. Your flippant and ridiculous description of “holy matrimony” demonstrates you are unaware of the actual meaning of the term.

Further your breezily mention two people. Why? If the state considers marriage little more than a contract with certain financial implications, why not have more parties? You’ve provided no argument to support this assumption. Can’t three people love each other and under your claim, commit for life? How about four or five? Why limit the numbers if it’s all about “love.?” Further this argument has already been successfully advanced by a party using the SSM theory. Who is the state to decide it can only be two people?

Back to incest and again you’ve failed to provide any cogent argument not to open up “marriage” as you define it to brothers and sisters, parents and children, aunts and uncles or whatever combination you wish as long as there is “love” and a “bond for life.” The theories about genetic defects are bunk, particularly in the first generation. Further if the incestuous couple cannot have children (same sex, too young, too old, sterile) that makes the whole concern completely pointless as a restriction ot “marriage.”

As to marrying of pets or roller coasters, marriage for the state is basically a contract and both parties must have the capacity to contract. A roller coaster or a rabbit does not have such capacity.

Again, I truly don’t care who winds your clock. I just don’t think there is any reason to call something “marriage” if the term has no actual unique meaning. I’ve pointed out your grand assumptions regarding your definition that are easily debunked. The same arguments for SSM can be used for incestuous couples or plural marriage. Thus marriage has even less of a meaning than it has currently. I maintain this is not a good thing for the couple, any potential children or society.
To be perfectly blunt, a lifetime commitment is a stupid idea unless you have kids and you are religious. Otherwise it’s just a trap.
I agree that love isn’t a shallow reason to get married
It hasn’t always been the motivation behind a marriage. In times past people got married for other motivations including status, money, to avoid being single, … (and that could be found to occur in the present day too).
, but I would say it seems insuficient. What I don’t understand is why everyone is so insistent on getting married. There is no difference between before and after marriage, atleast in the way most people live.
I asked the same thing. Depending on one’s position in life it may be advantageous to the two people to get married because of the legal and financial benefits. For some it is disadvantageous to get married. Some have no immediate interest in becoming married but would like to have the unencumbered option should their minds change later. Some have been trained to see marriage as the highest declaration of a commitment that another can make. But not everyone shares this view.
They don’t see it as a necessary prerequisite for having kids. It seems like a legal trap to me, in which a man is forced to give up half his wages if things don’t work out (which is the case about half the time).
More specifically the higher wage earner may end up with higher financial liability. A previous manager of mine refused to marry her boyfriend because she was still paying alimony to her previous husband.

While there’s a **potential **liability to getting married there are also potential advantageous. It’s going to depend in part on the relationship that two people have with each other. Packaged in the status are some rights that are not available through any other means such as the person being the one other person with which certain private information can be shared without risk of being forced to disclose the information against the other. There are also some rights such as sharing health benefits that are not available otherwised based on employer policy. And there are situations that a couple may not have thought of before hand for which the status of “married” automatically gives the other person certain rights and considerations ahead of others.
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