Most of the things you mention are not in the documents of Vatican II.
How has communion in the hand, lay ministers of the eucharist, physically active participation, women lectors/altar servers, complete vernacularization, removal of altar rails, fasting laxity, priest facing the people, the disuse of gregorian chant, and modern church design
Let’s take communion in the hand - it is by special Indult and is not the normative in all countries.
Complete vernacularization was never the intent.
There was no instruction to remove altar rails.
Fasting laxity began before Vatican II.
The N.O. Mass can be said entirely in Latin.
Gregorian chant is still encouraged, not discouraged
Female altar servers is also by indult
And nowhere did it say to turn Churches into auditorium, rip out the kneelers, discard confessionals and toss all the statuary in the dump pile.
All these changes and/or abuses came about AFTER Vatican II and were not the intent of Vatican II.
The priest facing the people, I agree was a big mistake, especially during the Eucharistic Prayer and it seems Cardinal Ratzinger agrees -
Somehow the rule of “give an inch take a mile” seemed to be liberallly applied after Vatican II and many things have been done in the name of Vatican II which never should have occurred.
This said, I agree that one who objects to these practices, whatever caused them, will find the Tridentine Mass more satisfying and I am one of those.