The Last Judgment

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What will the Last Judgment look like?

It will all be about God’s mercy and justice.

Look at the person who just squeaks into heaven or squeaks in hell.
  1. Jeffrey Daumer was baptized in prison. Or the person who does awful things but clings to the confessional only from fear of hell but doesn’t care about Jesus at all.
  2. How about the atheist who lives humanely but rejects Jesus?
So at the Last Judgment: Jesus will show His mercy and His justice. Those who accept Jesus and those who rejected Him.
The criteria used in judging people at the Last Judgment is not that much of a mystery. It is very clearly stated in Matthew 25 31-46. The verses say nothing about atheists or about those who care about Jesus.

The main criteria is whether you care about ‘the least of these’:
Everyone will be judged on whether they want to feed the hungry, care for the sick, care for the poor, are welcoming to strangers and if they want to alleviate the suffering of those in prison - you have to do this for all who need it, but especially the least - the marginalized sections of society.

It very much looks like Jesus foresaw the exact same issues that are being fought over today (particularly in the US) - healthcare for the needy, food for the poor, rights of immigrants (legal and illegal) and a massive unjust, prison population.
The criteria used in judging people at the Last Judgment is not that much of a mystery. It is very clearly stated in Matthew 25 31-46. The verses say nothing about atheists or about those who care about Jesus.

The main criteria is whether you care about ‘the least of these’:
Everyone will be judged on whether they want to feed the hungry, care for the sick, care for the poor, are welcoming to strangers and if they want to alleviate the suffering of those in prison - you have to do this for all who need it, but especially the least - the marginalized sections of society.

It very much looks like Jesus foresaw the exact same issues that are being fought over today (particularly in the US) - healthcare for the needy, food for the poor, rights of immigrants (legal and illegal) and a massive unjust, prison population.
The only way to the Father is through the Son. Good works will not save you. But by all means try.
The only way to the Father is through the Son. Good works will not save you. But by all means try.
Sure the only way to the Father is through the Son, so did the Son come and tell you that he won’t save me? If you think that the Son prefers you in any way, you are sadly suffering from delusions.

BTW, good works may not save you, but not doing any good works will definitely condemn you.

So as specified in Matthew 25 31-46:
  • if you are for taking healthcare away from the needy
  • if you are for taking food programs away from the hungry
  • if you are for evicting strangers/immigrants from your neighborhood
  • if you do not care about the many people in prison
your fate may already have been sealed.
The only way to the Father is through the Son. Good works will not save you.
Good works do not bring a person into a state of justification.

But if a person is in a state of justification - they can loose that state of justification via mortal sin - including mortal sins of omission.

And one is to live in love - to do good - to live according to the state they are now in…
This year on Palm Sunday while reading the the Passion I began to wonder if the last Judgement would take us each back to where Jesus was judged by the Priests, Pilot, and the assembly of people. It has been stated that this moment is the pivotal moment for all of time. We are also to believe that each time we take the Holy Eucharist that we are partaking the Pascal Mysteries with Jesus as his body. Would not then our actions be judged individually, with a priest, and to the assembly of people whom our live affected? Would not the JUDGEMENT Jesus endured be our own?
This year on Palm Sunday while reading the the Passion I began to wonder if the last Judgement would take us each back to where Jesus was judged by the Priests, Pilot, and the assembly of people. It has been stated that this moment is the pivotal moment for all of time. We are also to believe that each time we take the Holy Eucharist that we are partaking the Pascal Mysteries with Jesus as his body. Would not then our actions be judged individually, with a priest, and to the assembly of people whom our live affected? Would not the JUDGEMENT Jesus endured be our own?
Adding to my train of thoughts, The Sacrament of Reconciliation is preparing us for individual judgement and governing judgements. However, we do not get much reconciliation on judgement with assemblies. I remember an Irish Priest stating to “thank the Irish because confessions used to be made in public”. Wow how much strength it would take to stand before your spouces , children, parents, siblings, friends and admit some of our sins. We know. God is all forgiving, but mankind is just like the assembly that was yelling “Crucify Him” at Jesus’ trial.

We also believe we are called to be an assembly of saints … And I can only hope they will call to free me when I come to the assembly for judgement.
  1. How about the atheist who lives humanely but rejects Jesus?
How can an atheist such as I reject someone or something I don’t believe exists? :confused:

Not in the sense of being Divine and the Second Person of the Trinity.

