The Jerusalem Bible

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Apparantly St. Jerome “found” it in his third century “Greek” manuscripts,otherwise it would not have been in the Latin Vulgate,the “Official” and "only " Bible our Catholic Chuch used for 1500 years.
I did some additional research, and yes, there was a change; the words “In Heaven” were added between the words “testify” and “the Spirit” in the Sixto-Clementine Vulgate, but by a decree of the Holy Office (2 June 1927), it clarified an earlier decree that had pronounced in favor of the authenticity of the passage, explaining that the purpose had not been to inhibit the critical study of the text but to safeguard the teaching authority of the Church (EB 136; DS 3681-82).

That’s what I love about being Catholic!!

EB Enchiridion biblicum (4th ed:; Naples and Rome, 1961)DS H. Denzinger and A. Schönmetzer, Enchiridion symbolorum (32nd and later ed.; Freiburg, 1963). Cf. DB
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