<<A bit off topic, but many people, Catholic and not happily volunteer their methods of contraception or sterilization, even in mixed groups!
What?! Did I ask if you’d had your tubes tied??? Did I need to be told that your husband has had a vasectomy?
Maybe this is better for another thread, but I always struggle with anything I can possibly say after someone has announced these sins (as though it’s perfectly normal and acceptable).
Any ideas how to respond to those kind of remarks? They’re especially damaging when coming from “Catholics.” >>
There isn’t really much to say. If they’re saying these things maliciously or proudly, they’re either going to challenge your POV or use all sorts of arguments to try to prove their point, and they aren’t going to want to listen to even the most charitable words. You can usually (but not always) tell these people because they tend to be very extremist, given to blanket statements, outright hostility to the church, etc.
If they’re saying them because they’re ignorant (of Catholic teaching and/or of good manners
), you have what’s called a “teachable moment”. And then it depends on you and that individual, and whether you have, or will have, some long-term relationship (a potential relative, a co-worker, a friend of a friend), or whether this is just somebody who sat down next to you on a bus and started in out of jolly cameraderie with all mankind.
If this is someone you might be able to have more extensive long term interaction, you could say something like, “That must have been a very thought provoking or difficult decision for you.” If they start in with how they’ve been against the church ever since, you can steer away with, “I’d like to talk more about this later to give you the attention you deserve”, and then prepare yourself with whatever might help put across your POV. Go slowly, think charitable thoughts, focus on charitable things (like with abortion, you can bring up “Rachel’s Vineyard”) and if it looks like a stalemate, be sure that your last words are very, very loving. It could just be that those words of love will plant the seed of repentance. YOU may never see the results, but love and prayer, we know, can and do work miracles. IMO.