If there is a God, and that God is the God of Christianity, I think on Judgment Day you’re going to be very surprised at the number of atheists sitting at His right hand 😛

Sarah x 🙂
How can an atheist such as I reject someone or something I don’t believe exists? :confused:

Not in the sense of being Divine and the Second Person of the Trinity.

If there is a God, and that God is the God of Christianity, I think on Judgment Day you’re going to be very surprised at the number of atheists sitting at His right hand 😛

Sarah x 🙂
You should earnestly beseech God sincerely to show you the truth.

It is called passive reprobation.
You should earnestly beseech God sincerely to show you the truth.

It is called passive reprobation.
I have.


I have prayed, read, meditated, reflected and studied with an earnest, open heart and mind.


I remain as convinced as ever that God is a human construct, often used to serve a political purpose.

While I do not believe there will be a Last Judgment, for me or anyone else, if I’m wrong I’m also not worried.

I have not found any evidence compelling, I have lived my life according to my conscience (for the most part :eek:) and have done far more good than ill in this world.

If that’s not sufficient to get a pass … 🤷

Sarah x 🙂
I have.


I have prayed, read, meditated, reflected and studied with an earnest, open heart and mind.


I remain as convinced as ever that God is a human construct, often used to serve a political purpose.

While I do not believe there will be a Last Judgment, for me or anyone else, if I’m wrong I’m also not worried.

I have not found any evidence compelling, I have lived my life according to my conscience (for the most part :eek:) and have done far more good than ill in this world.

If that’s not sufficient to get a pass … 🤷

Sarah x 🙂
Then I will pray for you Sarah. 🙂
. . . I have prayed, read, meditated, reflected and studied with an earnest, open heart and mind. . . . Nothing. . . I remain as convinced as ever that God is a human construct, often used to serve a political purpose. . . I have lived my life according to my conscience (for the most part :eek:) and have done far more good than ill in this world. . . .
Had we met and had this discussion in a passing social situation, I likely would have let it go.
Seeing that you have gone out of your way to give voice to your experience on this forum, here are my :twocents::

Approaching God with an open heart means exactly that, surrendering one’s mind and heart to Him.
To speak of human constructs implies a psycho-sociological approach, rather than an immersion in scripture and participation in His church.
Doing the former, one encounters God. One has to walk the walk to know the talk.

It is pretty clear to everyone who takes such matters seriously that what the church seeks is to assist people in their spiritual growth.
It is a matter of acting in accordance with His will; any societal change which follows, would reflect changes in persons.

Conscience to me involves my relationship with God. As you observe - :eek:
It is very difficult to discern what is good and what is evil, given our ignorance, our tendency to lie to ourselves, and the influence of worldly societal values.
Conscience needs to be informed and grows through the graces of the Holy Spirit and our experiences in life.

I am interested in how you conceptualize the nature of “conscience” and the “good” which it seeks.
Seeing that you have gone out of your way to give voice to your experience on this forum, here are my :twocents::

In what way have I ‘‘gone out of my way’’ :confused:

Is responding to a post, or sharing an experience on a public forum going out of one’s way?
It is pretty clear to everyone who takes such matters seriously that what the church seeks is to assist people in their spiritual growth.
I have no doubt about this.

Are you saying I was not serious in my attempts to pray and seek God?
As you observe - :eek:
It is very difficult to discern what is good and what is evil, given our ignorance, our tendency to lie to ourselves, and the influence of worldly societal values.
I don’t think it is. It is usually very clear.

What’s difficult is always following what our conscience is telling us is the right thing to do.
Conscience needs to be informed and grows through the graces of the Holy Spirit and our experiences in life.
Yes I’m aware. The Catholic Church speaks of the obligation to always work to form and keep formed one’s conscience.
I am interested in how you conceptualize the nature of “conscience” and the “good” which it seeks.
Humans have evolved to be social empathetic animals.

It’s rooted in that.

Sarah x 🙂
Have you noticed that Jesus Christ can love and most men cannot?
No I haven’t.

Most people I know are kind loving generous people.

Most people I’ve met have been kind loving generous people.

In my own family history are people who have given their lives for others.

I also know from the experiences of others that most people, not all, but most people they too encounter are kind loving generous people.

This leads me to conclude that indeed most people, anywhere you care to name, are kind, loving and generous

I’m not sure if I’m missing the point you’re trying to make :confused:

Sarah x 🙂
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