**In my opinion, and it is not much of one either.
I think the Legionaires are the Pope’s new Spiritual Army.
It used to be the Jesuits, but they decided to betray the Pope instead of promoting and defending him.
I guess they feel they need to get back at Pope Clement for betryaing them hundreds of years ago.
As far as Maciel, I cannot for the life of me believe that grown men in their 60’s would accuse him if it were not true.
Grown men do not want to be known as having been molested. If I were molested by a catholic priest, I would get it out along with any and all other baggage I had with a psychologist and move on. I would never tell anyone else.
This would be way too humiliating for me.
I could never say I had a sexual encounter with another man much less a priest.
For grown men to attract negative attention upon themselves is beyond me. Especially men in the autum of their years. I cant see it.
I could be wrong, but Men just do not publically humiliate themselves like that for no reason.
I still respect and love the Legionaires and it leader, but I believe those old men were not lying. I could see one person making that up, but not a half dozen old men.