Paternalism in parenting is a huge topic…Why is this relevant?
The relevance is in that, I assume, you and I both think human sexuality serves a purpose. I want to see where you and I diverge, and if, by any chance it might have some relevance to the topic at hand.
I guess what I’m really asking, if you want out with it, is: what do you think the restrictions on human sexuality should be, and why?
… so far you seem more interested in attacking gays and their marriages than understanding secular arguments against incest.
Do not confuse me with Lisa and cena. I’m not attacking same-sex marriage only. In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot more discrepancy between modern culture and Catholic teaching than just incest and gay marriage. Gay marriage, and the lack of arguments against incest, are just two manifestations of this among many.
And I wonder why this is, and if there’s any reconciling the two. Any common ground by which we might overcome the rift. This sort of response makes me think that, at least, you as dogmatic and rigid as what you think Catholics are.
In any case, the point is that lacking any incestuous couples who want to marry we have no way to evaluate the health of their relationship. So your argument lacks yet another keystone.
I repeat, again, I’m not. I’m trying to find arguments against such a movement should it ever come up. Even if it never practically does.
If there is a real argument against incestuous marriage, it ought to rest on something other than pragmatism. Practicality and utilitarianism do not work well by themselves.
You don’t see a secular argument, which is a
massive lacuna in your education in my opinion. I’ve outlined a couple here already.
If you could please repeat them, clearly and succinctly? I’m sorry, I’m a bit thick.
In other words it is a personal subjective view you want to impose on society. Yet you would object to others imposing their subjective views on you.
It may not be true for you. But it’s true for me that, objectively speaking, Christ rose from the dead.

It’s a topic for another thread, Doc.
You made a specific, very explicit claim - that homosexual relationships never last long.
Alright. Because I should know better than to expect you to have common sense, let me rephrase that:
It is statistically improbable for a marital relationship of any kind, homosexual or heterosexual or bisexual or pansexual or
whatever, based on “love” - meaning emotional and sexual attraction - to last as long as 10 years, much less the span of a human lifetime.
I also assume you have no response to the data on divorce, nor to objectum sexuality. Moving on.
you are just ignoring my point that banning same sex marriage imposes a greater burden on far more people than does banning incestuous marriage. For less reason.
And I could accuse you of refusing to acknowledge the feelings of both presently infatuated incestuous couples and of presently infatuated homosexual couples. In fact, you’re not even considering the feelings of presently-infatuated heterosexual couples. Should two straight people be allowed to marry each other just because they have an emotional and sexual “chemistry”, or attraction?
I say “no”. Wanna guess why?
“Two or more people coming together to form a new family unit, or the social, legal or religious recognition of that union.”
OK. Thank you for the clear, concise answer.

I mean that, now.
Now, what is “love”? Has the description I’ve been giving it, that is what I
think the modern definition of it is within this context - that is, a chemical, emotional, and sexual attraction between two people - is sufficient?
‘Marriage’ again coming from a term originally coined by the state long before christianity, so if anyone has first dibs on the word it is not you lot!
Al Borland says: I don’t think so, Tim.
I am only,
only using these links to show that, even though they would probably disagree with me as to the conclusion of what a marriage is, from what I’ve read they seem to agree marriage predates government and therefore laws. It’s an organic, one might even say natural part of human existence. Variants of it exist in other species, such as the polyandry of the queen bee, or the polygamy of the horse, or the lifelong monogamy of the swan.
have, and you agreed with at least one! Namely that incestuous relationshps tend to be abusive. Is that not a good reason to discriminate against them?
Yes, but we have not defined what “abusive” means. We have in some cases, such as the parent forcing itself on a child. And that’s because it does psychological violence to a child, which is bad. But we have not established what that violence is, or whether any other activities that we would otherwise consider acceptable lead to that kind of violence. (For example, is precocious puberty a violence against a child?)
We also have not established that a consensual relationship, such as between an adult brother and a sister, or between first cousins, is abusive.
I am asking, not for a mere agreement, but something solidly logical to back up the emotions that tell us incest is wrong.
To your final “point”, once again, no, marriage pre-exists government. Actually, governments probably developed from marriages. From a small, primitive thing, to a bigger, more elaborate thing. Or didn’t you know I believe in evolution? I certainly never took you for a creationist, Dr. Taffy.